Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Three "No's" In A Row? "Washington, you've got a problem."

We now go to the regularly scheduled HUGHES U.S. Government anti-propaganda piece. Tony Larussa said "bullshit?" Oh my god, call the cops! I can lip read, and so can Lohan.

Lohan again? He's crazy! Lohan? He's crazy! Did we mention he's crazy?

Sure, ask DOJ, at askdoj@usdoj.gov. They know everyth...flying saucer! Flyin' triangles! kEN. hEY bEN!

Can't talk in Nazi Lab. Get the shift key right.

"We" have another angle in from the ball yard. O-U-T. I am correct most of the time, Nazis & Commies. I see no reason to be apologetic.

Where's the real Lohan? France? Where was Sarkozy? Who died? POP-POP. "Down Get down, old man! What's under that gray jogging suit? Gimme one of 'em! Quick, deadbeat!"
New daughter in law? I totally understand. BOOM! Where did the senior center go? I'm in heaven, you lousy low down piece of [EXPLETIVE DELETED]

How was I sure she was here eating donuts?
The Australian girl would not allow me to talk. Not at all.
Ms. Hill had eyes wide as saucers.
The red jacketed old lady from Boston kept saying, "I feel old."
They all laughed very loudly when I departed.
Finally, kids, a glimpse into the rapid, NOT "bipolar" Hughes brain:
I thought, "She's got the Aussie hat on."
"Looking defensive. About what?"
"Nice outfit. Why can't I talk?"
Turn slightly.
"Looks like the one in the [----] movie. Can't be that. Can't be her."
I really did some of what I have jokingly termed, "Kung Fu Fighting" in a mental hospital. (As staff, ca SSI nutcase).
Look down at her feet.
"Uh oh. She's ready to take me down and kick my ass. Better just get my java and shut up"
Later; always later.
"Guess it was her. Oh well, back to work."
Who? Not here, fools!


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