Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"The Wind" is Fixin' to Blow You Down, Spy-Jackass

I tried to catch them in 2008 Bush-Burbank. Tower tapes, please? Erased? Digital thingy broke? "Bo," the president's dog ate it? Start thinking, FAA. Hughes is coming for you.

Mine costs way more than yours. Me? Fly? It's for the staff.
"What am I gonna do with them? Why can't they get along? Hughes is not mentally ill, but, uh, maybe I don't want all of that, you know, inquiry, and the probing, the finances, both family closets bare to the media, and, uh, they are truly vicious, and....."


May I have some "fun," too? Oh, I don't know how to run the USA? As a Saint Louis appliance dealer said long ago, "Try us, you'll like us."

May I?

May I keep my seat? Real Secret Service lurk, ca kooks, and I know who they are.Why am I fighting a "Pot War" among the many un-civil wars in progress? As I just stated on the "old blog" with Mountain View, I do this to create a record for C-O-U-R-T, because I am not sure it is seen too widely, if 'ya get what I mean. For example, it was 2005 Illinois when I was told, "Buddy, your mail isn't going anywhere," however, I cut a swashbuckling figure at CHESTNUT HEALTH SYSTEMS-MAINSTAY on the brand new security cam system, as my old cell phone had "disappeared" in the car. (My first wrecked by spies and who knows where it is automobile). The new one was stolen (phone) when I got to Chinafornia, and another new car was wrecked in Agoura Hills, CA home of so in jail scribes at The Acorn.

"Coincidence?" Are you taking your medication? I do not need any. I need a leased car, and today, the spying "they" are almost at big 1960's CIA LSD dose magnitude in "freaking out," because I can finally say (I think) the patented LA, "Gotta go" to New Hampshire. There, a very different "they" (voters) are ready & willing to help me beat our worthless Head Negro and be a not too liberal for the survival of capitalism Democrat nominee.Aw, don't keep saying I'm "nuts," when you clearly are. Why over the Memorial Day weekend, a young person acknowledged she knew of the McCarty victory over Johnson in 1968 New Hampshire. And, ca kooks, I really did ask Senator McCarthy something like, "When Bobby Kennedy stole your thunder, were you still friends with the Kennedy family?" He only looked like he'd been shot, I did not shoot him, and I did not know of the HH business. Nope.

Winning the president job? It's easy! For me, anyway, because Howard Hughes was a flat-out genius, whereas I've had my genes diluted by drunk Irish naval types, Prussians, and a second line of Royal genes. Another free hundred million dollar story? Okay. Lemmie go to the Word Press blog. I'll be right back.

Let's go to some really attractive babe with a microphone. Stalking candidates? Oh, those network newsgirls! That's why I'm sort of blackmailed/tricked/allegations fly/SS looks the other way when...The primping was for me? Who didn't know?  (Besides me).

"I was really pissed-off--may I say that?--I just did. You can edit and we'll start over if you want. It was a very cold and windy night in March or April of 2011, and I'd known since July of 2010, but even I didn't think it was real. Another trick?, I wondered. At the senior center where I was sort of a willing captive, they have highly reflective windows. I was on the west end of the building pacing and hollering about something or other. An old spook had given me a purple coat that was blowing in the wind, my considerable hair was likewise blowing in the wind, and whatever was eating at me had me pacing.

After a few passes at this; the pacing, yelling, and rather demonstrative commands to no one, I caught my own image in the glass, and it was the image of myself--the jaw, the hair, laser-beam eyes, the extremely bad attitude, raging royal genes, hormones out of control, and I suddenly froze looking at myself. The absolutely paralyzing thought was, 'Oh my God, you've seen this behavior in the movies when a king is really pissed...it's true'. That was it. I calmed down and thought about how absurd it all was, and still is."

Barack, is it in the hopper yet? Not yet? "The U.K. Royals May Not Run For President Act of 2012."

Did I mention today all of you mafia(s) and military types cannot have a #ucking thing. Not a penny. #uck you!

