Saturday, July 30, 2011

Econ 905

"We're not a Triple-A [bond] country."
- David Stockman

May I bring down the rocks and bottles of USA's silent and invisible counterrevolution by disagreeing with former ReaganPod David Stockman once more? We did this often in 1981-82, as Mr. Hinckley hung around the Memorial Union, and I recall complaining bitterly to 441 Arnold bugs about David's budget ax. I may have said the Pentagon's budget should have been zero instead of the Stafford Loan and Pell grant programs. Odd how things have progressed.

U.S. Navy - Tied-up in Hawaii.
U.S. Air Force - Grounded.
U.S. Army - Gone.
U.S. Marines - Taking bad guys to Gitmo.

And, don't you love (or not) the possibility of me (hair, no ponytail), arms folded like Mr. Clean saying, "Gentlemen, tell me about all of your military drug dealing, illegal spying, and killing of U.S. persons. I've got all day."

Friday, July 29, 2011

Harry's Right (not that Harry!)

Oh these accursed spies! "They" all know the scene, because you stole it. You read it. You were gonna murder me, and make it into a movie, right ? Wrong! As I say way too often, "That ain't gonna work."

Now, I've passed a "test" from what I believe the uncles called a "Wrecking Crew?" [my imaginary lawyer has just advised me not to give up too much about this mini-mob of two lassies and a few Escape From New York guy-extras. I think they were guys. I'm from Missourah]. Okay, what did it [again]?

a. I called the Department of Justice 866 number. It was some guy's voice mail. Didn't catch the name. A few days later, I called the SAME NUMBER, and it was the Disabilities Rights Division. This led to me, as we said in The Loo, "Gettin' all racial" about the current man in the Black House.
b. The Wrecking Crew showed. (Details in the movie about me they are already casting).
c. Some guy walked through the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT (mafia) CENTER gesturing as if he were masturbating. I registered my shock and dismay with 5150-worthy Rick, and that was "it."

November, 2012, you will see lime green states, too.
All prominent political families sell illegal drugs, except me.
Therefore, soldier & sailor boy be going to jail.
Dead Kennedy's?
John? Murder.
Robert? Murder.
Edward? Murder.
Brain cancer? Very rare, sir.

Billy & Caroline: Stillborn {read murdered} older sibling.
"They" tried to get our daddies.
"They" got hers, not mine.
Who are "they?"
Nazis, and this ain't no movie.
Only rocket scientists after the war? (WWII, son. Get a book and read it)
You don't know cia. You don't know shit.
National Socialists are into your genes.
National Socialists are into your food supply.
National Socialists are in your computer (regardless of ripoff "virus scans" & firewalls).
National Socialists are way, way into your entertainment industry.
National Socialists are into your banking.
National Socialists stole my hundreds of years ahead of Best Buy gear.
(No, I will not depart my for president rally by disappearing, as I am no "hot dog," but .mil teams of assassins call me that).
Oh, Mr. Kook, I'm a "communist?"
Read a whole non-fiction book? Probably not.
Ronald Reagan liked my favorite, rather obscure political philosopher? THAT WAS BECAUSE OF ME, ROBO-SPIES, AND YOU MAY HAVE TO POST BOND TODAY, IF YOU PULL THE USUAL GOEBEL CRAP.
Why am I seeing St. Louis cop faces around here?
As we said in North St. Loo as kids, "Figure it out."

Yes, it really is the Secret Service Girl update: Colors noted. Steady jog. Moderate speed. Did I mention you might go to jail today, son?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

How Bad Is It?

It's so bad:

1. Even Jim is sounding "paranoid."
2. Tom was seen with sweat on his brow.
3. My not so secret spy GF looks like she wants to kill me.
4. The girls who typically bring condoms came empty-handed.
5. The "Fischerman" looks totally disgusted with the proceedings.
6. No time to write to the U.S. Assistant Attorney General.

Crib notes for the mentally challenged tomorrow, and yes, I'll still be here.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gettin' Good & Bad Simultaneously (Is this normal? I'm just a secret Head of State)

I heard stuff on the radio that made me think two things: a). Mr. Obama is maturing in his job, and I could do it, too; b). Republicans are so f___ing rotten when it comes to a stranglehold on our pithy "Social Welfare System," they should be tossed on Skid Row instead of sentenced to their usual White Collar crime time at Club Fed. Did you watch immature GOP narcissistic nutcases decimate not so great Missouri Medicaid? I did. A not so funny joke? "Mafia thugs don't let Grandma's 'welfare' respirator get disconnected." Greed? Holier than thou? It's that bad.

I'm nuts? 20% down to buy a home? Medical, as opposed to Medicaid, can't even pull a tooth, let alone perform any restorative work? May I see the contract? I used to catch those manged care theives all of the time, then "they" [bosses] would steal, steal, steal my brilliant detective work to protest/fix it later. As I ask the, "Where's the weed?" ca crowd, "Have you ever worked for the government?" It scared them so much (not), the last group of maurading youth had no pot. Later, a suspected #3 guy at a generic federal agency said, as we smoked cigs, "I think that shit should be illegal." I said, "Me too."

