Tuesday, May 3, 2011

President Hughes? Intel & .mil Pension Yanker!


Whew! Difficult it is to keep up with two "secret" civil wars, but the good news is, at least I am being allowed to, as we said in our well-spent youth, "Bitch and moan" about it. See me on My Space & Facebook, where I have no idea what I am doing, due to the fact I will be subjected to a civil rights violation called "agism" in any other job but President of the United States, where I might be considered a "young one," if you, whoever you are, could get the lead out and get this clown show moving, not "rolling."

Did I hire a drug policy guy when I only know his first name?
1. "Welcome to California," said "Bobby, the Lengendary Bobby" more than once.
2. Look up "wild" Bill Donovan of the old and vastly more effective Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), who long ago stated, "I know he's a communist. That's why I hired him."
3. I've already rehearsed the inevitable press conference where, if the guy is/was ever a drug dealer will not matter, because the dumb-assed media will all of a sudden get smart, find his high school teachers, and toss mud, because this is Hughes. I am trying to end up POTUS #45, if you creepy spooks don't mind. Why? I need a job. And, I know the drill on any helper with a past more colorful than my bland upbringing. I stand by my man or woman until stiffs turn up, then pick a dorky Coast Guard or Jaycees man who wouln't dare engage heavily armed drug boats or lie for all the tea in China. Got ESP? Doesn't his uniform/suit look nice?

This just in from the future!

U.K. was helping with USA's torture flights? Will the last man or woman at State turn off the lights? In London, they learned from their grandparents how to turn off the lights and get down in the basement, fruit cellar, etc.

To the pencil scribble "they" all don't want on the worldwide web! Incidentally, I was happy to trade pencils with a rather obvious mafia man today, so he can say, "It's the real one!" As for the sultry girl who needed a pen, don't you know of the two black Paper Mate pens, the one that "disappeared" is the one with only my DNA on it?


What is an "accidental murder?" Only stoogies & boobs like JOHN DURHAM, LEON "the cat" PANETTA, and his new crazed soldier "replacement" would know about all that. We normal people figure a murder is an intentional act, as with Murder in the First Degree (i.e. "I'm gonna get your ass, and here's how"), or Second Degree ("Who is this in bed with my girl...?'BANG--BANG--BANG).

What did a guy from The Nation write last year? "CIA officers knew of and condoned most of these violations." Like shooting Peruvian missionaries and babies? Same old, same old, says Hughes. Punishment? That would be Leon the cat's "administrative penalties" like, I hereby allege, a less prestigious parking spot or not as many hours on the pilot for your next nasty "secret mission" in the process of completely destabilizing Western Civilization.

What would I do to these scumbuckets as your new president? Two options:

1. The "slap" is not on the wrist, but the noise of the trap door as you are hung.
2. Pull that .gov pension as you are fired in the most embarassing, not gonna run to a "think tank" in suburban Virginia manner I can think of. I learned this from Bush 43, as there really are secret prisons, torture flights, intel agency murders at home & abroad, etc. etc. etc. Who was that intelligence official who lost her .gov retirement over disclosing prisons in Alaska and my EU? I'll look it up when the policeman gets off his butt and brings me my seized Penske truck. [If get murdered myself, get the movie scene right after I found the secret AK prisons on Google, then Soldier Boy was in the Saint Louis County Library HQ going through old maps in atlases, looking at me like, "How did you do that?"

Triangulation. It's a family systems therapy term.

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