FBI? They gave Howard his file. I'm firing them all.
DEA? What a joke!
DIA? Look out for the spooky "Cable/Satellite Dish Guy!" Don't let him in!
NSA? Two-week turn off won't do. Gone! So illegal! Military takeover? Toss me an Uzi, it's your new very civilian president, and he's not playing "spy games."
Want your Social Security check?
Want your narrow-bodied jet to crash?
Want A-rabs to really do a 9/11 on us? How about 9 or 10 of them on the same day?  
China is ready to launch and keep California when it cools off? Turn-on Hillary's "missile shield!"

Better stop ridiculing me, you #ucking brain-jacked freaks!

"Jealous" of what? My sanity?

BELLY-UP FOR YOUR "CRAZY CHECK" OF $929. It will arrive in the wee hours tonight. Run to the ATM, get drunk, and leave me alone.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear ca Dehydration Diary

Did it really happen? That Santa Barbara station played "Gimmie Shelter" by a band my ex spouse and I called the "Rolling Bones" they looked so old in the early 1980's? Where's the "Fountain of Youth?" I'm not going there. What job am I still a "young" guy in? President of the United States. Now shut the f### up, or I'll surely "Call the cops." Girls, I know how the gizmo above works, but I want a wire, and I'm not talking that damn "spy talk."
What does he mean? What does he mean?

In hughesscreenplay#7, I thought I was buying the synchronisation rights to have an American Civil War 2.0 on the screen, and what did this Midwestern rube say yesterday? (05.29.11) "I did not let you see the good one." (Meaning screenplays, PARKER--AGULIERA--WINSLETT--HILTON--SHIELDS--LOHAN--HUDSON--CYRUS--SPEARS--GRAMMAR--HUDGENS--HEMINGWAY--GAGA--KARDASHIAN--COX). Did I forget anyone?

Closest proximity? Cyrus.

H-man likes you? Lohan. ("Don't believe everything you see in that Star," said the Ventura County Deputy at our favorite McDonald's).

That will not get hughesscreenplay#8 made. That's the one where "Seth" our presidential candidate gets his butt assassinated, or does he?

hughesscreenplay#9 is the sequel to #8? "Bob" is down in the Amazon? Chinese fighter jets scream overhead (I would have paid them for it), and what were the lines I now refuse to write?

What the fuck are they doing here?

They don't like this shit!

Okay, let's get cheap-o, because with about 12,000 movies in pre-production, filming, or post-production, Hollywood consistently "cries poor" for Hughes. First, to settle all "Gimmie Shelter" issues, in #9, Seth has survived, made president, and the problem is <gulp> nuclear war 'a comin', so "they" are abandoning the White House and going to one of Dick Cheney's "undisclosed locations." I know what roads to drive. I know right where on I-495 the Pentygon was going to turn out the lights for a big Mafiavision--excuse me--Panavision camera in the helicopter. "Way cool! That's enough!" I thought I would maybe yell into an old fashioned walkie-talkie. Oh, and don't forget, carpenters. You were gonna build a "Constitution-Grabber" that takes it down a hole, I read during the Cuban Missile Crisis, because I could read well in second grade.

Instead, I'm ending up what?

Oh, no.

Not me.

How about this one? The president gets abducted and held for ransom. It's a comedy, dumbass! No?

Okay, I get the "message."

May I go back to New Hampshire?


Would You Like an AMR Ride or a Joke, Sir?

Parr. Carson. Letterman. Leno. They all "knew/know things." Too much, in my candidate for president opinion, which I am entitled to, you moron! And, what is your full name, you lousy [EXPLETIVE DELETED]?

(Attention ca Kooks! I really used to work for banks & .gov's, so I had all federally-mandated Monday Holidays off. Today, I can't tell you what the good "they" gave me. It didn't cost much. It's the thought that counts).

"Don't believe that." 
- Jim  (On the rumor holding if I change pants, I get a new California girlfriend).

"They were gonna take me."
- Jim (His rationale for joining the Army voluntarily--a very long time ago).

"That's a good bank."
- J.S. (Regarding Ms. Nelson and the gang @ BNY).

"Bush did nine-eleven."
- Elise M.

"I wouldn't know about that."
- "Jeremy" (Regarding Walt Disney's political beliefs. He works where? Disney!).

"People are disappointed in him." 
- "Dannie" (Regarding President Obama).

"Not an advanced enough civilization."
- Anonymous TV Producer (Regarding E.T.'s lack of interest).

