Monday, May 2, 2011

Relevant Questions

Me heap big indigent Injun need um health care. What? We gotta shop on-line? Pay for it? With what? I thought this was socialist nirvanna! Make up your minds, please! Did I just hire a drug policy guy with no money? Baby, "we" got two Imaplas full, and no M-O-N-E-Y. As the late Johnny Guitar Watson sang, "What the hell is this?"

Before the big plane crash bust over on Word Press, how about a list of all the Missouri Department of Mental Health clients who said, "I'm gonna kill you." Would I voilate a big-assed federal law called HIPPA? First names only, like T.O. gangsters, young and old.

AANARIAN? Let's  meet on the street like a spy movie, and what's that new fake address, sir?
TERRENCE? Fake for that SSI and live with momma? Did he say ex Fed Ex in Memphis? Clinton! Bush!
GERALD? He of the "magic shop," and I thought "throw down" meant burgers on the grill.
RONALD? Mean stare. Monotone. Fried brain. All Air Force. A sure crowd pleaser.
MICHAEL? A C&W singer has made money off this one, so I cannot comment further, yet it must be known that I played the artist's CD when the D.C. fireman wet down an I-95 overpass, I slid 100 yards+ in an out of control car with no dents, no insurance weasels, no errors. Girl, I am doing the driving when the time is right! And, that carload of Columbian narcs pushed their car to the left guardrail and walked off into the night when the vehicle...what? Ran out of gas. Oh, the nonverbal messages!
CHRIS? A white man who simply would not work. Let the fat wife work and feed those babies, in between threatening Mr. Hughes' life weekly.
MITCHELL? Technically not a client, but did I not ask, "Why no jail?" with all of those moving violations. Kind of like Alligator Alley prior to 9/11. Duck! Down! Everybody down! Is Bush's dog really pooping on the neighbor's lawn, or was that an AARP metaphor?
GARY? Didn't Francine say, "Oh, your're gonna drive a bunch of different cars, like Dick" What? What did she say?
KERRY? Another example of how this ca mess is not what it looks like. His daddy wanted to know about cartage, and I stonewalled it admirably, with no idea why that was the right thing to do. Yes! Got all of your vehicle's light on? Tsk...tsk..another ticket? Doctor who? From where? Oh, did we laugh, and no social work "boundaries" were violated. None.
KEN? The Zyprexa miracle cure! And, "Amber" would not give me the time of day.
A dust-up with "Margaret" [never a last name in T.O] the German lady has led to an "act like you are deaf" recommendation, which I shall follow. The likely impostor so you are going to jail "deputy" said, on 02.17.2010, "Don't go near her." I discussed the non-reporting of my February, 2010 incident with a deputy after the paitball attack on me, and in addition to verifying there is NO RECORD OF TWO DISPATCHES TO 1385 E. JANSS ROAD, he said, as he tapped on his cop computer, "This thing...isn't...working...right." It's a clue, and they damn well know who I am, even if you are "brain-jacked" and insist on denying it and calling me "crazy" with no clinical facts ad infinitum. NSA, what did I say on the telly-phone in 1989? "One Germany? There's trouble on the horizon." I hate being right. May I run for president now? Thanks.
BOB? Busted down the door of the psych unit where my first cousin was the BossNurse, but every time I asked about her, they said, "She's not in," ["but we'd like to put your competent social worker butt in here as a patient."] Idiots! Lithium? Dr. A and I sure did fool you! BTW, he's from Pakistan, and not a "bad guy," but maybe you are, Mr. Scrubby Dutch]
DR. REBECCA'S PATIENT?: The name escapes me, but let us find the exact "two cop car community." I'll be right back, unless someone murders me in the Computer Lab. Hey spykids! It's beautiful Country Club Hills, where the cop sat at the GAS STATION, and the story was he was trying to kill the client, but now I'm wondering if, based on the way he stared at me, if...
WHAT'S HER NAME'S HISPANIC HUBBY? "Free C-17 ride home!" Not "liberal," but it will resonate across the land.
COVER FOR DOWNTOWN BJC JEW GIRL CASE MANAGER WHO NO WORKEE MUCH CLIENT: In a hotel by the AIRPORT with thugs running around? I saw 'em!
DRESDEN DURING THE WAR BOMBED OUT GHETTO SHOULDA REFUSED THE CASE CLIENT: Girls, it is yet another example of how I am doing the driving. Crack dealers? Guns? Synchronize your watches and cell phones, men. Yes, I did say, "Get in the car!" None too professional, but weenies, somebody was about to get shot, and now I know that someone was me. Hey Caroline! We shall walk down that street and shake hands. You betcha!

There they are! Just like JFK/RFK, without what we in the mental health professions call, "Bad outcomes."

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