Saturday, November 26, 2011

Arrests on Tuesday, Glorious on Wednesday; Don't miss it!

"Your Highness, this could be perceived as, uh, a bit rash." "Start this f---ing thing up, before I k--- your ass."

Illuminati creeps stand ready to impersonate spies and FBI as they consult their mafia lawyers by "talking in code."May I send an e-mail about the old-fashioned Post Office? they will be put under Homeland with a new name, like "The Post Office." No, I meant "the Department of Internal Security." Where did "Homeland" come from? Nazis and wackjob "terrorist hunters." Ding-Dongs, the real terrorist is in the from pew of your god---- church!
No cursing
Perfect grammar
Do not stutter, like Mitt
Make sense all of the time
No joking unless clearly labeled
Do not share sleeping bags with males
Get the girl's cell phone number, you fool!

"Whee! Now, we're using the right n-word!"

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