Monday, November 21, 2011

Spencer-Hughes For Hire

Hey kids! Let's all guess who is dead and who's not! If "they" don't believe I saw stars out where they really live and go to Ralph's, how would they ever believe I nailed her with those hands & calves. Oh, that People Magazine! Yes, I was touched, and the line was, "I'd appreciate it if you eat these right now." Er, uh, I'm from Missourah, but I'm gonna right away. Yes ma'am.

That 11.12.2001 hole ain't big enough,* and my MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH computer said it was an L-1011, so I thought, "Oh well, that plane was old and the tail fell off." Maybe not, ca kooks! As Ms. Andrea says (when the national socialist Internet is on), "You may continue your research."

*Much like the Pentygon a few months earlier. My Homepage at the time? BBC/MI-6 News. Is "M" fired yet, Dave? Not yet? 

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