Thursday, April 21, 2011

Buy Frito Lay, and Shit All Day

Do I have to give up the POLAR BEAR BAR/WILLIAMS, CA/PLANO, TX story for free? As I have been trying to tell the local brain-jacked thugocracy, YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR THESE STORIES, as with Carter, Reagan, H.W. Bush, Clinton, W. Bush, and the new guy (I forgot his name. It's a black fellow).

seems I am being censored..bye, bye

Oh, I was wrong! Here's the Plano story, in case I die. No, [         ] is getting killed by {Call the cops, Call the cops, Call the's way of life around here. Poor cops.}

The Polar Bear bar burned down before I got there. The mail did not go anywhere. I don't know why. Ask George W. Bush. "The Arnold" had closed all I-5 northbound exits to Sacramento, so Hughes kept going to WILLIAMS, CA (as with POL SCI prof Delores Williams). During the second night, I was awakened by a sound. IT'S THE EARS DING-DONG NOT A "THIRD EYE!" Can we get some Department of Homeland Security Haldol Wagons out here? Never mind. As I sat up in bed and listened, it was apparent the moron workmen-hitmen from Plano--I noticed your truck--were coming up to my window on an aluminum ladder. 

Timing is everything in counter-spying. Spies, by contrast. spy all of the time. So, I waited patiently until they were outside my window, and let it rip:

"You F8cking ass*les had better get the *uck away from that goddamn window or I'm gonna...!!!" [you can guess the rest] Please make a movie where the actor is far better looking, and only the sound of them going back down the ladder is heard before the 


Abductors, when I get a hotel, unlike Howie on the top floor, I'll take the ground floor. Kidnapping? More mature abduction? Bring a wooden ladder, son.

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