"The Obama Administration is putting a smiley face on a police state."
- Some KGO Radio Guy

"Your five minutes is up."
- "Bobbie" (Regarding my presidential debate practice at the Goebel Coffee Cart).

"We don't want any government, but we're not for chaos."
- Some Damn Liar in Austin, Texas (He's on KGO, not me?)

"I was baptized Catholic."
- Rev. Crazy Angels

"I'd vote for you. And, Trump's getting back in."
- "Darrel, The Great Darrel"

"Your jaw ought to be wired shut!"
- A Retired Cop

"I'll slap it out of him."
- The Same Cop As Above (Which side of the protecting Shriver Tommy Gun was he on? Hughes knows).

"I'm shopping for a business jet like a teenager looking for a first car. If it looks cool, I want one."
- William C. Hughes (That's me).

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Top 10 Signs Your Ass Is Getting Stuck In There

We begin with the current POTUS playing Ping Pong with my dismissed PM, and both of them looked plenty nuts. Thanks to the WSJ on that video I stumbled upon. (He's magic! No, he's on the Soldier Boy's Internet--a big hit since rampant I-porn of the mid-1990's). The photo file on Mr. Clegg had a "007" in it, but I deem it pure "coincidence" the pic above is Clegg at the same school as my two ping-ponging "cuckoo-birds," Barack & David visited. What is wrong with Nick's right hand? I have no idea.

Where else, but the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER Computer Lab?

That plane does a lot more than advertised. 

I figured as much.
Click, Click
Will this thing print?


Oh, you've got it.


I want two copies.

The engine's not that big.


Not much thrust...one engine? Oh, I know how they did that.

Uh huh.

More than that many G's, too.

Why? You'd pass out.

Uh huh.

It does more than one would think, from open sources.


I don't like those drones and shit.

I don't either.



They hit the wrong guy. Get the wrong target.

Yep. They're starting to figure it out.

See that canopy? You need a human in there.

Sure do.

I'm so glad they figured that much out.

How do I print this?

Oh for crying out loud, don't act like you don't know how.

I'm learning to be lazy in Chinafornia. Can we count Clegg & The Fischerman as two signs I'm getting a four year only job in D.C.? I'll rustle up the other eight on Monday. It's Memorial Day, however, Jill, Mike, or Mark will be here, but not that guy who left me an external drive with which to cause "trouble." Thanks, I'll return it when I get some real help--hold the mind games.

Q: Would a President Hughes fire about one-third of the United States Government?
A: Yes.
Q: How could anyone do that?

[I can hear them now, right spygirls? We want higher taxes! We want big government!]

Enjoy your Federally mandated Monday Holiday.
I won't.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Around The Horn We Go

Pumping petrol at USA Gas in "T.O.," eh? Drinking Pepsi, like momma, eh? I like coke, and I do not mean the powdered kind, hyper-religious kooks. BTW, I 've called USA Gas "Mike's Gas Station" for a long time.


When do I get to give away a gas station?


No wonder that A-rab tossed me from the Newbury Park Chevron. My sin? Just another cleaner than average bum trying to shave fast in the rest room. Got an itty-bitty camera in there? Of course they do, Caroline! Legal? NO!!!

Q: "Where did (Mike's) gas station get its name?"
A: "The "bugs" @ 441 W. Mifflin, Madision, WI  53703"
Q: "What do you mean?"
A: "In about 1982, I said, 'Gayle, gas is all the same. Branding is for additives that maybe work, maybe don't. It's always the same price. Shell, Mobil, Amoco...same price. There's no competition. No free market. They should nationalize those money-grubbing assholes and call it USA Gas'."
Q: "Why are you so intent on 'gifting' the gas station?"
A: "If not for Mike's advice about your sick-o mafia town of Thousand Oaks, I'd probably be dead."

AND I'M STILL ALIVE? I've got some powerful friends, pal, and you don't.
People pay for this? "Whatever floats your boat." Celibate? Me too. When are we going out to dinner? Acting kind of crazy? Not around William V. Ask the local "youth authority," who pester me a lot.

p.s. I do like Chistina's radio station, and I have trouble spelling her last name. I cannot mess it up, so I'll mention she was in...what was that movie? Burlesque. I'll see it someday. He's on the Google satellite (probably mine) looking at the British Embassy! Let's scratch ourselves and make hand signs! Mark, is the Internet off yet? Not yet?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

"Are you gonna hang back, or be known as a snitch?"

