Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Campbell's Soup

ONE WORD: "Whoopee!"

Who was pulled over "weaving," then later apologized for "reckless and irresponsible" drunken-assed actions? Mum is the H-word. No pants? Drunk as a skunk? Female deputy? Male arrogant fool? Driving, as we said long ago in Belle Neighbors, "BLOTTOED?" Every damn day? 80+ miles of so drunk he did not know where he was mystery? Beating on Hughes as well? So intoxicated it did not hurt much? What was that he can't run for president battle cry? "Shut up!"

Hmm. Just last night, as I kicked myself for not gawking more at J---'s "Modified Peter Pan" oh so hot outfit, I said, "J---, they're all out there, but I don't know what they want." Hey ca kooks! Just add 50,000 people, and that's what it is like. No? Ask Rick, Mitt, or Hermanator. Ah, why bother when I say stuff to the "mafia girls" under my breath like, "See those contrails, honey? I don't think that's a commercial flight, if 'ya get what I mean."

Yet they never do.

What do "they" often say? "They don't get it." Money~~president. They go together.

Someone gave William a watch with a second hand to time his USA fly-brain political spots of 10 seconds each. You see, unless they are drunk or stoned, they can't focus any longer. Drugs? I'm blaming slot machines and computer games. Hughes at the Vegas casino? "Security! Come quick!"

Minutes of a GSAC Quickie Hughes is the Source of All Evil Meeting:
Present: Mark "Mafia" Williams; Andrea "Falsified Personnel Records" Koval; William "Not Nuts Running for POTUS" Hughes
Absent: Secret Service, CHP, Thousand Oaks Cops, Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Warrant issued?" Mark Felcha, of 5300 Arsenal Street, who was Hughes on every SLPRC page. Jennifer Boyd? Not to be discussed today.
The first issue raised was the use of a "Food & Crap Cart" which makes it far easier for the Hughes to transport the items of bums countywide into the GSAC Computer Lab. My stuff, too. I, the Hughes who dares run for president, immediately agreed to cease and desist. Next was the fifth crazy note from "Crazy Margaret." Hughes noted trying to write and take actiion on a 72-hour mental health "vacation" for "Margaret" (never a last name in T.O). All present discussed Margaret's delusions that the very public GSAC is her property. The Hughes "transgression" was failing to scrape cheese off the Mafia Billiard Room microwave tray quickly enough for Margaret's satisfaction. Hughes "confessed" to one cheese incident that was cleaned up promptly and escaped Margaret's OCD scrutiny. Next, Hughes was threatened with the microwave tray by Margaret in full view of many, but like Hillary's rolling pin, he was not struck. (Though an old spy/non-witness cowered). E-mail was next on the agenda. Hughes was directed to not send non-campaign helpers Rachel Cowen and Jill Jensen any more "cc" of free & fun MSN, Google, or gmail. Never mind the guy who told me about gmail may have been murdered by local gang bangers. [Chief cook and bottle washer Hughes here notes he's copied & pasted the new FBI report about gangs, but does the mysterious GSAC printer work? {Is the whole FBI and DOJ fired? Only if I win} Skipping ahead because this old SLPRC Ward H minute man is tired of mafia s__t, Ms. Koval said she did not support my murder in the crpd park, and I said, "You will repeat that in the venue we are not talking about that begins with "c". C-O-U-R-T.

The meeting was adjorned. Did I mention Jill's short LSS skirt & drugs, drugs, drugs? Oh, "I forgot." [The locals call it a "brain fart."]
Q: "Are there weapons in space?"
A: "Yes."
"I'm so glad I did not kill anyone in California. ALL of the gear won't go down? May I assist? I thought you had a crank of some sort. No crank? It's computerized? A microchip cannot lower the landing gear. Shut up and sit down? I can do that, sir."

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