Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Not At War?

How long does it take you to get on the Soldier Boy's Internet?

Got a cough? Better be productive, right "Beaton?"

31? What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean?

Who is Rupert Murdoch? George Soros? Two losers!
What was that song by the Monkees? Yum, yum. Meet me in Saint Louie, Louie. And, by the way, where's Goebel's "Louie?" So mafia! Yes, I said mafia! Don't worry, no .gov agents will call. It's that what, robo-Ken-Ken? Robo-mafia! Robo-soldiers! "Perfect Soldiers?" Thanks for the "coincidence." No, dumbass, it was/is a clue.

EXTRA-LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Mister Hughes will slide on over to for some actual content, because Mountain View is apparently getting lots of maifia lawyer legal advice. Half-hour to log-on? Half-hour to make the computer work correctly? Time for Go Bell "Computer Class!" Mafia, USA? No class, and so ----ed. A good old-fashioned ---ing? Am I from Missouri? Yes. Do I look like a terrorist? Not yet. Spykids, look for the Secret Service Girl's simple signs on the "other blog." Later. Right now, I need another cup of coffee. I make it myself in the microwave.

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