Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why I Blog

First, don't blame me, blame him.

"I am nuts. I am on SSI. I hate Hughes, but I don't talk much. I will get high. I will kick. I will yell. I will scratch myself. I love my 'cuckoo dish.' The flying saucers are coming for real. Why is Hughes resisting the flying saucers/triangles? I need some more weed. We will wait until he starves to death. Then, the e.t.'s will come."
Does Ken-Ken have to make "mafia noises?" Not a justifiable homicide? Why would I blog it? Open & shut case, sir. (But I am a "nice guy," right "Robo-Mafia?" What is a "Raytheon?" MY MISSILES, that's what). Mark K., is that my digital photo on
Nah, because my image did not have the local spy guy I cropped out in it, and it's kinda blurry. What files did they bring out? Me? Fall for that one? Not even in 2007! Not even before Chinafornia! (DOJ, I want a polo shirt before I fire your asses). Excuse me, I'm "bipolar," and not running for anything, save maybe Palin's campaign manager at this rate of not much progress.

"He what? He passes all background checks? Everything? He peed in a bottle and he's clean? No pharmaceuticals, for how long? One or two cigs a day? How does he do that? No alcohol? The young chick who was in porno flicks didn't work? Jesus! What? Get to the lab first if he does that again! Find some dirty piss, quick! I know a guy with the county who can..."

What's the "giveaway" on the big 1969 show, ca kooks? Far easier to drive from Lambert than put on a really big show from Scott AFB. They left my thumbprint on it? How thoughtful! My impression is, we need a Civil War 2.0 because of the kind of "people" who live out by Dick's library, but not so much in the case of Ronald's.What do I still say of that day? "Coolest show I've ever seen." And, I can do it better. Duck! Here it comes! BANG--BANG. Excuse me, that was not a gun, it was the mike stand over your head. Could somebody call 911, please?

"He can't talk like that! My Uncle Fester is a lawyer. I'm calling him on my little slate made out of Hughes' oil right now. We can get him in touble for something or other. I was in the Navy, man. People might see that shit and, uh, like wreck our racket. Did they move the still? Where are we uh, yeah, well, I got some more. How many plants? Harvest isn't done? We need more cash! The usual snitches are helping this fucker. Well, sure he's all that, but..."

Did I work at Shell? Why did I quit? "We" all know "Scott" from Terra Haute, Indiana was doing the drive-up pot sales, while I got bitched at for slamming the hood of Pimpmobiles too hard after...what? Checking the oil? ARE YOU ALL GETTING INDICTED AND GOING TO MARION, ILLINOIS? Yes, you are, Goebel nuts. To the super-duper "black hole" prison? That bad? Not until I get in there? I thought I quit. I did quit. And, SHERYL, ANGELA, and the man for Jamaica at 5300 Arsenal did the same damn thing? "Hill Street Blues? can you keep up, ca spies. See, you were not told much. Therefore, I can get all Brendan Hughes "omerta" too, but I won't. I'm too good a public speaker, you horse's ass.

"We've got it right here. Up at Mister Donut selling pot! Stuck in the car wash? That's when the LSD got sold. We didn't fall for that! We have the same name as a former CIA director. We are smart. We saw him selling LSD right before  George's band played. KSHE guys with a gun to theri backs will sell the story in...what? That's the real government out there? Charlie gave them what? He what? Bill's gonna get killed, right? No? He's what? He's coming back here?" KNOCK, KNOCK.

Do they have to knock? Can't they go "Jack In The Box" on them? [ca kooks, you can't keep up. Why not go away and stay away. Oh, that's right, I'm leaving. Better dremand to fax DOJ, or the "cops" are coming. What excitement for Ken-Ken's & Ben-Ben's!]

Me? Spy? Never. That said, here in "Worse Than Orwell-land," old cia's who bailed in 2004 & 2005 loved my big digital file blow-up of the security camera & light. Oh, I'm wrong? Who walks by our hacked by neo-Nazis Computer Lab and says, "Thanks," "Hi buddy," and all of that crap? May I call a lawyer now? How about old Lanny? Why bother, when it's almost like "B-Team" is protecting "POTUS darkus." Who are you? Who gives a shit? Not me. NO CRIMES, NO MENTAL DISORDER, NO SPYING, NO BLACKMAIL. Therefore, YOU ARE SCREWED!!! (Big -Time). Concrete posts? I'd remove them from the White House and remain attentive to Fox News for just how "crazy" I truly am. Oh, you'd rather have ten "9/11" events in one day? Don't say I did it! Don't want any help? I'll see 'ya in the pub, sonny boy, and you'd better, as I often say, "Act right."

ANSWER KEY: I blog to make them attachments to court documents. This will never happen? Have you considered ordering survivalist gear & freeze-dried food on-line? Good! Somebody is watching you.

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