Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A 1979 "Damn!" or Don't You Hate It When Your #1 GE Engine Falls Off

Is it pronounced "Missouree," or "Missourah?" Let us argue on TV.

TO: Showalter, Blagojevich, Obama, & Howard, LLC
FROM: William V
RE: "American One Ninety One, Under Way"
DATE: May 11, 2011

Stephie, I have a far worse "stinky little room" on my hands. So here is how it went when they both hid back there, just like Mainstay. I said, "Okay girls, grow up and listen, because we're running for president," and of course Rachel started blabbering. "Are you talking or listening?" I had to ask several times. Finally, I got to say, "The National Transportation Safety Board determines the probable cause of this accident was the asymmetrical stall and the ensuing roll of the aircraft because of uncommanded retraction of the left wing outboard leading edge slats and the loss of stall warning and slat disagreement indication systems resulting from maintenance-induced damage leading to the separation of the No.1 engine and pylon assembly at a critical point during takeoff." I could not tell you what they said next for all of the SONY, DISNEY, MGM, UNIVERSAL, WB, or PARAMOUNT development cash in the world. "Look," I continued, "The problem here is Hughes Aircraft had stuff back then (1979) to f--k up the plane remotely. I'm on to all of this crap, and that explains the homeless guy shopping cart." They shut up. They're my first employees. Now, who's leasing the Impalas? And, BTW, what kind of automatic weapon was that on the way to the JFK library? Never made it. Maybe I'll get the VIP Tour, like the New Hampshire State Library in '08.

"I Ninety Three is closed. Do not go there. Governor Lynch will personally put you in jail. I Ninety Three is closed. Do not go there." [H&K Crane and Boom Services are at work].

"excuse me, are you driving to the EAGLETON FEDERAL COURTHOUSE in Saint Louis, Missouri?...didn't think so."

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