Thursday, November 17, 2011

Secret Service Kicked My Moldy Bagel? So in jail!

"They" hate the facts. I speak like a wise man, ripping-off Jesus with the neither lending nor borrowing. Then, since I'm surrounded by mafia(s), the "I am not John Lennon" disclaimer must follow. "Not a narc, not a dealer am I," I've said, so now we're on in a gallop to flying saucers and triangles. Are my "Little Rascals" previewing NASA blackmail? I fear I'm right. "They" hate the idea of a President Hughes over at JPL saying, "Alright boys, what the f___ is on Mars?" "They" would have to answer me, and it scares them somehow.

He does not look like me? Stunned I am, yet I very much wonder if the motel where he was hiding after damaging White House plaster is the same one with the woman from [REDACTED BY CURRY EATERS] who looked me in the eye and asked, "Are you sure you don't want to stay another night?" When my response was negative, she wanted another unneeded signature with an old big, black  topcoat model spook watching over my shoulder. As I say often in Callyfornia, "I know what I'm seeing."

Moving on to the moldy bagel issue, I'm sure there would be more angry, jobless, adrift in this life miscreants in the St.L march above if a pissed-off William ever got home. Yes, I did toss a moldy bagel in the general direction of the walkway and exclaim, "That's for the god____ Secret Service!" Later, when you-know-who jogged by, not listening to WGBH, where were my little rascals? Oh, they don't want to face the non-deniable facts of political life. And, what did this detective discover later? That hussy had apparently, and now allegedly, kicked my bagel from the side of the path, to directly on the sidewalk.

Good god, woman! Don't you know a Westlake purebread dog could get sick from that moldy bagel? Any more behavior like that, and I'm going to call the CRPD Park Rangers who smoke pot with homeless persons and supervise the production of meth. "We" have to be very strict about the dog-walker's rights. As for drugs, I'M NOT ON THEM, YOU MORONS! May I look up KABC's toll-free number now? It's just not illegal.

"The report by Doctor Winfred Punchai has noted a long history of throwing donuts at spies and drug dealers on budget motel parking lots. This behavior has now manifested and increased in severity through the defendant throwing bagels at hallucinatory agents of the federal government, creating a clear danger to others in a public park. The recommendation to the corut is that the defendant get his butt to New Hampshire and whip President Obama's black ass."

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