Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who Was Baker?

Wake-up! Hughes is en route!

k, does this freaking blog go anywhere? Know what "Tony" said during the LUTHERAN SS torture program disguised as a homeless "services?" He said, "The Kennedy's own Chevron." This was in response to my story about the little Newbury Park automatons asking, "Where does your money come from?" Son, we don't ask that sort of question in Saint Louis, Missouri. I came to call them the "Eight dollar an hour secret police."

In point of fact, when I tried to shave quick in the Chevron, after spending the night in 1000 Oaks' "Almost 24 Hour Donut Shop," where the Vietnamese donut lady took my Liberty Bell postage stamps for donuts, and the Chinese man said--*uck you drug dealers, I'm saying/writing it, because don't 'ya get it? I AM THE BEST CANDIDATE USA HAS, AND DO NOT STARE AT THE RALPH'S CART, OR ME, PLEASE. He said, "A-plus performance. Good job. Now get out of here, and don't come back." What happened next is between oh so in prison "Admiral Mercury" and me, William Hughes. Going peaceably, or is it civil war, sir? Did the Chevron clerk--an oh so POWERFUL minimum wage twit--utter the motto for sick-o Chinafornia? Yep. It is, "Get out." I intend to say it in the Oval Office a lot, and do not let the door hit your .mil butt on the way out.

Civil war in the U.K.? Ireland in the economic drunk tank. "Sneaky" Civil war in the U.S.? What really got 'em stirred-up? Oil? By the time I get hold of my rigs, we won't need the crap anymore. Hold on, fans, and people with the Thousand Oaks punk/drunk/tweeker "cryptic comment," which a few moments ago was, "He needs a hole in him." Teenagers? Your parenting sucks. The HUGHES RESPONSE? "Wanna die in a plane crash, you idiot?" Pardon me, I think I wrote this in pencil last night for the "We see through your eyes" crowd of gene-jacked mutant palefaces.

After what I call a "robust round of where is it? where is it? where is it?" I found it.'s mixed in with the best King-thing story I could give you, and it's TRUE. I get "Kate" Hudson? Don't think so. Edit fast. What was that plane already crashed line I've got to find?

"Delta, go around." Today?

TOWER: "Captain, you need to move that aircraft off the runway. Stopping is not an option."
CAPTAIN: "Roger."

Maple Leaf Story later! Here's the "other half."

"I had a few moments of fun among the torture and misery, I'll confess. Allow me, as I'd like to share. Let me guess. It's the .ru version of U-tube. It's some MIG's? I'll look it up later. Here I come in my 206.7 million dollar a copy airplane. Flares, not missiles? Toast! And I'm sitting you know where laughing as the MIG guy figures, 'I'm dead, but I'll show 'em. I'll get away.' What's the latest rumor now? I'm on what drug? No, may I chuckle at the latest "heads-up" display? [Post-it note: It's his human head...ha, ha! Still works!] Nah, it's no new gizmo from NORTHRUP GRUMMAN, EADS, GENERAL DYNAMICS, MARTIN MARIETTA, LOCKHEED MARTIN, or mostly mine BOEING. There was the guy flying sideways over very blue ocean and looking up, like, "Where'd he go?" It's another high level joke--I think. ["We're getting towed-in," says kaput Jet Blue 624 in real-time. Dead battery, sir? Call the aviation AAA].

More cockpit cam! And please don't "Call the cops" if I appear to be enjoying it too much. You've got the real one on your hands. Already knew how to make the movie? One dogfight video, and he's got a critique for the fighter jock? Yeah, so I'll be rude. NASA, who's on the ISS? Might as well talk, given you are as good as shuttered."

[Since writing this, I've discovered the young ones in my planes like that good old rock 'n roll, or at least they put it in the video soundtrack. No wonder BobGates cancelled those USA planes. You could work at Office Depot. Carl's Jr. McDonald's. Temp service, perhaps? Oh, Hughes is so in jail! For figuring out how the Typhoon does what it does from open sources? Are you nuts? I am not. Got a few trillion pounds sterling? Didn't think so. To the Maple Leaf story! May I have a cup of Joe? What did V.L. say too long ago? "I don't have time to take a shit!"]

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