I can not talk much, too. It's all in the timing, son.

How about a duel with the House Speaker?

The suggestion is not illegal. No, it is not.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Court? What's that, Mafia grandpa? Hughes will never get there, because he is going to:
a). Be struck by a big German car and killed.
b). Knifed, never shot, by a big Drug Thug.
c). Suicide, because he is a Manic-Depressive. What? The guy we bought these records from was lying? Get to his doctor! What? She won't talk? A law? What the hell...? This is Vito, she better....he knows who? And who? Really? We did not know that. That story is true? Oh, shit!
d). Get arrested. He did what with the cops? They did what? Really? Secret Service? You mean to tell me that shit is true? Man, we're screwed.
e). Attacked by dogs and eaten. He likes Darrel's dogs? He feeds them? He took care of a quirky Rot? Got pit bulls? What the fuck? He knows Tip? From a puppy you say? Oh man, this sucks! We gotta do something.
p.s. Selling illegal drugs, perhaps? Good for you. I hear it is quite profitable. Stay away from me, however, or I might be forced to kill your worthless ass.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mafia Town Is Burning

William, we're doing the best we can.

Why can't Mark open all of the doors? Lorraine was trying to get in.

TWO WORDS: "Mafia hit."
Oh, think English, William. What the fuck was "M" doing here? I should have kicked that Australian bodyguard girl in the shins and "Called the cops." MI-6? Dirtier than CIA on a "shoestring budget." Right Patreus? Hey Kenny, "SHOESTRING BUDGET" was a National Security Agency (NSA) program. Did one of my beloved Old Watergate Spooks appear out of the ether and say, "Your shoestring's untied." He did.  Where did I discover "Shoestring?" In the newspaper, despite much Pentygon "phishing." Does the printer work today, Jane?

He forgot me! He posted those other girls and forgot me!

Not so, and how about those [----]? Could I see her on a better hair day? Solo in a dented old Nissan Sentra? I had to love it! As for the thoroughly corrupted LA County Sheriff's Department, Charlemagne's Ralph's cart may be coming your way.

Son, you are headed here, not me. Do Caroline and I have to get elected and restore order? I've got, as did the Concord, New Hampshire cops, "Other things to do."

LATER TODAY, Mr. Hughes may be seen dodging bullets, paintballs, rocks, bottles, and writing his 9th screenplay. Starbucks? Maybe. McDonald's? Carl's Jr.? "We" shall see.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Goebel's Gone to Hell

Is it okay to make sense around here?
Ninety-nine percent of the people who come in this building don't do that.

He said she's not that good looking? That pot of yours is too strong, isn't it?

A body-double first, then the real one? Clever. Two sightings? What does it mean? What does it mean? I'm just a hick from Missourah.

Making me late at Mainstay, eh? Where is Chief "Miller" when you need him? Eight feet is not the closest encounter. For no prize but a prison sentence, spies, who came closest? HINT: She's a buddy of Travolta's and he flies a 707, not me.

This one was the jaw-dropper boys. My line, not of coke or meth, T.O. Nazi Ding-Dong? "That's why they are in the movies." Making too much sense, U.K.? Way too much.

Ralph's, then a body-double at Carl's Jr.? As we said long ago in The Loo, "Pisspoor."

Another Ralph's customer. I shop at Vons exclusively now. Divorced? How tragic. (For what's his name).

Getting your ass killed this weekend? I'm not planning on it, either. As momma said, "We shall see what we shall see."

I'm Screwing, Not Spying

We interrupt this timely blog with some advice for the President of the United States:
a). Cut off their August SSI, SSDI, and Retirement Social Security checks.
b). You'll have a deal by August 5, 2011.
i. Debt ceiling lifted.
ii. Budged horribly bloated? Blame Boehner.
iii. Want gravy? Blame the Federal Reserve for everything.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

unplugged nsa, i said 'yes' in 1982 drugged: TODAY, I'M NOT

Greece? "Brain Jacked!" From where? Iran, you fool! (I got niggahs in Tehran, sir). 

May I post a photo of myself, Rachel?
The camera was eaten by Dobermans.
The camera has dead batteries.
The camera is in the ocean by Ventura Beach.
Boyfriend tossed your camera in the pool (As with Marine Girl's cell phone).
The camera is en camera (That's a legal joke, if I spelled it right. HH could not spell. Nor could Conrad Hilton)
Could Cary Grant spell? [That's a joke, son].

No Law? No Rights? It's Greek to me

Why did yet another "Dan" plead with me to stay on at Shell? The line was, "Sir could you please step out of the car?" Now I get the joke.
He's crazy! He's crazy!
No, the car was stuck in the car wash.
I'd go up Saint Charles Rock Road.
To Mister Donut.
They died.
I did not.
Scott was selling pot.
I was not.

