Saturday, April 16, 2011

Eat Dog Doo

Why was "Margaret" not put on 72 hour hold? "Nolan?" "Sheryl?" (not Crow, the WB terrorist.) Flying saucers! I must send my secret communication to Zoltar! Why does my little device not work? I want my money back! I'm seeing my attorney! I am...a majorly ignorant, brain-jacked idiot. Hughes has learned from the great ones in this here police state! "Bobby, the Legendary Bobby?" They removed his roundtable from in front of McDonald's! Big, fat, black, blubber boy "Nolan" dared to sleep on the bench in front of Disney Corp.'s favorite "Let's frame Hughes for goosing the great Miley Cyrus"--that's Travolta's job--STARBUCKS without so much as a decaffeinated purchase! No more bench, sir! And my claim to fame? HUGHES, USA MIKE (a bit intoxicated), The Lovely LYNN, and SUSAN? What can "we" say about "Susan"--that Aimee Mann didn't already--besides she rode down canyon roads in ca when Joe Walsh was not with the Eagles, major rock stars on drugs at the wheel. What a foursome! Therefore, the roundtable at 1000 Oaks' unique "Temple of the Purple Microdot?" Gone! Yes, it is "missing," and the investigation is ongoing.

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