Monday, July 11, 2011

Soup's On!

Thanks to all of the food contributors. I so much have liked having insults, rocks, bottles, laser pointers, and paintballs directed at me in "SoCal." Do the Minuteman III missiles still work? "We" may find out someday, mafia(s).

"I have a voice."
- William, Duke of Cambridge

"I kind of miss the Soviets. They were at least just thugs with a cover story. They weren't fanatics and could be negotiated with. I'm not sure that's the situation with Iran."
- R. James Woolsey, Former Director of Central Intelligence

Don't worry Woolsey, Mr. Hughes covers all the bases. With not much to work with, I might add. What did the uncles exclaim? "Where do they get these people?" Still a valid question.

What happened on August 2, 2004? September 2, 2004? It is most definitely not in the CIA Factbook. How about July 5, 2011? Many photos of famous people seem to come my way, don't they? The nose, the eyes, the hands, the body shape, the gait.

Their height? Is it him or her? Is Benazir Bhutto really dead? By gunshot? Explosion? Why did the Brits run there to investigate? I'm no pathologist, but they should have been able to tell which. How about this "crazy" theory? A stable of new world leaders "stashed." Like me.

They "died?" Maybe not. Who am I talking about? Wouldn't you like to know. Unlike many In "T.O." she talks. I said, "Hey! You're not running off with all of the plums." She said, "Would you like one?" I said, "I've got some." "Have some more," she said, pressing them into my palm. Five (5) (V) plums? She touched me? I touched her? I won't tell you who it was.

Did I mention I don't spy?

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