Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Quantitative Easing?" POTUS Be Sleazy

What happens when Royals sleep late behind public buildings in California on Sunday? A guy who sounded like he traveled all the way from Huntsville, AL rode up on his bicycle, and asked, "Is that Bobby?" From under Jim & Andrea's gray blanket, I simply said, "Nope."

Later "Field Dental Surgery" was completed with nary a drop of blood spilled as part of more Chinafornia TORTURE, thanks to Arnold (R-CA) and Jerry (D-CA). This is the money talking. This is your fucking oil talking. A pox upon both of these scumbags.

Yet through the haze/fog/smog/Mafia fartgas/ at least one human being said, "You can do whatever you want." One word: BULLCRAP. Why am I so sure? A rather obvious mafioso parrot said the same thing tho morning, and PatriCIA said it when I quit the IHOP for good in 1978. Not much changes when you're the real James Bond's grandson, and did not know it. As for William IV knowing he was, as he spied upon the great garbage capitalists who "built this nation," and me not knowing a damn thing, I take it as it lies, and spies lie constantly.

Ladies and gentlemen, if the "Big Story" here is real, which I have plenty of evidence it is, that is why it was not "psy-op" when the British Airways Captain, upon nearing LAX said it as well. "We can do anything we want," he said. Brit bullcrap! And, where is TONY BLAIR so I may strangle that [EXPLETIVE DELETED] to death. I care more about what town drunk of renown "Bobby" said when he remarked on--hold on to your crowns--07.01.2010, "I believe in such things."

People (if that's what you are), the entire community chanting "He's crazy" won't get it done. Let us review, Thousand Oaks librarians:
GEORGE III = BRAIN DISEASE, not "mental disorder"
WILLIAM IV = Admiral, King, and Royal Spy
HOWARD SR. = Gambler and Oilman
HOWARD JR. = Aviator, Movie Director, Spy
CHARLES = "Deep Cover Charlie"
WILLIAM V = That's me. Any questions?
{Please speak "The King's English. Foreign tongues, colors, numbers, scratching, "secret codes" and gesticulation of all varieties will be totally IGNORED. 

May I have a job? Only one area of "genius," kooks. Politics. Don't be shy! Who wants to be President of the United States? As mafias say, "I'll take care of you," and they also say, "I'll fuck you up." "We" could go either way on this crass thuggery, usa. And you "extra-sensory critters," sheriff snitches, and the sorry-assed cops all know what I say to an empty park I was paying for, until someone cut the cash off to you murdering nutcases.

I plan on crashing-in the Bildeberg Hotel, behaving very unreasonably in the company of super-elite blood-sucking smooth criminals, with my dirty olive green sweatpants on, which I may save, creeps, and exactly what do you plan on doing about it?Reinventing myself as a "Davos Dude?" Hey buddy, that's no problem, because this is the real one.

Mighty quiet in here, Jill.

Meantime, since "we" like cream and sugar in our tea, all idiots would be well-advised to stand down and not follow me to Massachusetts. And now, a PREVIEW OF COMING ATTRACTIONS:

"You've gotta do it."
"I don't have time." 
"You're doing it."
"Oh no, that line worked for grandpa."
"Why not?"
"Sorry, I'm telling 'ya. I quit."

"We'll get killed."
"Sorry. I gotta go to..."
"He said what?"
"We could, uh, like take turns."
"You first."
"Me first?"
"What did I just tell you!"
"Who are those guys in the 2004 Suburban?"
"You gotta be kidding."

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