Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bored Media Lie Beefs

Not funny Ed(s). Let's get demagogue-ish. "Mini-Holocaust?" Race war? Civil war? Torture is no fun, right Google brats? Right LSS fatties? You are following me? Met any LC Lions? They're finally ramping up to eat you alive. Feel the power and glory! zzzzzzzz Could I get some sleep tonight, flashlight horseshoe creatures? Work. It's all I do & you do none. Need a prison camp bunk in Alaska? Charlie was the slow, boring, tour guide? Yeeha! Only his son could find them on Goooogle! And, march to the 1st District Federal Courthouse an unhappy man. Lawsuit over it? GET SOME FACTS, ca KOOKS!!! YOU ARE SLAVES! YOU ARE CRAZED. YOU ARE ROBOTS. YOU ARE MENTALLY ILL.

On October 23, 2011, the Great Barack ended the war(s) as we know them, and simultaneously focused the military on "arming an all-volunteer force for war."
A new one?
The same wars?
I'm from Missouri and confused.
Harry Truman did not sign much.
Or date much.
Want a joke?
"Harry Truman didn't date much, besides Bess."
I can hear it.
"Didn't work right? Drop another of the damn things!"
And they did.
"He was never at the Truman Library!"
"He was there acting nuts!"
"He was so 'bipolar' they asked him to leave."
"He killed a dude in KC"
"He was a big LSD dealer in Raytown."
"He raped a girl on the UMSL-KC campus. They've got video."
"He was selling meth with the KC Coordinators."
"He went out with Turner and shot a guy."
"He thought he was Director of WMMHC, so they gave him the boss badge to humor his crazy ass,"
"Yeah, he did write two books, but they are secret code for Chinese spies."
"He's got Russian buddies who will kill you and shit."
"That was not Mossad holding the door open for him at Chuck's McDonald's."
"Those barefoot spies from all around the world are wrong. He's no damn good."

What was that rational exchange?
H: "If they get one hair on this head wet, or put one drop of paint on that cart, your ass is going to the County Jail."
K: "I don't think so, William."

Where is our fearless leader? Soccer mom duties? Vacation? Federal Detention Center?
They're only expendable Mexicans with no masks, right Thousand Oaks City Fathers? White men take the proper precautions. Don't forget the condoms next time, girls! Driving to Vegas? Ready? 
"I'm not buying any damn casino, like grandpa Howard! You people ought to closed down. Drag on the economy. Drug money! Laundering that cash, aren't you mafia? Throw-in with mafia? You asses are goin' to jail! Casino workers all love their dead end, jobs, right? Hey big mafia man over there, shut your Jersey trap. I'm doing the talking here. Greaser, you running for president? I think not. Just what I need, a Godfather thowback. So mafia! Ge those trigger-happy Vegas cops out here! I'm feeling insecure. The 2002 people have Uzis now? It's about time, you morons. Do they know how to use them? This shit is serious! Constitutional Amendment? Try Executive Order, you dumbass. Disneyland for adults? Try weapons & drugs, drugs, drugs. See you in court Trump! Can we just shoot his ass? Not enough delegates yet? Did that Dubai guy call back? I got a big hotel for him to buy."

LATER: "Officer, I have no idea who these people are. Check-out a book about Howard from the local library--if you're literate.....No drugs girls! Just booze! The cops are here!"

Is Strickland coming for his "needle?" If not, I'll explain it to Bill Gardner's staff. They know me.

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