Friday, June 24, 2011

I'd Rather Not Blog. But.....

Caroline, I really am Howard's grandson, and we'd better "get political" real quick, because Mafia sorta, kinda, TOOK OVER THE USA, and I don't know about you, but I am tired of telling them, as I told the NORTHRUP DIODE MAN this morning, "Not one penny." Do you have Ken's, Ben's, and park punks crawling up your back, and then, when "The Cops" arrive, more often than not they are from a place my dear old dad called, "Hollywood Central Casting?" (But I fear the 9mm handguns are real). Good thing my "A-Team Girl" jogged by this morning at 8:55 a.m. I know what I'm seeing. I am the real one at 1385 E. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks, California. Accept no Mafia "body-doubles." Was that the real Alex? Shame on her! Kennedy, calling Ed on your cell phone won't get us out of this "mess." Ask Sheryl Crow. She's from Missouri/Missourah, too. (And rather disillusioned with Obama, as are millions of Americans).

I've been encouraged to "clown around" at the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER "Coffee Cart," but today, Nazis and/or old Bolshevik Commies would not allow it. This is called "psy-op."

Saved! (By a nice discussion of Diabetes, and the medical management of this illness). In the Gift Shop, you big horse's ass!

[Hackers, nice job turning "you" into "toy." The "lost" paper plate with the Missouri AAA number on it came back from the void. This is because I run Hughes Aircraft; it's just not your precious "E.T." See that rich Jew who made a movie about him/her/it, not me. I'm kinda busy]

I have disclosed my plans in their entirety to "RICK TANAKA," because he was ready to call the cops over my brief dissertation on OCD, an illness I don't have, and Howard Hughes did not have it, either.

After Rick gave up, "we" had a rational discussion on OCD.

BTW, how many rational discussions add up to "He's not crazy?"

ATTN: DR. AHMAD, DR. QUADRI, DR. RADMONISH, DR. RABUN, DR. BEACH, DR. MALIK, DR. MALLYA, DR. CZERNANSKI, DR. LIPSCHITZ, DR. BERI, DR. GESMUNDO.....I can keep going, fools. Want more? On the witness stand, Ms. "Ortuno," of the LUTHERAN SS. We are not talking about VICTORIA CORNELIUS, M.D. Not today, D.O.J.

"MS. CHAMPAGNE ," gave me lunch money, which I pocketed, like a lying politician.


"Wanda, Queen of the Universe," declared I had to be 62 years young to get the Federally-mandated discount, or maybe the lunch is free, because I am broke and starving. Where's that "Buddha man" with the Marlboro 100's when you need him? Worse than your vaunted "cops."

"Wanda," the newsletter says it's 60 years old for free or cheap lunch.

"Neo-George Washington," Mr. Hughes was going to lie to get a cheap lunch. Now, it's Snickers and M&M's. It won't kill 'ya, and we've discussed it, again, at the Gift Shop.

What was Koval doing in there? I need to fax the Justice Department.

"Lorraine" said, "Go to LUTHERAN SS and take a shower."

I said, "Been there in 2009, and I am filing a lawsuit against them. I am alleging torture," and did I mention people "disappear." Mexicans, perhaps? Drug dealers? Dissenters, such as myself?

Koval, it's 202-514-2000.

Was that the real A.F. at the Reception Area desk? {see first name above}

Ken said, "Harassment?"

Ken said, "He's a dick?"

As I've been known to holler in the night homeless:

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