Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I Shouted For Joy (and no drug cartel protecting cops came!)

The Hermanator has taken my 2008 advice when Hillary would not. If you want to win, GET THUGS.

As for STEALING ALL OF MY POLITICAL IDEAS, "They're at it again!" But never mind, because Mr. Bruce informs me that to drive at night in Cali-for-NIA*...she's over 18? Excellent! [And kids, I am against the "Two tiered Driver's License." F--- the insurance insustry and their stats]

#14 - Momma & Daddy's wedding day

Q: "Why were you so happy, William?"

Two Nukes. They were new. They worked. We're both from Missouri/Missourah Need I say more? Not today.

A: "I don't need a ride to New Hampshire? I just need a 44 cent stamp, and for the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER printer to work? Jill! It worked for Tommy and the Chinese guy! Those joggers <cough, cough> are not actors! Hello? They are maybe listening to Michael Jackson, maybe not. "Paranoid" yet? [Mighty quiet around here when you inquire about who is selling heroin in the park] Me? 'I have no idea'."

*"NIA" stands for "Not In Action," as with much of the Left Coast's "SSI Nation" seeking to occupy something, but not the next cubicle to you or I, because the "weed" is powerful, meth stills sprout up like mushrooms, and...heroin? Is this a damn movie? Cowen said it, not I: "William, your whole life is like a movie."

And what did Chris say? "The troops will be home by Christmas, and back over there by New Years."

BONUS: What did I say to Tommy? "Tom, I'm young enough to get on Facebook, but old enough to not care it doesn't work right."

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