Friday, July 15, 2011

May I Citizen Arrest a "VIP" non-cop?

August 2, 2011. Tick-Tock...Tick-Tock...

Looks like another day of foolish drama @ the Goebel, or "Mafia Center." Look for my movie business "Vampire Girl?" No way! Call the HSA and "pre-complain?" Call attorneys who used to be cops? Maybe. Call HSS in D.C.? Call DOJ? "Eric is out to lunch." "Lanny is in Havana." Sure he is. All politics are local. May "we" have a free refill of donated coffee while living in cars? Am I the only "under the stars" homeless person in town?

LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES, you've got (legal) problems, not me. CRPD, you've got big legal problems, not me. Ventura County, California what got you in humongous deep doo-doo? I'm not applying for Food Stamps in-person. I am busy reading every word of the paperwork associated with them, and General Relief. Wow! Are you ever in some shit! Let me guess.....
"It was appropiated, but we did not spend it."
"Earmark? What's an earmark?"
"The last Auditor died. It's his fault."
"We sponsored a soap box derby for the kids with the money. Not okay? We did not know that."
"Our idea of "Diversion Services" was to murder some brown ones. We can't do that anymore? Says who!?"
"They were selling drugs. Who cares they're dead?"
"My lawyer says not to talk to you. Get off my property!"
etc. etc. etc.

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