AAA, what was the "Cross Street?"
Airport Road, of course, rotten to the core superpower.
Which one?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

And You Are Who?

It's a St. Louis joke. I am under no legal or moral obligation to explain it to you ca nutcases.

Let's see. I get hacked a lot here, but I think the posts are "embargoed" over there. Server in Singapore? I'd be not shocked a lot. India? Not being discussed tonight, sir. Lazy? Getting there. Thus, "we" go once more to the Journal "they" love to hate:

9:19 a.m.
Already, OLD WATERGATE SPOOK reported he "accidentally" tossed his medication in the trash. He was directed to the dumpster. KEN-KEN is on duty @ #8. He has his hands on his head like copper about to search you position. That's nice, but my FEC filing is still $31, not $31,000. Speaking of that, it's time to file, so this could be an all weekend on the mall weekend to work. Why McDonald's? PAY PHONE = 911 for drug thugs & punks. Starbucks? They'll "Call the cops." OLD BLACK .mil SPOOK here for tax help-may be a confirmation of POTUS not in charge of much. When he was called back for fake assistance, he said, "I've got a few questions for you," and I'm sure he does, if 'ya get what I mean. Alan G. took the cake last night, after a near H-meltdown over computer games when he said, as he chucked chairs, "I'VE LIVED HERE MY WHOLE LIFE. THAT'S WHY I'M SO CRAZY!"(Said with gusto). No time for this-to the "To Do" list.

Fumble!!! Superpower Up For Grabs!

Good Airline, Bad Airline

"We have ordered equal numbers of new aircraft from Boeing and Airbus in order to remain competitive well into the future and blah, blah, blah....."

- American Airlines Spokesperson, 07.19.2011   

"Is that the new starship there?"

- United Airlines Captain, KORD Tower, Chicago, Illinois, 07.20.2011

The O'Hare Tower replied in the affirmative. Scared yet? Did TSA grope you, perhaps? I don't fly, but "they" know I am listening, listening, listening.

What is Twitter? I don't give a shit, sir

Me? Fly? I like to fix stuff. Like broken superpowers. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Autograph? F*** Your Mafia Photographs (because that's not it, scum)


"A little more batspeed!"
- AT&T Park Heckler

As we say in "T.O.," you talkin' to me? Where did my blue bat go? The wrench suspected USAF shits took from the crack hotel is now in the Statue of Libery's hand? On the cover of a journal you have to get out of high school to understand? Wow! Suckful! (As we said in our well spent youth). Want the south of LA MOTEL 6 story? Briefly, I threw my bat in the general direction of spy-thugs, and a voice I recognized from the 1980's shouted "Yeeeah!" from the darkness.

Long ago, a choked-up man in a topcoat appeared in the doorway of 9310 Melanie Street, because Charles Edward Hughes had almost died. In November, as I recall. Further, I think it was that grandma--the one who married Howard Robard Hughes, Jr--who was present and on babysitting duty. The stout, drab old guy I now strongly suspect was a spy or some type of G-man presented me with an autographed baseball and football.

What did the way secret William V say? "Thanks," and I went back to my room. Rude? No, perhaps it was the Allied Radio shortwave that never worked quite right due to my anxious soldering. Three inch reels of tape running, maybe? Model rocket under construction? Maybe. USAF, did you worthless pieces of dung steal a kid's model rocket? (Think shuttle, with no orbiter). Big rocket. Two smaller ones. Never flew right, usa .gov terrorists.

The baseball? Try 1967 World Champion Saint Louis Cardinals. Bob Gibson. Tim McCarver. Mike Shannon. Ken Boyer. Real blue signatures. What happened? Someone told me to coat it with clear nail polish, which as a kid, I screwed-up a little. There it sat for dad's return from DEPAUL HOSPITAL, and mom's from SAINT LOUIS STATE HOSPITAL. (She tried to kill him, I tried to stop it. No problem, worthless maybe dead tonight spy-twit).

When the Summer of 1968 came, in addition to much political upheaval, a sandlot chum said, "We need a ball," and the now, if in good condition, worth a lot of $$$$$ ball went into play. Bob Russell Park, spy-shits. That is where with no laptops, cell phones, or e-devices of any kind, we'd play baseball every morning, afternoon, and evening until it got dark.

The football? I think I said, "Aw, the football Cardinals are no good," and into play it went. When my dear old, not a spy "replacement" dad heard of these developments, he let out a shocked "What?" It was followed by a groan, and that was it.

"Mementoes" are not important. Liberty is.

Three "No's" In A Row? "Washington, you've got a problem."

We now go to the regularly scheduled HUGHES U.S. Government anti-propaganda piece. Tony Larussa said "bullshit?" Oh my god, call the cops! I can lip read, and so can Lohan.

