Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Feel Safe? I Do (Sort Of)

Google has reminded me "they" are going to take away your guns. Thanks, I don't have one. Don't need one (yet). Am I still a dreaded "liberal?" I think so. Gun rights? Deporting illegals? Shut up! #uck you! What? We are spies. We are deaf.

"Airline pilot? Why, that's like a glorified bus driver."
- Steve Walde, 1974

"No need to speak about it on our frequency, there's...[LAUGH]
- JFK Tower

"ATC? That's kind of like the police scanner."
- Nameless (typically) Goebel Senior Adult Center Patron

"They" nearly did it again at JFK, and do not dare try to blame me, Mr. President.

"IT'S A BIPOLAR WORLD" - Vladimir Putin
Vlad, buddy, we need to talk after Moscow cools off, if 'ya get what I mean. HERE IT COMES, CAPTAIN. Two big airplanes full of people are going to collide soon. Mr. Hughes likes to be wrong, but is not incorrect often enough. As a ca critter I call "Scummy Navy" departs, another free story. The community is Dellwood, Missouri. The year is 1959? 1960? The relatives are playing Jarts. Two LOCKHEED CONSTELLATIONS are overhead. Little Billy says, "Hey, I hope they hit and crash!" Uncle Jim shouted. "Don't ever say that again!" Why? One is being flown by Grandpa Howard Hughes, Jr., and do not argue with me spies, or I'll.....
Say I knew all of that prior to JUNE, 2007, and I'll.....

What was the date on KLM & PAN AM having a bad, bad, day? "To Seven (007) Seven Seven." Did I say Pan Am was CIA? Yes. Does "General Dickhead" want to argue? He knows where I am. When did I graduate from college? 1977? Did you, dumbass? Mafia, we are having a war (armed conflict) if you think you are going to keep my photo of "Bob & Helen" in front of IRWIN HALL, in St. Charles, Missouri. Who was the commencement speaker? LESLIE STAHL of CBS. Facts. They kill spies better than firearms. Who's Bob? Who's Helen? F-you and the horse you are riding.

"The plane flies itself. Why did the end up in the ocean? It's a Manchurian event. They're being controlled somehow."
KEN-KEN Classified  Source: The Atlantic

"Those damn Germans! Tear down that wall? Goddamn it, I'll ---- Berlin! That ought to do it!"
KEN-KEN Classified Source: ITN

TINAMARIE & William (06.25.11)
"You need to make it shorter." "You need to move faster."
KEN-KEN Classified Source: Personal Communication. What? Private speech? This is in violation of T.O. Ordinance Number...

I am not saying what her T-shirt said, Klaus. Nor am I disclosing what color it was. It's not about me? I am not at liberty to say what she said at the Dollar Tree checkout. As for the Great American Family (GAF) "bumping" me out of the way to avoid further discussion, been there, done that, but I did not know why you would be so damn rude. They will be in the front pew on Sunday, right Sarah? Right Michelle? Right GOP?
So mafia!!!

*For the record, Egypt was trying to "hit" Germany. Ask the chuckling JFK tower guy for details, not me.

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