Oh, those U.S. presidents! "We" go to the ever-popular Q& A:

Q: "Why did President Ford fall down so often?"
A: "Same reason Hughes fell in front of the Housing Authority on Hillcrest in Thousand Oaks California with the ever-vigilant local cop watching to start a rumor."
Q: "What was the rumor?"
A: "I'm a drunk."
Q: "What was your last drink?"
A: "About eight ounces of Budweiser with some nut named "Ben" a few weeks ago."
Q: "Before that?"
A: "We're not talking about "Karla" at Fridays. Nope."

This is another pic of Jerry Ford falling down on the ski slopes. Those are his feet. Who's the female? I get one, too, right?
What the hell is this?
"They" always change the rules. Always.

Pardon me, as I go snitch to the (so fired!) FBI. I have nothing more productive to do; at the moment, anyway.
On second thought, I guess I answered Mark's question that served as today's blog title. That's productive? Not really.

Dear Policewoman

William Hughes (hughesaliveandforpresident@live.com)
Thu 5/26/11 2:19 PM
rcowan@crpd.org; jjensen@crpd.org; jomof14@cox.net; retired@militarytimes.com; tnsoule@sbcglobal.net; lundvic@verizon.net
newstip@theacorn.com; newstips@latimes.com; letters@guardian.co.uk; letters@nationalreview.com; letters@nypost.com; letters@post-dispatch.com; letters@time.com; letters@tnr.com; letters@vcstar.com; letters@washpost.com; ttf@roadrunner.com; lifesabigparty@yahoo.com; lenneafenton@gmail.com; rachel.kolar@gmail.com (rachel.kolar@gmail.com); rachelmarcus92@gmail.com; keri@normalfilms.com; indy.rebhun@sci-us.com

My report has been delayed by yet another "non-incident" last evening (05.25.11) in the Computer Lab. Given someone was standing over me like a big, hulking, black bear about one foot from where I was hit hard on the right side of my head April 14, 2011, I elected to get up, since I had finished my work. On my way out the door at approximately 7:30 p.m, I forcefully (DO NOT allege "yelling") said, "Back off," and departed.

The "SSI-Funded Dirty Tricks Gang" seemed to be very disappointed at my departure. I later spoke to Ms. Jill Jensen, who was very curious about the non-incident. Initially, I refused to name a name on the "hulker," but she persisted in her line of inquiry. When I told her who likes to get way too close, on a too regular basis, to candidate for President of the United States #8003536, she sighed and rolled her eyes, as she's very skilled at communicating non-verbally. At least vacationing in Italy Goebel staff member Rachel Cowan understands the significance of my IRS Number. It is 80-01415. That number will allow me to withhold her Social Security & Federal taxes when she works for me making significantly more money.

Why am I so sure? Rachel said, "We're Jewish, and my family talks about politics." It's not a dirty word, and I am going to win the presidency. My, my, are you all looking bad, as I've been alleged to be "badass"--whatever that means--according to local illegal drug users, drug dealers, alcoholics, and SSI recipients who follow me around, as with grandpa Howard. I'm not buying a hotel, but per Jill's suggestion, I think the Best Western is an appropriately modest start for ending up your Commander in Chief.

(Now, call me "crazy," and I will read something intellectual, ignoring your nutty ass all day).

Q: Why was the Bush 43 IRS so cheerful in giving me my Political Action Committee (PAC) IRS number?
A: I pay my taxes.

Nice try, spies. First, as I attempted to complain about the old text "gray out" effect, off went GOOGLE CHROME. Now, what I type does not seem to be what appears on the screen. Could that National Socialist IBM V.P. girl return to our 605 E. Janss Road Starbucks for some rhetorical ass-kicking? How about the History Channel chief? It's another "she." Girls, girls, girls. SO IN FEDERAL PRISON. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stressed? Did I Curse at You Morons Today? 9 p.m. Be There!

Where is my collection of "Big Pharma" pens? In the ruins of LA, maybe.