Lohan again? He's crazy! Lohan? He's crazy! Did we mention he's crazy?

Sure, ask DOJ, at They know everyth...flying saucer! Flyin' triangles! kEN. hEY bEN!

Can't talk in Nazi Lab. Get the shift key right.

"We" have another angle in from the ball yard. O-U-T. I am correct most of the time, Nazis & Commies. I see no reason to be apologetic.

Where's the real Lohan? France? Where was Sarkozy? Who died? POP-POP. "Down Get down, old man! What's under that gray jogging suit? Gimme one of 'em! Quick, deadbeat!"
New daughter in law? I totally understand. BOOM! Where did the senior center go? I'm in heaven, you lousy low down piece of [EXPLETIVE DELETED]

How was I sure she was here eating donuts?
The Australian girl would not allow me to talk. Not at all.
Ms. Hill had eyes wide as saucers.
The red jacketed old lady from Boston kept saying, "I feel old."
They all laughed very loudly when I departed.
Finally, kids, a glimpse into the rapid, NOT "bipolar" Hughes brain:
I thought, "She's got the Aussie hat on."
"Looking defensive. About what?"
"Nice outfit. Why can't I talk?"
Turn slightly.
"Looks like the one in the [----] movie. Can't be that. Can't be her."
I really did some of what I have jokingly termed, "Kung Fu Fighting" in a mental hospital. (As staff, ca SSI nutcase).
Look down at her feet.
"Uh oh. She's ready to take me down and kick my ass. Better just get my java and shut up"
Later; always later.
"Guess it was her. Oh well, back to work."
Who? Not here, fools!


Oddly Enough, Just Call Me Scott (You'll get the joke momentarily)

Why me? The spouse was gone. The Ivy League job not so hot. Spies, you know the movie. Seems in the movie, they had a problem with the lights. That said, how many more times to I have to bellow, "This ain't no movie!" May I say "Dunno," despite the fact my professor really did point to her University of Chicago Ph.D diploma on the wall and said, "You could get one, too."
What did he say? What did he say?
"I don't like Chicago."
Tom, are we in jail yet?
What for?
I see, USA is like the old China now, with Russian thug enforcers.
Only for me?
No, others have felt the pain, or I'd be, as granny said, "Dead as a doornail."

He's nuts! He's nuts! It's the wrong photo! THE PIC IS FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY, BITCH.

The facts before Perfesser Hues are Mr. Theriot became rather incensed due to a play at second base as a Saint Louis Cardinal professional baseball player. He argued with the umpire. Hues sees on the magic of Soldier Boy's Internet he bumped the ump with the bill of his cap. This is a MLB "No, no." Therefore, the umpire did a "crow hop," and as we baseball fans say, "Punched him out" [of the game, girls].

Hues has been reminiscing all by his lonesome on these matters back when as a 12 year-old too big boy pitcher. "Don't throw at the guy?" I thought? "This guy has a f***ing girlfriend and a car. What's he doing here? They mean his head. I'll drill him in the butt."

Movie Director after I'm dead, switch to SLO-MO, please. Here they all come. Got a bat in your hand, big fellah? Let's discuss it. Here comes my catcher. "Don't! Don't..." He's hollering...he gets in front of me. "Why did you...?"

"C'mon, motherfucker!"

He said that? He said that?

Now, the coach is yelling about getting thrown out of the game, and all that crap. Don't you love memories, spies? Tell DIANA ORTUNO of the LUTHERAN SS you can't torture the shit out of someone under "cover" of a non homeless "program" and erase them. Further, tell the nut I call "Ms. Tuna" that stress does not cause mental illness. Thanks.

Back to baseball, the problem on 07.16.2011 was the umpire not allowing what all broadcasters used to call, prior to A-SAT induced "brain-jacking," a "neighborhood play." Mr. Theriot got out of the way swiftly so as not to cause a horrible collision, kinda like the atc lately.
What is atc? What is atc?
Thusly, we examine whether his foot was indeed on the bag, instead of whether Obammy is holding the bag for more than my troubles. The Perfesser needs another trip to the booth. I'll be back, unless mafia kills me.YES, MR. SCHUMAKER WENT NUTS AS WELL, BECAUSE THE MAN WAS O-U-T, much like me and usa, as a result of eight years of (8) spy & psy op TORTURE. Yep, Pentygon, it was the final crow hop. That's it. That's all. Bye, bye.

No crimes.
No spying.
No blackmail whatsoever.

Who's Scott? He's crazy! Who's Scott? He's crazy!
"Scott" is Scott Rolen of the Saint Louis Cardinals, who during the 08.10.11 Dusty v. Tony brawl in the most boring town USA has to offer, Cinncinnati, Ohio, was the "peacemaker." When complimented on his role by the thoroughly brain-jacked media, who dare not come near HUGHES, he simply said, "Thank you. That's a very friendly way to put it."
For many years, I've said, "You can thank me later."
What now?
Can you spell it, scummy navy? USAF, got shit in your ears?
May I have Col. Stahl's couch back?

