Tuesday, November 8, 2011

File Name: WH_v_HC

"Is it raining yet?" Any other secret trillionaires stupid enough to run for president? Didn't think so.

It worked! Just squeeze the trigger, and like MICHAEL in the...I am Jeffery's Godfather, this is true. Tricked again! By who? A by now very impoverished woman. Meantime, do you want your Boeing Dreamliner in pieces? Only a filthy spy would say "Yes." The "other one?" AIR FRANCE 447, and the old frozen tubes excuse. Been there, done that. On, HOWARD DEAN --wherever you are-- to the stahl of TURKISH AIRLINES FLIGHT TK1951. Where? Amsterdam.

1977 FACT: I liked a Johnny Guitar Watson song. I heard it in the Red Light District of Amsterdam. Coincidence? Jill, this requires a Hughes Quick Quiz(TM)

Q: "Why did the Dutch whore slam her door?"
A: "Because I would not come in, not because she kicked me out." Did you ca spies hear a different story?

Q: "When the man said, 'How do you like President Carter?,' who was on the phone?"
A: "Jimmy Carter."

Do you have this kind of problem often? Tell the truth!

Too bitter? What did that mean? I like the Cafe Blend better. Did "they" get rid of it?

Don't lie about your age for Senior Coffee, kids. Who are "Steph" & "Deb?" Never mind.

May I return to the Webster Groves, Missouri Starbucks? I don't care if you are selling "weed." I don't mind pierced faces. I knew Webster College theatre people long ago. She flunked on one Peter Sergeant question? CALIFORNIA? Get the truth from Hughes!!!!!
They can't s-p-y a lick.
Can't drive worth a s---{no cussing; as its in the mail}

ALL TOGETHER SPIES! "What's in the mail?"

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