Thursday, July 14, 2011

And Now, The Quiz

I hear it's kinda hot in The Loo. How well I remember I-270 & I-170 prior to one or more of the MODOT guys getting off the sauce and putting a stop to, "Rob, I'm gonna be late again. Couple of trucks, buncha cars on fire. The fire trucks are comin.' Yeah...hold on, I'm trying to get out of the way...oh yeah? I could just go straight to her house. BOOM! Wow! Little pyrotechnics out here. Yeah, I'll be here for awhile. See ya."

Instructions: Match the photo to the description of a not famous yet "Hughes Monologue."

a). "I saw them coming toward me. The one on the right was out on the patio where the "other Victor" used to smoke and stare at me. The one on the left I didn't care for. It was the tall one in the middle. Oh my gawd, she looked at me like, "Hughes, I got whips and chains at home, and you are just a stick in the mud from the Midwest." Then, I swear, her nose went right up in the air. She went past, and I tried not to swivel my head. Tall, big spikey heels. Oh my gawd! Why was she looking at me like that? Well, they know. They all know who I am. Evil! That woman is pure evil, and I'd like to [18 USC 2257]"

b). "I felt sick, so I left early. Half-dead I was. Not enough water. Dehydrated. No food. No one cares. Brain-jacked kooks in the Valley Lupin. Yeech! A major T.O. headache. Feeling faint. Hit the Mafia Men's Room. Took a quick [----], gobbled some M&M's to restore blood sugar, got to Bobby's closet, and that guy was approaching. I said, [REDACTED BY BEN_BEN]. Then, he looked behind the building. He looked behind the Teen Center. He looked out on the parking lot. By God, he actually stood there with his back to me as I collapsed. That was a first, for those a--holes."
A: Her Eldest Daughter

LONG AGO, DIDN'T "MARK MAFIA" SAY "You gave up the gender."?
And, why would I care?
To spies, anyway.
Not "The Cops."
They studiously don't care.
Profoundly don't care.
U.S. 101 time?
Not yet?

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