Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Not Funny Punch Line Is...

"So does this."
mafia lawyer note: Please see for the "set up," and I am not talking that blasted "spy talk," yet it is a fact that during the 2008 New Hampshire Presidential Primary, the record shop man called "Dave" and placed bets, the Vet in the wheelchair at the food coop was surly, there was another "Cornerstone Properties" office by the WHITE Mountain Coffee shop (where all clean city workers would gawk at me, and they used wax paper, like grandma), and at the other candidates offices, they pointed the camera at me, much like the CCR song about "They'll point the cannon at you."

No you won't! GITMO IS BEING CLOSED,* AND I'VE GOT U.S. ADMIRALS AND GENERALS TO PUT THERE, AFTER THE A-RABS ARE SENT HOME, WHERE THEY HAD BETTER BEHAVE, OR ELSE. HEY BIG CHINAFORNIA KOOK/DRUGGIE/DRUNK, THEY LOVE ME IN ISRAEL AND SAUDI! You did not know that? Havana can post some guards. They'll love it! (And so will the rest of the civilized world).

* I think I have made it clear that, though a lifelong Democrat, I like the current president less that Mr. Bush, a feat I thought no human could accomplish. That said, I read on a news electron collection that there were to be open federal court trials for the "terrorists," and now it's secret crap at GITMO. Not so fast, Admiral/General! "We" want to know all about "9/11," and Mr. Hughes is no "conspiracy theorist." No, sir! And, did I mention I know what Americans served as what I've termed "hijacker helpers" in Arizona & Florida? Yes, sir!

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