Monday, May 16, 2011

Sunday Morning Catch

Wave, wave, wave. We can do that. Substance? Hey, this is the USA!

How does he do it? Beats me, and it's me we're talking about.

05.15.11  12:27 p.m.
Today's big relevant a.m. revelation was HUBERT HUMPHREY a.k.a "HUBERT HUMPHRIES" per Howard, at the O.L.G.C. gym backstage Left & North side in September, 1968. Caught! [POTUS Candidate Note: This is the first one, leading to my slogan of, "I don't stalk presidents, they stalk me."] The extra suits standing around in the gym are standing SS-style, because they are that. And, I think the NIXON GUY is a very yound RON ZEIGLER--no way to be sure until E.T.-chasing mafias give up the Penske truck. Hubert's man, who I chatted with for a pretty long time, was maybe Humphrey's #1 campaign manager, as he was very smart, and had a good sense of humor. Here's the "scoop."

[I cannot reproduce the diagram until rule of law is restored around here, or some type of insurrection I did not start gets underway. However, if a few of, as Dean Delaney used to say, "Youse guys" want to head down to OLYMPIC AVENUE and.....]

Secret Service man moved out of my view. Funnier still are these FACTS:
1. I borrowed a bank of lights to make the film.
2. I erased the tape because: a). It was boring, and; b). It would not synchronize with the film correctly {just like the ROB PAUL DVD I found in a 2008 New Hampshire snow drift. It is also in the Penske truck}.

Let's go, spygirls! "Humphrey wasn't there." He's nuts!" Nah, wrong again, girls, because when I looked out the door on to St. Cyr Road, I thought, "Man! These young guys got some nice wheels!" (Black Lincoln Towncars, as I recall). 

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