Get Off The Internet, Before Somebody Kills Your Ass

What are "they" afraid of today? Did I not bellow in the empty park I pay for, in part, much like George of the Jungle, "I'm not afraid of anybody!"Rupert is really in deep doo-doo? MISSION: Break Darrel's gifted radio! He's listening to those commies at NPR! NEWT PRE-DENIAL DENIAL: The "Rupert" character in hughesscreenplay#8 has nothing to do with that Rupert, but the "other" William, Duke of Cambridge, does have something to do with me. "Oh my God, he's off the pencil-written draft! Send in a flying monkey! Try impromptu 'computer class.' Cut the freaking power on him! Do something!"
"Hey, let's hack Hughes!"
Hey, let's put a big hole in the ISS!
I'll move to the "other" blog, William/

Monday, July 18, 2011

National Socialist, USA

As we said in the old neighborhood regarding bragging rights, "You bet!"
California? Did you hear me And.rea? "So insane!!!" 

Must You?

Must you behave like brain-jacked idiots? Every damn day? Hey General Patreus, why don't "they" like me rummaging through my homeless Ralph's cart? A nearly four hundred billion dollar ($400,000,000,000) equity fund manager looking at me? Where? Not Starbucks, baby. The library, I think. That's a lot of zeroes, mother*&#ker! That's Howard Sr.-sized money, son. Who am I?

Don't all talk at once.

As for a potential big-time Google exec necking with her girlfriend in front of Starbucks, and me, that's just oh so California, is it not?

May I go barf now? I'm a regular guy from the Midwest.

New Slogan: "When you cannot pronounce the fund manager's name, it's time for a French class," right Sarkozy? Right!

Friday, July 15, 2011

More Insurrection (with some very unlikely sponsors)

Pikes? I finally like it, you made it so strong. Decaf? Alright, I'm finally "scary," but not often. Did you see the old movie yet? Heads off. Arrows flying. Hot oil dumping. Guillotine workin' overtime, should you be a French one. Big horses. Big commotion. Scotland? I still don't get it. I need a good library, quick. Airplanes? Not yet. Boats. Cannons. Swords.

Why don' t "they" want me there? I talk too much. Yep. When the 19 year-old Marine hears that "chzzing," he'd better run, because the sword is out. Pissed again. Might as well chase that little shit with no skills around.

What could they do?
Get the f*** out of my way, that's what.

P-O-W-E-R. Who nees money?

A president without much of it is bad news.

Ask Mr. Bush in a candid moment about 2007 & 2008.

The helicopter flying upside-down?

There's the V.P. Nuttier than me, sir.

"He's alright. He's just, uh, like that. Never got to do a thing, so now..."


"And frankly, I don't know where he's going at the moment." 

Why do I like ATC so much, ca kooks?"

A life of:
"Honey, the register broke. It took forever."
"I always seem to be in the slow line."
"Some old Jewish lady was returning stuff."
"They just ignored me, like they were deaf. Why?"
"Why all of the satellite bounce on my phone?"

I just want to hear you all have to re-route. It's like that, Black Boy.
The big center will say, "Sir, what is your destination?"
And, I might live to say, "Wherever the fuck I want to go."

What a nutcase!

CHP, Call The President, Please. I'm Sick of This Crap

"We" shall now review this morning's drama, and it is only 11:56 a.m. per Microsoft. The President of the United States was on Darrel's GE radio. I was reviewing my basically extemporaneous speech trashing-up the USA's space program from Mercury to Apollo, which is where I shall turn it over to someone who had a life for their whole life, unlike me.

Ready, ca kooks? Worst president ever. Stupid. I say "community organizer" = crack dealer, but that's just my opinion, and my take on Chicago is not favorable to the Cubs, Bears, or Black Hawks. However <drumroll, please>, when it comes to the 14th Amendment, he's right. How do I know? No law practice required, just read it, ca kooks.

Yes, mafia(s), out came my dog-eared copy of the United States Constitution, which clearly does not apply to me, William V, but maybe it helps you, whoever you are. [I've mentioned that in this town, "They don't talk too much."] I said, to myself, "Is he right? What is he leaning on?" Robo-spies, it was ratified on 07.09.1868. Roughly One Hundred years later, "number kooks," somebody got murdered in LA, but that's not what I was talking to myself about.

