Thursday, June 23, 2011

"Were you ever in the military?"

No, but why did I just figure out what these particular Soldier Boys were doing? I'm bored. It's like those U.K. ships. Doing a little spying, soldier? Not many guns, odd the Goebel. See the guys in the middle? They are in charge. The tall one on the left could have been me. I cropped-out the rest of the intel troops in the foreground who were busy hiding and/or fixin' to burn documents and stuff. Other soldiers were digging-in with rockets and shit in case "Gooks" arrive before they can get their crashed "Spy Chopper" pulled out of there. Ken-Ken, don't get excited. It was on Google--not secret at all.

I've crashed it many times.All Drugboys/Thugboys/Potheads/"Tweekers"/Robo-Spies and spoiled rotten not disabled ca wack-jobs may listen to my stand-up routine, but not CNN & FOX. Not yet. Who did I hear coming yesterday? Johnny & Kenny, listen up! I was sitting at the puzzle table. It's the ears, not "Martian Chronicles," and Dr. Cornelius needs to "irrigate," or clean the #hit out of them, boys. Even with that problem, I heard it coming. Government helicopter! I ran out on the mafia patio, and as it went east over the Sunday "White Trash Dinner" site, I exclaimed, "I saw 'ya!"

Okay girls, let's go back in time and "do it." BTW, I am raising that airplane off the bottom of Lake Mead. Yes I am, you nosy asshole!

"What is wrong? It's the turbine. Radio? No. This is just a...oh damn. Why is it...? CLICK-CLACK. What the...? C-mon...c'mon. No, no, no. damn. How far is it to...? Nah, this will do it. What? that can't be. SNAP-SNAP. Aw, no, I am not, not, I'm not. The golf course. I'll just...what is causing the....? WHIRR-WHIRR. Maybe I, no time. This cannot be. This is not the way I...who's house is that? I've got to get the <BANG> fairway and...what? Aw shit! What am I going to tell them when this goddamn plane is...just a little more...oh, shit!!!" BOOM!

BOOM! BOOM! [those are fuel tanks blowing, son]

"Hi, I'm William Hughes."

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