WILLIAM'S UNDONE "DO LIST" (Dedicated to Candy & Lauren)
-- e-mail regarding Glenn Ruffenach's piece in Smart Money
-- CBK, Get Uppity, Get Lo
-- Fran's EBS Joke
-- Find Toni's Memo & Deliver
-- Consolidate Koval's Kooks
-- Print Above on Non-Flyer Paper
-- PI's
-- Lawyers
-- Search AmGen on Star & comment
-- P-D/Joplin Comment
-- Sheriff & CHP Commissioner Letters
-- Start CBK Letter II
-- British Embassy/Parking Rates
-- Car & Driver Reports
-- Consumer Reports
-- BNY/Mellon Req?
-- Cal Fresh

Eighteen? Twenty? Need a Job?

It's time to scrape the bottom of the barrel. "What does he mean? What does he mean? What does "Conflicting Edits" mean, Goo-gle? I'll be right back.

It means the Star Trek transporter pic is unwanted. Why? Was I ignoring certain "people" today? Yes. Was someone in this room fighting the download of a second James Doohan photo? Yes. Is Christina's radio station playing a Sade song I like? Yes. Why do they "mafia-groan" like I'm doing something wrong? What am I doing? Don't know, you lousy ca *ocksucker.

If it pleases the Illuminati Court, may I write about Medicare? "Ryan's Hope" has not a chance, as I hear it on "Darrel's Radio." rattle keys>>rattle keys>>rattle keys Didn't Ben 2.0 say it long ago? I asked, "Why do they rattle keys in your ears?" Ben replied, "To drive you nuts." Now, "they" will really try, as I have, by homeless & helpless standards, struck gold. (Never mind it is my own capital I squirreled away, like an Israeli fixin' to buy a home on Arab land with CASH). Me? Criticise Israel? Look how far your current POTUS got with that. "Standing O" from the Israel Lobby in Congress; people who have been known to stuff tinfoil wrapped cash into the freezer. And the FBI actually caught them? Amazing! Not awesome at all!

It's the outlet mall at I-70 & U.S. 54. He's lying! He;s lying! No, I've been to the McDonald's there too many times as a far heavier state bureaucrat late for another meeting. He's lying! He's lying! Nope. What will I say when they say, "You can't be president. No experience!" Ready, girls?

"The guy in the Bond movies? He's grandpa. Howard was the real James Bond, and Mafia trurned him into a "nut," because he let them, dummmy. Why? So I'd eventually get all of the Hughes empire back. What have I done? Outwitted the entire intelligence apparatus of USA, UK, EU, Russia, China, and God only knows who, but I do know barefooted ISI when I see them, and Mossad opens the door for me, like at a New York City residence I never have had. All this and more, out of a homeless guy's Ralph's cart? Plus, I was a state bureaucrat for twenty years. Have you worked for the government? City? County? State? Federal? Buddy, I did, and it's the same at every level. I'm a public sector animal, but I would not mind, for example, buying a large corporation and handing it to someone who actually helped me get out of California, I state I'm learning to like by hating it, not its people."

Was that a take? Where is the camera? Tell me I cannot walk past the statue of USA's 14th president and say, "Bill, when is the filing period? I might forget. Grandpa was crazy, and my memory is kinda bad. Could you write it down for me?"

The man will say, "Hughes, you can leave now."

Who is Bill? Who is he talking about?

Don't give me that crap, when you somehow already know about who I want in Eve's Chevy Station Wagon in November. What did the real ones say the first time? "I'll run interference for you." More recently? "Don't worry, It'll get better."

That's nice, sir. What does "Admiral Willie" have to say about the pace of the proceedings?

"Ramming speed. I'm sick of this [EXPLETIVES DELETED]

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

One Ringy-Dingy...It's the Kingy

Not this plane again? What did I label the file?"ATR72.DeathTrap."Oh, I am not writing about our Cessna 402B crunched pop star. Not yet. This report was my first look at a Brit report by their/my agency like the ntsb. Shall I say, "Like night and day?" "Like comparing Sarah Palin to David Cameron?" Surprise! I might like her better, even though she shoots defenseless wolves from a helicopter. Whatever floats your boat.

