Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Two Retractions

That's the first one. "They" know what I said. The remarks were not political.

Next. I alleged, I think incorrectly, that Google was not uploading to this site on a timely basis. Wrong. The explanation, and dear God, it seems I need an explanation for everything from why I'm out front of Vons/Safeway (litigation 'a coming) to why I'm now officially "gunning" for President Black Guy. Now, as George W. Bush said often, "Look..." Ron Dellums (D-CA) gave up on him over a year ago, and he's good & black. Charles Rangel (D-NY) was/is a "sudden slumlord?" After that long in Congress? Senator Stevens (R-AK) got "jumped on" by the Obammy FBI, then died in a plane crash, of all the ways to go? "Governor Rod" (D-IL) I am just not talking about until I have the Impalas and Best Western rooms. Then, they'll steal the remote, dunk a TV in the pool, punch one of the other guests, and I'll say, "This ain't your grandpa's candidate," and sign the debit/credit card slip.   

Oh, the stories, as it is indeed like a "Running for President Jukebox." Soon, for a mere few thousand (dollars $,$$$ you brain-jacked robot!), I'll tell the "FBI Guy With a Gun In My Face In The Loop" story. I'm a wizard? A genius? No, when he was sitting at the SAINT LOUIS BREAD COMPANY with a spygirl I knew in the "Roaring 1980's" {guns! coke! Contras! excitement!} that is what my very own dad called a "No Brainer." Ah, but he waited until I tried to shake them off by crossing the street to Starbucks, which they may have thought meant something besides, "I don't like you, asshole." "We" all know the "plan" now, because I've told this story to the locals. 1. Kick gun onto Delmar sidewalk; 2. Passing U. City Gang-bangers say, "Thanks! Free gun!"

[I'd better get off the computer, before more fake Secret Service arrive].

Oh, I'm "nuts" if I don't remember to clear-up the Google confusion. To be Beaton "Quick, like a bunny," I've been getting to this site via the near-AT&T/Microsoft monopoly Google search engine. When I do so, I see my "Greatest Hits" by someone's definition, which does not always include the latest post. I stand corrected, which will not happen very often when I'm banging the Bully Pulpit, chumly.

How about that www.abolishtheCIA.org? Not on any search engine. Not one, but the good folks at my Scottsdale, Arizona home office put it up, did they not? Some guy at The Nation said he saw it. Was he lying? He liked my hair. Was he gay? I'm asking the questions now, girls.

Nice photo of Bush--our second worst president, thanks to...what's his name? You know, he's, uh, a skinny black guy. First one ever...uh, damn...what's his name?

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