Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Let's Pretend, Kooks

Okay, no hanging pics allowed. Word Press loves me so much they crashed (again). As many have discovered, I keep no secrets about myself. Secret Service, how many times in California have I been asked, "Where are you from?" Did they ever get a different answer? No. My "To Do" list, which has famously disappeared many times, is open for your inspection.

If I run for political office, you cannot just jump on the bus, "they" will kill your ass, not me. Tonight, in exchange for a 44 cent stamp, she got the memory rework of the RMN "closest encounter." Some get medals. Diplomas. "Do Gooder Certificates" of some kind. Boring, I know. Makes me wonder what you did when you worked here before.

Now kids, I am working the face on the "Huffer Puffer" SS Agent who is running toward me in August, 1969. Did not happen? The AMR ambulance will come for you, sir. (Go ahead and allege it--POW! Down you go, and we both go to jail, because kooks, I've seen that movie). Let's don't do that, okay?

Back to Dick; and I was just criticized for using his first name, much like when the so closed and forgotten NSA heard me say "Al" when I referred to a certain U.S. General, now deceased. May he rest in peace, along with George Schultz, and many others suspected, as with George Tenent more recently, of saying, "Hughes isn't doing that. Or that. That? Oh, for Chrissakes, he's a social worker. Doesn't know a thing."

ADD! ADD! Get back to Dick. Okay. I now suspect I'm on the world famous tapes as "The Boy," "Charlie's Boy," or some such rot. Why? A patented "Memory Rework" finds me admiring Pat Nixon's ear rings, so <gulp> that means with me crushed-up against the RIGHT side of the non-tinted in those days presidential limo, the dark mass at One (1) O'clock is the back of Nixon's head. Therefore, when the door opens, andI and took a step backwards, HE'S A LOT CLOSER THAN I THOUGHT.

"I fought authority, and authority always wins." Shitcan it, please, because that is not always true. How many times have I been "hassled" by police? Never a foul-mouthed outburst. Never, ca kooks. Cali-fornia total? Lost count. Problem? Most of the ca "Cop Stops" have not been real Peace Officers. I discussed it with Tom K., and please put a stopwatch on my arrest when I put my hair up and get a cop or sheriff outfit. Two minutes for a black & white car?

Yet YOU have skyrockets and shotguns over in the park? No Secret Service? They know I do not spy or do mafia-mafia crap, consequently, they keep it simple. So, since I am such a big-time criminal, remember Catch Me If You Can? I did not see it. A lady I worked with at the WPGH gave me a tape that is in the Penske truck. I need a lawyer? How embarrassing! Hit me in the head, and act like it did not happen? Shame on you! It looked like Prince Harry? I said "looked like," moron, not that it was him. What did I say about the Duke, when heard for the first time on "Darrel's Radio?" "Good gawd, he's got the same nose, and sounds like me." Attention "Ken's," "Ben's," and "Mike's." THIS IS NOT ILLEGAL.

Nothing I do is, and if you disagree, I'm all ears. Ready for a real criminal conspiracy? Oops, it would be between me and the TSA/Homeland, so it's not a conspiracy. What is it?
"Hughes, we loved that Captain's uniform, and it worked. Now, take the gag off that fucker. Too many questions, too late for the military. What will they do with him?"
"Gasp...I'm in Boston you son of a bitch, that's all I care about!"

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