Why is WGBH playing "elevator music?" Mozart, my ass. Oh, above "we" see a meeting of Grover Cleveland's cabinet. The Army (so in jail!) JAG next door will remember that was my very first campaign commercial idea. And yes, "The Runt" had his ear to the door during Syriana, thinking it was an al Queda training video. He said that? Vermin! If you know who had the good sense to, "Dump That Marine"--a new call to no arms--maybe she will be in a short, small market commercial after all. Nosy park rodents, the "set up" was that we're finally on the bus, and I don't know what day it is, or where we are. So, my aide applies the GARRET-SIMCOX MENTAL STATUS EXAM (c)2004, and I comically flunk the last question by responding, "Grover Cleveland." Times change when you've been messed with badly in Chinafornia, Royal DNA fires, and the "Key Word" begins with "k," but I'm not referring to a person or place.

The new ad copy? "Some black guy. I forgot his name."

More botched IV insertions at local National Socialist medical facilities? I've had one for a 103 degree fever that would not quit, and one for the world-famous 2004 colonoscopy. (I could not face tough as nails, may allege I'm a "wimp" spygirls without getting it over with). Oh, the drama @ St. John's in Saint Louis County, Missouri! And, you are not getting another story for free. MONEY! MONEY! I need some MONEY! Anyway, both insertions of the big needle left nary a pinprick, because Saint Louis is a working town, an aerospace town, a chemical plant town, a sports town, and a medical town (yes, I did smoke pot in 1976 and muse on cracking tower flames from the SHELL OIL COMPANY refinery. Refinery? What is a refinery? We want weed! Meth! Cocaine! Later, I pumped Shell gas with "Scott," from Terre Haute, a state I will steamroll. Did my ex work there? Help! Scott, for the record, conducted drive-through pot sales, and I checked the oil. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REVERSE THE ROLES, SPIES!

We had so many hospitals In "The Loo," they had to consolidate, and downsize the psych units in concert with laying me, and all mental health police off, so as to be more like the West Coast, where lunatics run the table, and "The Cops" have told me, "Just ignore them." So did the head ambulance driver for my new company, AMR, just last weekend.

Circling back to the www.aaib.gov.uk people, who "fobbed off" the late Aaliyah's overloaded Cessna 402B investigation to highly creative writers at USA's www.ntsb.gov, who in turn "punted" to the DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION, Nassau, Bahamas. Seems that is where some guy drowned, but did not drown, I now believe. So, that was a hint? About the plane crash? My money in Nassau? The betting line at the Hialeah dogtrack? Did you say Opa Locka? That story wins over some "NASCAR Dads," for sure.

I've got an idea better than the, "Prince Albert in a can" phone joke.

I call (242) 326-0339.

CIVIL AVIATION CIVIL SERVANT: "Blah, blah, Standard Greeting."
WILLIAM: "I need a report on the Blackhawk Airways Cessna 402B that crashed on Runway 27 at Marsh Harbour Airport on August 25, 2001."
WILLIAM: "The King."

This Is Why*

Thanks to Mix 92.3 in  Detroit, Michigan, a state I must win in 2012. I'm on the case.

Actually, I already was, but I'm, uh, kinda busy out here, with very little help from mafia(s) and local kooks.

For those of you who would foolishly like to be me, here's how this one kicked-up dust, even when I try to do not much. I've got a big problem with SONY, muck like BOEING. Grandpa Howard famously backed-out of buying ABC, however, grandson William correctly figured, "He closed a deal on some entertainment entity, like CBS, perhaps." Did they just have a leaky nuclear reactor in Japan? Earthquake, correct? China and Japan do not get along <cough, cough>and perhaps poor William V owns a big chunk of Sony, if there were ever justice for anyone named "Hughes."

Pardon me, ca brain-jacked teens, you did not know Sony purchased CBS? They put an office next to whatever is left of HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY in Culver City, CA to piss me off. It worked. Returning to Detroit, Soldier Boys, before I am accused of being "ADD," or "Autistic," or "tangential," let's get out John Madden circles & arrows, for the truly low I.Q. druggies.

Thanks to all of the people and subhumans listening to 911 St. Rita Avenue, they know I like the Destiny's Child song about Waterfalls, because I played it often in Paul (so in jail!) Turner's building. That led to source of all knowledge Wikipedia, for more info about...wait a minute...or as Ronnie Rayguns famously said, "Hold on here!" What happened to the dead singer? No overturned jeep? No tragedy in Costa Rica? Nobody died? Oh, that (so in jail!) Pentygon and their phishing! May I enunciate my "vision" for civilians defending the USA? Who thought of that? Your damn Founders! Would it kill you to read a whole book? See the "Navy Librarian" for details. He's over at the T.O. library, and I'm not speculating on why.