Are we talking about EARL WARREN or CHARLES EVANS HUGHES? My relative did not like the New Deal or FDR's court packing. You don't like my "Real Deal" slogan, do you? F*** you! (And the horse you are riding). Some things never change, as my ancestor was more interested in Versailles than the Great Depression. {"You're not supposed to do that," some crazy woman just said. Ready for the "Who's Dealing Drugs?" piece? You'd better be.}

As Obama spoke, my "Harvard Joke" was, "Can I smoke some pot and read Heidegger today?" No. Sorry GOP, call me "Earl Warren(ton)" if you like. Yes, he's the worst ever. Worse than either Bush. However, on the 14th Amendment, he's right. Ready, mafia? (For that Hellfire Missile from my former "Hughes Family of Missiles?" Where? Up your ass!)

Back scholarly matters:

"The validiy of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law...shall not be questoned."


To the "other blog," where I will inquire, "Who's selling illegal drugs?"
Not me. Just ask "Dancing Deputy Girl."
Hughes, would it kill you to ask a female's phone number?
Got a cig?
Got a light?

May I Citizen Arrest a "VIP" non-cop?

August 2, 2011. Tick-Tock...Tick-Tock...

Looks like another day of foolish drama @ the Goebel, or "Mafia Center." Look for my movie business "Vampire Girl?" No way! Call the HSA and "pre-complain?" Call attorneys who used to be cops? Maybe. Call HSS in D.C.? Call DOJ? "Eric is out to lunch." "Lanny is in Havana." Sure he is. All politics are local. May "we" have a free refill of donated coffee while living in cars? Am I the only "under the stars" homeless person in town?

LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES, you've got (legal) problems, not me. CRPD, you've got big legal problems, not me. Ventura County, California what got you in humongous deep doo-doo? I'm not applying for Food Stamps in-person. I am busy reading every word of the paperwork associated with them, and General Relief. Wow! Are you ever in some shit! Let me guess.....
"It was appropiated, but we did not spend it."
"Earmark? What's an earmark?"
"The last Auditor died. It's his fault."
"We sponsored a soap box derby for the kids with the money. Not okay? We did not know that."
"Our idea of "Diversion Services" was to murder some brown ones. We can't do that anymore? Says who!?"
"They were selling drugs. Who cares they're dead?"
"My lawyer says not to talk to you. Get off my property!"
etc. etc. etc.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kicking Your Ass On $20? We'll (not) Talk More Tomorrow

1985? Did I mention I'm not happy?

And Now, The Quiz

I hear it's kinda hot in The Loo. How well I remember I-270 & I-170 prior to one or more of the MODOT guys getting off the sauce and putting a stop to, "Rob, I'm gonna be late again. Couple of trucks, buncha cars on fire. The fire trucks are comin.' Yeah...hold on, I'm trying to get out of the way...oh yeah? I could just go straight to her house. BOOM! Wow! Little pyrotechnics out here. Yeah, I'll be here for awhile. See ya."

Instructions: Match the photo to the description of a not famous yet "Hughes Monologue."

a). "I saw them coming toward me. The one on the right was out on the patio where the "other Victor" used to smoke and stare at me. The one on the left I didn't care for. It was the tall one in the middle. Oh my gawd, she looked at me like, "Hughes, I got whips and chains at home, and you are just a stick in the mud from the Midwest." Then, I swear, her nose went right up in the air. She went past, and I tried not to swivel my head. Tall, big spikey heels. Oh my gawd! Why was she looking at me like that? Well, they know. They all know who I am. Evil! That woman is pure evil, and I'd like to [18 USC 2257]"

b). "I felt sick, so I left early. Half-dead I was. Not enough water. Dehydrated. No food. No one cares. Brain-jacked kooks in the Valley Lupin. Yeech! A major T.O. headache. Feeling faint. Hit the Mafia Men's Room. Took a quick [----], gobbled some M&M's to restore blood sugar, got to Bobby's closet, and that guy was approaching. I said, [REDACTED BY BEN_BEN]. Then, he looked behind the building. He looked behind the Teen Center. He looked out on the parking lot. By God, he actually stood there with his back to me as I collapsed. That was a first, for those a--holes."
A: Her Eldest Daughter

LONG AGO, DIDN'T "MARK MAFIA" SAY "You gave up the gender."?
And, why would I care?
To spies, anyway.
Not "The Cops."
They studiously don't care.
Profoundly don't care.
U.S. 101 time?
Not yet?

Easiest Quiz Ever, And A St. Loo "Two Fer"

This is what it looks like to fly in to St. Louis, Missouri, except when on a certain Ozark Airlines flight. That was one of them that got me going on 100% open source research. These here ca kooks think otherwise. So crazy! Want the Madison, Wisconsin aborted Ozark flight story again? Sorry, let's see some cash. I'm practicing the reverse thrusters sound with my mouth. No, I'm not nuts, you are. Big Time DSM-V cuckoo. I got Big Money, son. The biggest there is, or ever was.
Here are the guys who planned the library where I tried to be a high school teacher. I came out that door in Fall Semester, 1988. Then I got dosed with government meth. I was back by Spring Semester, 1990. Then, "they" gave me one of those "Killer Viruses" right when I had final exams, a ton of lessons to plan, plus piles of papers and tests to grade, so I said "Screw it," and quit. The Field Instructor called twice and said, "Hughes, please come back. You'd be a great teacher, blah, blah, blah..." Trying to get me killed in Jennings?
He's magic! How'd he know? He's magic! How'd he know?
Golf Class Russian sub?
Don't drug me.
Don't mind-read.
Don't steal more sperm cells.
Don't steal more DNA.
I knew about it?
I love Russians?
What was the d-fense term?
"Moscow Central Heating."

