Friday, June 17, 2011

Bronx Bombers: What's the lame plot this Fall on Fox? Lifetime? History Channel?

Is this "mess" ever worse than I thought. So, "we" are all going to follow the law scrupulously as the big "takeover" proceeds. I can do it, too. Did I mention to all  KEN-KEN'S & BEN-BEN'S that I am the money, the oil, the political genius? Where's Sarah's bus? Newtster needs some help. I work cheap. Killing humanoid robots? Not my style. Didn't Woody make a movie like that? Too bad it's real out here on the Left Coast. Gotta go, because it is your left wing constantly trying to kill my ass. Ask any "Davos Dude" in the know.

Mafia took over? Military took over? I thought I was joking when I claimed the president only decides where his plane goes to beg for help. Hey, worthless Department of Justice. I am no longer allowed to listen to WGBH in Boston? Tea party? Are you nuts? I know who designed the "Doomsday Plane" Bush was not allowed to use on September 11, 2001. Have I viewed the video of him sweating at Barksdale? Not yet. I'm just a "bit" busy. I can't help it if some of my "associates" were flying around deaf & dumb watching a fuzzy TV screen in VC-25A that day. I know who they are? Let's "Call the cops" and amuse them.

Circling around to the photo of Jerry, what's wrong with it? Kinda looks like that room in the White House. You know the one. Maybe Jerry is a little delusional, but then again, he did just veto that bogus budget. What are they fighting about? Local governments in Chinafornia want to keep what I, William C. Hughes would call "slush funds." I demonstrated to Tom K. with an extra-huge Stan's donut by saying, "This is big."

What is so big, Mr. Big? Minds read. No freedom, at least not in the Magna Carta onward sense. In my case, the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER has a mysteriously well-funded rack full of info on programs, services, and agencies that won't do a damn thing for the disabled and/or downtrodden. May I have another e-mail box to nowhere, Mike?

Did a young guy answer a question of mine without asking? Yes. What question? How do you sell illegal drugs under cameras, and with little automaton robots watching, watching, watching? He showed me. Where am I going? The "Show Me State." No? Would you like to step outside and get justifiably homicided? On the topic, Rachel, I am wondering why my favorite public computer keyboard has warped. And, the songs I guess we're using in blowing all candidates for office out of the water videos keep playing over and over.

Conspiracy? Not mine. What was that "error message" on all browsers trying to listen to the maybe accurate news from Boston? Gosh, they are coming from all over the world to transform WW III into something you did not think would happen. Please, if I'm strong-armed back in, do not attend the rally if you are under 19 or over 89, even though 18 year-old persons are permitted to vote, as you would say either, "The music is too old," or "The music is too loud." "We" don't need that.


That's enough. I gotta send an e-mail to nowhere, like what someone I know used to call "mental masturbation." I really do need to get to Bourne, and I don't mean the spy movie. Please refrain from inserting the word "in" on my screen. I am not in anything. I used to be in the National Association of Social Workers. My membership lapsed. So did AAA Auto Club. I will rectify that. Your ass will sit in prison. Am I making enough sense? Thanks.You are "out to lunch." You are not human. Maybe you will be considered like blacks early in American history. A portion of your rights intact. Three-fifths a person? One third? I'm open to suggestions.
[Not in People Magazine Notes: Today's mind-reading hacker put the name of a female whose 1970's fashion sense is on display at the Go Bell today. Why do I holler, "This shit ain't new!"? One time, we tried to find a bar on Choteau any money? Get outta my face, you queer! More operatives where there are two of them? Why do I catch you all? Because I am the real V, logically descended from IV. I did not know that. And, I love the Star Trek episodes where there are two Kirk's. Shoot! Shoot! Every generation. They did it to Picard, too. TREATMENT PLAN: IL Food Stamps. Shop 'n Save. Sexual intercourse. The "welfare office" is by the steel mill. Chief Miller is waiting. No? Surely you jest. That n-word only applies to Cali-fornia].

As Alfred said, "What? Me worry?" What do eggs cost? I don't get out much.

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