Back on the Sherlock path, I was shocked and dismayed, however, all Destiny's Child members receiving their royalty checks is a good thing, so "we" defaulted to Aaliyah, pictured above, who I long ago assumed was indeed dead, under some mighty funky circumstances, and it was about 2005, or was it 2006 when I thought, "Vampire movie, then she's dead? Hmmm." (For non-spies like me, if you are difficult to kill, "they" may call you a "vampire." For the (so in jail!) United States Department of Justice, I'm on my, oh, third or fourth "vampire stake" left by unlawful admirers.

Since MICROSOFT products are so secure, the minute I downloaded the Aaliyah photo above, the Detroit DJ said, "Thanks." It's Hillary's "Global Village" alright, but none of it is legal. Hints the old legal system is in trouble? 1. Supreme Court justices retiring before croaking; 2. Sandra Day O'Connor throwing corporate bashes in the Appeals Court, where I did not know she went, due to my political--let's forget Syria--prisoner status; and 3. I'm trying to get a damn lawyer to run for Vice President with me. Is she any good? Not at that! We know that. Oh, these Californians! Sex, sex, sex, and may we stop talking about drugs?

Thanks. "They" hate it when I go to www.ntsb.gov, and print something? Not allowed! May I "wrap up" the Air Florida one first? What did he say?

CAM-1  "Tell you what. My windshield will be deiced, don't know about the wings."
CAM-2  "Well, all we really need is the inside of the wings anyway, the wing tips are gonna speed up by eighty anyway, they'll, they'll shuck all that other stuff."
(sound of laughter) 

"BRAIN-JACKED" perhaps?
Time to make the donuts.
Time to lease the Impalas & Armadas.
Time to run for president.
As I often say to a pole, "This stuff ain't new."

Your question or comment, Mr. Mafia Man?

"Step aside, as a guy paid a bit more than minimum wage will now grope you prior to boarding the airplane." And, I would not try and stir anything up, but that's the least of your problems. I'd recommend the Bose noise-cancelling headphones, and your prayer of choice.

*"He's crazy! He's crazy! Uh, what did he mean?" What I meant is that the Hughes "Quick Connect" (TM) with no Apple, Android, Blackberry, cell phone, or the it'll stay broken until I see Roger HP laptop means if I knew what you morons think I knew any earlier than 2007, I'd own the world. I still do? Bullfeathers! The war(s) rage on.

Monday, May 23, 2011

When are you a "Politician?" Promise and Don't Deliver--You're "In!"

My excuse is headaches with no rational etiology, bratty rich kid teenagers who should be coyote food bothering me, and girls at Starbucks who clear the place for you-know-who to shake her moneymaker. I said, "Hi." This is fact, and a bit like Federal Courthouses past and future.

Oh, do "they" ever fight the crash reports! In today's gem, a bitter old spook has again already supplied the arrows, but no drawings of ghosts this time. I understand that for some reason, the media collective fly-brain never bothers to read the latest NTSB batch of bullfeathers by the time it is released, and who with 2.5 kiddos will look for it, so that leaves poor old Hughes, unrecognized as [flying saucers!] Howard's grandson to become ill, because I don't fly, but certain things are elementary, Watson, such as:

CAM-2  "Anti-ice."
CAM-1  "Off."

What was that? Off? The airplane's underpowered to begin with engines were full of snow, because the company tractor could not pull them out of the gate, and whiz-boy ran thrusters to get out of a snowbank. To make sure D.C. attorneys make even more dough, these potentially "brain-jacked" & giggling fellows then sat behind a DC-9 to melt the snow on their wings, turning it to solid ice. Howard Stern, almost "Back in the day" joked that a Potomac bridge would make a fine boarding spot, but what Mr. Hughes wonders is, with no mysterious mass electrical failures this time, couldn't he have nudged that falling rock into the drink without inconveniencing motorists, as with a Boeing 737 on top of the family car?

Wikipedia does not list egotistical deceased passengers? Suspicious, indeed.

My oh so fired FBI analyzed that "Black Box" to determine the guy really said "Off," but did not notice any further anomalies? Whew! What did you say, sir?

