Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This Is Why*

Thanks to Mix 92.3 in  Detroit, Michigan, a state I must win in 2012. I'm on the case.

Actually, I already was, but I'm, uh, kinda busy out here, with very little help from mafia(s) and local kooks.

For those of you who would foolishly like to be me, here's how this one kicked-up dust, even when I try to do not much. I've got a big problem with SONY, muck like BOEING. Grandpa Howard famously backed-out of buying ABC, however, grandson William correctly figured, "He closed a deal on some entertainment entity, like CBS, perhaps." Did they just have a leaky nuclear reactor in Japan? Earthquake, correct? China and Japan do not get along <cough, cough>and perhaps poor William V owns a big chunk of Sony, if there were ever justice for anyone named "Hughes."

Pardon me, ca brain-jacked teens, you did not know Sony purchased CBS? They put an office next to whatever is left of HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY in Culver City, CA to piss me off. It worked. Returning to Detroit, Soldier Boys, before I am accused of being "ADD," or "Autistic," or "tangential," let's get out John Madden circles & arrows, for the truly low I.Q. druggies.

Thanks to all of the people and subhumans listening to 911 St. Rita Avenue, they know I like the Destiny's Child song about Waterfalls, because I played it often in Paul (so in jail!) Turner's building. That led to source of all knowledge Wikipedia, for more info about...wait a minute...or as Ronnie Rayguns famously said, "Hold on here!" What happened to the dead singer? No overturned jeep? No tragedy in Costa Rica? Nobody died? Oh, that (so in jail!) Pentygon and their phishing! May I enunciate my "vision" for civilians defending the USA? Who thought of that? Your damn Founders! Would it kill you to read a whole book? See the "Navy Librarian" for details. He's over at the T.O. library, and I'm not speculating on why.

Back on the Sherlock path, I was shocked and dismayed, however, all Destiny's Child members receiving their royalty checks is a good thing, so "we" defaulted to Aaliyah, pictured above, who I long ago assumed was indeed dead, under some mighty funky circumstances, and it was about 2005, or was it 2006 when I thought, "Vampire movie, then she's dead? Hmmm." (For non-spies like me, if you are difficult to kill, "they" may call you a "vampire." For the (so in jail!) United States Department of Justice, I'm on my, oh, third or fourth "vampire stake" left by unlawful admirers.

Since MICROSOFT products are so secure, the minute I downloaded the Aaliyah photo above, the Detroit DJ said, "Thanks." It's Hillary's "Global Village" alright, but none of it is legal. Hints the old legal system is in trouble? 1. Supreme Court justices retiring before croaking; 2. Sandra Day O'Connor throwing corporate bashes in the Appeals Court, where I did not know she went, due to my political--let's forget Syria--prisoner status; and 3. I'm trying to get a damn lawyer to run for Vice President with me. Is she any good? Not at that! We know that. Oh, these Californians! Sex, sex, sex, and may we stop talking about drugs?

Thanks. "They" hate it when I go to www.ntsb.gov, and print something? Not allowed! May I "wrap up" the Air Florida one first? What did he say?

CAM-1  "Tell you what. My windshield will be deiced, don't know about the wings."
CAM-2  "Well, all we really need is the inside of the wings anyway, the wing tips are gonna speed up by eighty anyway, they'll, they'll shuck all that other stuff."
(sound of laughter) 

"BRAIN-JACKED" perhaps?
Time to make the donuts.
Time to lease the Impalas & Armadas.
Time to run for president.
As I often say to a pole, "This stuff ain't new."

Your question or comment, Mr. Mafia Man?

"Step aside, as a guy paid a bit more than minimum wage will now grope you prior to boarding the airplane." And, I would not try and stir anything up, but that's the least of your problems. I'd recommend the Bose noise-cancelling headphones, and your prayer of choice.

*"He's crazy! He's crazy! Uh, what did he mean?" What I meant is that the Hughes "Quick Connect" (TM) with no Apple, Android, Blackberry, cell phone, or the it'll stay broken until I see Roger HP laptop means if I knew what you morons think I knew any earlier than 2007, I'd own the world. I still do? Bullfeathers! The war(s) rage on.

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