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Let's Pretend, Kooks

Okay, no hanging pics allowed. Word Press loves me so much they crashed (again). As many have discovered, I keep no secrets about myself. Secret Service, how many times in California have I been asked, "Where are you from?" Did they ever get a different answer? No. My "To Do" list, which has famously disappeared many times, is open for your inspection.

If I run for political office, you cannot just jump on the bus, "they" will kill your ass, not me. Tonight, in exchange for a 44 cent stamp, she got the memory rework of the RMN "closest encounter." Some get medals. Diplomas. "Do Gooder Certificates" of some kind. Boring, I know. Makes me wonder what you did when you worked here before.

Now kids, I am working the face on the "Huffer Puffer" SS Agent who is running toward me in August, 1969. Did not happen? The AMR ambulance will come for you, sir. (Go ahead and allege it--POW! Down you go, and we both go to jail, because kooks, I've seen that movie). Let's don't do that, okay?

Back to Dick; and I was just criticized for using his first name, much like when the so closed and forgotten NSA heard me say "Al" when I referred to a certain U.S. General, now deceased. May he rest in peace, along with George Schultz, and many others suspected, as with George Tenent more recently, of saying, "Hughes isn't doing that. Or that. That? Oh, for Chrissakes, he's a social worker. Doesn't know a thing."

ADD! ADD! Get back to Dick. Okay. I now suspect I'm on the world famous tapes as "The Boy," "Charlie's Boy," or some such rot. Why? A patented "Memory Rework" finds me admiring Pat Nixon's ear rings, so <gulp> that means with me crushed-up against the RIGHT side of the non-tinted in those days presidential limo, the dark mass at One (1) O'clock is the back of Nixon's head. Therefore, when the door opens, andI and took a step backwards, HE'S A LOT CLOSER THAN I THOUGHT.

"I fought authority, and authority always wins." Shitcan it, please, because that is not always true. How many times have I been "hassled" by police? Never a foul-mouthed outburst. Never, ca kooks. Cali-fornia total? Lost count. Problem? Most of the ca "Cop Stops" have not been real Peace Officers. I discussed it with Tom K., and please put a stopwatch on my arrest when I put my hair up and get a cop or sheriff outfit. Two minutes for a black & white car?

Yet YOU have skyrockets and shotguns over in the park? No Secret Service? They know I do not spy or do mafia-mafia crap, consequently, they keep it simple. So, since I am such a big-time criminal, remember Catch Me If You Can? I did not see it. A lady I worked with at the WPGH gave me a tape that is in the Penske truck. I need a lawyer? How embarrassing! Hit me in the head, and act like it did not happen? Shame on you! It looked like Prince Harry? I said "looked like," moron, not that it was him. What did I say about the Duke, when heard for the first time on "Darrel's Radio?" "Good gawd, he's got the same nose, and sounds like me." Attention "Ken's," "Ben's," and "Mike's." THIS IS NOT ILLEGAL.

Nothing I do is, and if you disagree, I'm all ears. Ready for a real criminal conspiracy? Oops, it would be between me and the TSA/Homeland, so it's not a conspiracy. What is it?
"Hughes, we loved that Captain's uniform, and it worked. Now, take the gag off that fucker. Too many questions, too late for the military. What will they do with him?"
"Gasp...I'm in Boston you son of a bitch, that's all I care about!"

Fluff Sold Here--For "Hot Stuff," See WordPress

Who? Speak up, you lousy mafia piece of #%^#$&#%#

Seems I wrote an "Op Ed" that the Russian and/or Lesbian ca USPS lady at AMERICA'S BEST VALUE MOTEL probably did not deliver. The thesis? America's presidential "Transition Period" is a horse & buggy relic that needs to be abolished.

John Lennon's murder? My two Impala-driving, sunglasses wearing guys at the Portage des Sioux general store, present as GEORGE H.W. BUSH was being sworn-in? Why was I there? Seeking a moment of peace at Our Lady of the River, you nutcase. Yes, "The Great Psy Op of 1988-89" was well underway. I purchased a pack of Camels, stared back at them, and roared off in my very own 1978 Chevrolet Impala, MO Tag WGN688.

Did you say "WGN?" It's a "Superstation," is it not? Where is the license plate? In Los Angeles. Where? LAPD does not know? Bullcrap! So helpful, these California authorities. It appeals to me so much, I might stay here and kick all of your asses. What's that line for BHI? "This is the founder's great-grandson, and I am not happy. Got a corporate jet? Get in it."