CAM -2 "Boy, this is shitty, it's probably the shittiest snow I've seen."

As the late, great, Frank Zappa said in Saint Louis, Missouri, "Real professional, Howie."

Like Ringing a Bell, Right Chuck? (Berry, that is)

A "First Responder" to AIR FLORIDA 90? Why so hard to locate the Cuckoo Transcript, Captain?

"Kids In California Know No State Capitals"
"Two Obamas? Which One Is Real?"
"Who the Hell is 'Celeste'?"
"Why Is Hughes Not Cutting Campaign Commercials Yet?"
"Save Money by Sending Gitmo's Unwanted to North Korea," or "I Hate Making Sense"
and much, much, more

p.s. This Ain't The Huffington Post, sir!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

B&W Photos, Please (For never forgets a face William V)

When running for president, pick your VP with care, if 'ya get what I mean.

Who are these guys? Just wondering.

What was that, Jackie? "No, let them see what they've done." 
For ca tweeker morons and other drunk and/or drug-crazed individuals, that referred to her refusal to change out of the bloody dress. And, I have a relative with the SAME NAME as her personal secretary at the time? Time to hear another Boston rock & roll song on Corporate radio. We win! {Why was someone coughing loud while Obama praised the CIA recently? They need, as a really bad Saint Louis psychiatrist from India said, "A lozenge." Or, more dirt on the president. I've sure got enough. It's easy!} Hey ca kooks! What are the most searched on the .net terms?

"Kennedy Assassination"

Are they kidding? I've got all the answers? No wonder I'm dispossessed, homeless, sorta starving, but with many headed to a Federal prison near you!!!

As a bonus, "we" know who the November, 1963 "they" were?

May I run for president now? Not yet?

Damn old spooks!

What is That Thang, USAF Mormon Kooks?

What? You thought you were getting the "Where'd the Pillbox Hat Go?" mystery solved today? For free? Are you nuts? I'm not. I'd rather find out what that pole is on the tail of the old-fashioned Air Force One.

Spying morons, it's a Boeing 707.

Who put the engines on it?


Did I fly on one?


Where to?

Not a training camp for bad guys in Pakistan.

Where did the Captain sit for a long time?

Behind me, William C. Hughes/William V.

Friday, May 20, 2011

As The Eagles Sang (long ago), "With a gleam in her eye."

Going fishing?
Why is my reinvestigation of air disasters, wherein I get it right, causing ghouls, witches, & warlocks to emerge, but no CNN satellite truck has yet arrived?

HERE IS MY OFFICIAL POSITION, AND I AM NOT OBLIGATED TO TALK OR EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO KEN'S, BEN'S OR PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR A PARK DISTRICT, YET BEHAVE LIKE COPS. It's the "in" thing among spoiled brats of all ages in Thousand Oaks, California, and I finally had my discussion on it with Deputy Hall. The "tripwire" is identifying yourself fraudulently, so those "Secret Service Agents" have been arrested, right? Oh, I see, this is Hughes, so that is not the case? Did I mention I am winning the presidency and giving you the "smaller government" many have wanted on DAY ONE with my mighty E.O. pens? (You are welcome to one, as I have seen this procedure on TV, and I can do it, too).

As a bonus, the remaining agencies might do something meaningful to help you, the taxpaying citizen. Revolutionary!

A very cold swim, with only five survivors among 79? The Captain's name was what? You've got to be kidding! The flight was to where? Mother of God! The thrust was set at what? How does this crap go on? Excuse me, "The Aviator's" grandson, for knowing, and if you brain-jacked idiot, robo-kooks would kindly rent a car for me, speaking for myself, I'd feel much safer flying commercially. May I get back to work on the 1979 O'Hare mess, absent rocks & bottles tossed, knives displayed, and paintballs shot? And I'm not taking legal action against this oh so corrupt state, county, & city? Are you nuts? I'm not.

Andrea departed at 2:59 p.m. She is:
a). Taking a late lunch.
b). Going home early.
c). Attending a meeting.
d). Saw that Ken was marching to the library and flashed a "secret sign" to him.
e). Is meeting with her attorney, as my goal now is to see all of the Goebel staff arrested and prosecuted, except the Custodians.