Saturday, May 7, 2011

Good Cop, Indifferent Cop

"Up against the wall!" it was not, as they no longer ask any identity questions at all. It is known who I am, so getting angry at the seriously cy-borgy brain-jacked over their "M&M Behavior" (Moth & Marching) led to Round Two clarity with "The Cops," thanks to one word of theirs. "Freak." Some of you "people" are like freaks, so like a moth to the light, you won't stay away, and you like to march around.

Do you fancy yourselves the "AmGen IRA?" Not my problem--yet. As for a well-informed (without really trying) investigation, mine cannot be equaled. Round One with the coppers was the usual matter of them puffing out their chests and behaving like I'm in trouble. Isn't this getting old? Yet unlike most of the citizenry, a few of them make sense, and they have to back down. Me? I'm making sense all of the time, surrounded by both sweet & sour rotten spies.

Yesterday, Deputy Hall opined that I can't get a house and some land through civil procedure, and maybe I don't want to go there, because there may be bodies buried out back, and of course, the King's County Sheriff will believe me, but in politics, this is called "bad pub." Stalking is difficult to prove? Not if you have a brand new HollyMafia movie out. Sorry deputies, this is the Hughes and William V, but java will still be 64 cents at McDonald's and $1.50 at Starbucks.

That is why I've said I want Obama out on his ass prematurely. Response? He's acting like Tarzan, beating his breast and sounding like he personally shot and killed OBL. As I go off prepared text and freak-out the "we see through your optic nerve" spies, this vile black man is using the entire U.S. Government against his real or delusionally perceived "enemies." I'm "paranoid?" Please, no more "gun displays," and keep the nasty switchblades in your pocket. "The kids" in California don't know history, however, I do. And, it is a fact the #5 Forest Home Court Gang hid the evening St. Louis-Post Dispatch from me during Watergate in real-time and left out the comics. Not funny. Would you like a "hot" civil war? You got it, Dee.

"All politics are local" could never be more true, and that includes the two smoking synthetic pot 17 year-old's who last night said, "We'll watch your back." I'm honest, so I must disclose my perspective is jaded, primarily by near-Jesus level persecution done so sneakily, and at times skillfully, as the Psy-Op Civil War 2.0 rages on, I can only hope the gray & white helicopter buzzing the building in which I write is not a noisy hologram, and was maybe chartered by someone who actually cares about me, if only a little bit--as with the oil drilling bit at BAKER HUGHES, an "oil services company" in the middle of a management shakeup that I am sure has nothing to do with me, the rightful bossman. Yes, Virginia, I'm running for president for real, as soon as Ralph's Cart 729 becomes a museum piece.

That said, at least the peace officers maintain neutrality and moderate, without taking sides. My parting shot yesterday was, "Isn't somebody getting drunk over there at the festival?" And, like the movie this will be someday, the deputies said, "Yeah, and we're headed over there right now," as they started their motorcycles. "Thanks, guys!" I called out, and somewhere, a lot sooner than you may think, and old spook muttered, "Dear God, it's happening again."

p.s. The CBK letter got into the blue mailbox, and whoever listens to the mafia patio already knows I think this president is such a king with no clothes, the big difference in Charlotte, NC would include no big Orwell screen to reveal my zit scars covered-up with cosmetics, but rather all with a little screen, like Davos. As for a Ralph's cart replica coming down the center isle with mandatory balloons & confetti, I'm warning you now, I do know individuals I've long called "Theater People," who could construct a prop, and you think I'm weird?

Q: "Why does the stick look like my Nissan's in the U.K./E.U. warplane?
A: Have a nice weekend--I gotta work.

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