Monday, November 7, 2011

Get the Facts, America: Ginger the Hughes Family Tabby Died a Horrible Death

Ginger Rogers? William dances alone. Ask Jill; she has video to prove it, and I'd advise you not mess with the piano player. Excuse me, I'm composing an e-mail to the GOP candidates under heavy security. I'm a Democrat running against that "person of color." What's his name? As the late Bobby said, "It will come to you in the night." [Like those mysterious heavy lift helicopters that wake me up. Fire district, my ass!]

The pic that broke it open in June, 2007? Who else is running for president? I'm coming for "Mr. Vermin" - in m0re ways than one, sir. I'm nuts? Mom bought the blazers; blue & red. Dad had the loving cup. "Coincidence?" I've reviewed the early HUGHES AIRCRAFT files, you big ass. Yes I have, Barack, but of course I did not know what they were. Does the USA have a foreign policy? Fiscal policy? Monetary policy? You could have fooled me!

May I locate all 10 county seats in NH, LSS fatties? Thanks! Another dead one near St. John's, now known as "No Mercy Hospital." Jill B. where are you? Matt? Need any money? We'll talk later.

- One open-ended promise of money.
- One raft of student loans paid.
- One new computer company, when he dries out.
- One new battered woman's shelter.

Must be a bunch of nuts asking for these things, or I'm HH's grandson. I think it's the latter.

* I must return to my e-mail to the other candidates. They are mostly Republicans. 30 of them, in fact. Dems? Only 14, until I file. Then, it's 1-5. Wow! V/5/Five? Can "we" leave that part out, at least until we get a "Prime Minister Kennedy?" Thanks.

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