Monday, April 18, 2011

Where The Stalked Are "Causing a Disturbance" (in ass-backwards CA)

Lawsuit! I want half! Why do you think they overbuilt? "We" shall leave your arson out of the case. Purrfect pic, as the manager has "Flipped her lid" @ 605 E. Janss Road. No more Disney sluts? A documentary filmmaker I've actually heard of? And, she gave me her movie-making business card? That's an Illuminati "Uh oh" for real.

Why was a certain Thousand Oaks city official looking at me with her mouth hanging open? Bell, California had very few "special projects," as the community was relatively poor. 1000 Oaks? May I get elected President of the United States and build some prisons? Jobs, jobs, jobs, right Congressman? 

What did "Darrel, the Great Darrel" say over the weekend? Sir, I did not say it, and do not change the Goebel mafia patio digital files and say I did.

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