Transition Period 2008-2009? Microwaved at the motel? Ouch! That hurts, mother*(^%er! If "it" really happened? You may call my V.P. elect "The Envoy." Why? I'd be meeting with the "Retired Association of Federal [fill-in the blank]." Washington? D.C.? President who? Who are you talking about? Who?

NOTES: DID YOU ALL LIKE PRESIDENT CARLTON'S INAUGURATION? IT'S A FICTIONAL WORK FOR SALE, AND YOU ALL STILL LIE, BECAUSE YOU'RE "DSM-V" CRAZY. ARE WE DOING THAT FOR REAL? NOBODY TELLS ME A THING. THAT'S THE WAY "THEY" LIKE IT. Contemporaneous Note: "Robert the Rodent" was just sighted. He's still alive! One more visit from that Negro "Wayne," later "Heinz," and it might be Assault One, or perhaps Manslaughter Two. His slogan? "Just be happy you're alive." No liberty? Pursuit of happiness? 08.02.2011? Here's hoping they default, as long as I get my well-worn copy of "Politics and Markets" back. Markets & politics suddenly seem to be almost unrelated. Is Microsoft printing money? Apple Computer? (Don't answer that question). Would it kill you to read a book, ca SSI nutjob? Yes, you'll hear the "n-words" again tonight, and please explain how you hear them. Truman Library? They're waiting. Eagleton Courthouse? They're waiting. Her library? Not sure yet. I think so. Ready for the big coin flip? On TV.

What does he mean? What does he mean?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Greek Tragedy: Why I Trust No One

Mira! They found the president's daddy. He looks good for his age.

"I am the opposite of a cynic about law and lawyers. I am a romantic. I think your profession has made this country what it is at its best, the freest and most wisely ordered on Earth."
- Anthony Lewis quoted in Harvard Magazine, July-August, 1997

"It's showtime at CBS."
- Robyn Goldwyn Blumenthal

>Trained as a teacher I am.
>Trained as a psychotherapist I am.
>I know the ways of bureaucrats at all levels of government.
>I know Voltaire; he drank a lot of coffee.
>Ronald Reagan quoted my rather obscure favorite political philosopher? Call it "coincidence," and lose some teeth, sir.
>Oh vc Deputy, where is the guy who first heard my Air Force One story? He's dead, that's where he is. No next of kin who care? Like me, Deputy Dawg.
>Jerry, what do you intend to do about the "Mafia Center?" I gotta get to 2929 Allen Parkway, Suite 2100.
>USA/UK/EU, it's worse than the "Great Novels."
>Spy-creatures read your mind.
>Involuntary "Total Physiological Monitoring?" You want that? You're nuts!
>EXAMPLE: An ally knew I was lightheaded in the morning. We smoked a cig. No food? That ain't gonna help. "Must be low blood sugar," he said as he departed. A minute or so later, I felt better. "Coincidence?" Here comes my rock @ 70 m.p.h. I would have had no heat in the bigs. "Willie the Junkman" might have been my moniker. We cannot go back in time, mafia(s).
>However, I can get my missiles, get elected, declare you to be terrorists, and you know the rest.
>Woody Harrelson? He just shot them down in the movies. Got a shotgun? As I often say, "This ain't no movie," and D.O.J., if I could be connected promptly to a D.C. Area HUMAN BEING, as we've done previously, that would be grand. Oh Lanny! Oh Eric! Mister Hughes is on the line, and he's not happy!
>I self-studied political economy my whole life.
>I was "watched" and spied upon my whole life.
>I am who?
>Of what?
>It's big. Real big.
>Western Civilization? Personally, I think it rocks. And rules.
>Got a stick?
>Got a switchblade knife?
>Got a pit bull?
>Got a big Doberman?
>Got a Chocolate Lab or two?
>Got a cop uniform?
>Got a Deputy getup?
>Got a tin gold badge?
>Got a made-at-Kinko's Secret Service business card?
>Got an Uzi? Keep it "secret," so as not to excite the rodentia.
>Hamid Karzai's half-brother was shot and killed by who?
>Then, he got shot by who?
>Isn't that kinda like hughesscreenplay#8?
>Grammy/Vampire Movie Girl shouted, "I love it!"
>Okay, honey, I'll get to work on #9.
>When? What was that line?
>"Show me the money!"
>Kennedy, didn't I tell you "they" are not doing that [Karzai crap] to us? I ran mine right out of town - like a Western.


*AND GETTY IMAGES AWAITS THE FLAK JACKET PIC. 2,272 OIL AND GAS WELLS? WHO'S FILING? NOT ME. Really, I'm practicing my lying. It's mandatory in the USA's political system. FINAL "Zinger?" > "We love 'ya Joplin, or at least what's left!"