Friday, September 30, 2011

Here's Hoping "Ms. Champagne" is Correct: "What is a Republican?"

HH had a boarding school body-double? Nice try, Soldier Boy! Is the video of me flying the ill-fated DC-10 still on the Internet? Rick, is it still on?

I don't look like the guy? The signatures are not exact? ARE YOU NUTS? steal, steal, steal. No, my "Personal Protection System" is "Cop Approved."

Mitt, who is this floidly psychotic gold miner?I refuse to apologize for making sense--all of the time. Incoming ICBM's? "You know how I like my coffee. Let's talk it over."

What did he say? What?

HERMAN, MITT, RICK P., MICHELLE, NEWT, JON, GARY FRED ANDY, JIMMY, TOM, RON, BUDDY, RICK S., and VERN, Here Is Your Report for Friday, September 30, 2011.
First, allow me to say/write that I have a screenplay scene to pencil, then type with great drama, that I understand.  I do not understand why the letters on this keyboard are different sizes at the Goebel Senior Adult Center. I do not know why the young man to my right keeps scratching himself in crazy ways. I do not know why someone stole the mouse on the computer I normally use, but it is not mine, it is public property. That “we” can be sure of.
Banks with $3, $4, and 5$ fees for the privilege of spending your own money with a plastic Debit/ATM Card. How crazy is your worthless USA Homeland “spy game?” I was once in a store I generically call a “Hippie Grocery Store.” When I asked the clerk if I could pay with an “ATM Card,” he, as my mother said many times, “Played me crazy.” What made him understand what I was talking about? The term “Debit Card.” Okay people, let’s play with numbers, colors, and words until the whole world goes nuts like in my ninth screenplay. In real life, let’s not.
“ATM Card,” Check Card,” [someone just gave me a hint on who the black chick was behind Michelle Obama in the Target Store near me] or “Debit Card,” our banks are clearly out of line. Didn’t they get “bailed out,” more than once with public funds? My 2008-2009 joke? “It’s socialism the sneaky way, because now we all own the bank.” Therefore, the Soviet Commissars who run the bank are now not going to lend the “little guy” any money, nor the small business person, however, if you are Yahooey or Googlly and want a loan, you must dance on the head of Mr. Potter’s pinhead full of angels—and they  know how.
Why is everyone in this room: “Game Boy,” “LWCF,” “Michelle,” and “YahooPower Outage Lady” all reacting to what I’m typing, and they are not looking at my Dell monitor screen? I’m “nuts?” No, I’m Howard’s grandson, heir to all capital that was once HUGHES. Kill me tonight, and don’t ever allow me to run for president at age 56, because the name of this illegal Homeland “psy-op” game has been: INFANTALIZE & PATHOLOGIZE. Imagine, if you can, having everyone around you either committing crimes, lying without a crime involved, snitching to the sheriff and/or FBI, drinking, using street drugs, treating you like a child, and no matter how much common sense you exhibit, you are somehow a “mental case.”
Here is my plan. Howard Hughes, or so the legend goes, handed J. Edgar Hoover his lunch, and Hoover handed over Howard’s file. Charles (my dad) was “exposed” by me at a single-digit age, because when I saw the hook come down for “Charlie Tuna” in the Star-Kist advert, I thought, “Those glasses look just like dad’s…but that can’t have anything to do with him.” About forty-five years later, I was looking at an HP computer monitor at 911 St. Rita Avenue in Clayton Missouri and realized, “Oh, you really are Howard’s grandson. That’s why you life has been so freaking weird.”
Circling back to the Marines and FBI, in the case of the former, you will do what I say to the letter if I get my butt elected. You will not question me at all, or I’ll surely erect gallows for you, smartass. On the latter, ready for me with my Radio Shack six C Battery bullhorn? Gosh, what a show! D.C. Police, Homeland Battle Wagons, & Marines. Me? President? Mr. Top Cop? Mr. Chief Executive? Mr. Commander in Chief? I seem to have wise genes that say, “Too much power,” but for my idea of “fun,” it would be: “Exit the building in twenty minutes,  or we’re coming in. This is the president. Please exit the building.”
Ready to debate? Better go to Office Depot and stock up on Index Cards. I don’t need them. The screenplay scene, “buttinski?” It’s five thirty a.m. Low cloud cover. A Central American guy in coveralls is running. What’s that jet noise? He’s got two flashlights with orange cones. He comes to a stop. Starts waving the flashlights in the “Move Forward” motion. His buddy comes running. He pulls the guy’s earmuff down. What’s that line?
“I did not eat any peyote. What are we to do with that?”
On this one, candidates, I’m not yelling at the mafia Camera Operator. No, we are in a Studio City warehouse. That’s because the floodlit Air France Concorde is not really there. It’s only a movie. That said, if it does not look realistic, don’t you know I’m on the phone? My line? “Does anybody have a Concorde that will start? I’ve got jet fuel money.”
By the way, since the airplane is a surprise, the stairs don’t match-up just right. Our British accented-Captain’s line: “We apologize for the inconvenience in de-planeing, and thank you for flying Air France.”
How many jokes can I put in one scene? Many of them, sir. BTW, can someone get a few spies & stalkers off of my back? I’ve got to arrest them? See you in NH!

Be sure to rack-up more DUI's this weekend. California needs some cash. As Caroline said in 1985, "I don't drink."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oh DNC! Here's How You Could Win the South (Plus TX, Plus the "Sun Belt," plus...

Girlfriend is shopping at Target? Not the First Lady, you idiot! The one with the hot boots! "They" don't want me to see her whole FACE, then say yet again to myself, "Where have I seen her before?"

And now, "we" get out the "whipsaw." An avowed Socialist Labor Economics professor told me how to do this. That's not "spy training!" I was trying to get a Master's in Public Administration! Out I went, with damn near a 4.0. To add insult to injury, janitor staff walked me to work like an SS detail (them in a circle around me going toward the Capitol Square in Madison, Wisconsin. What was that crap, Obama?) How did Bush 41 pull that off? Where is the nonsensical letter from the Dean? Still in the PENSKE truck? Has Civil war 2.0 started yet? Don't leave me out! Eurofighter, please! Son, you can stay behind, play your little video game, and jerk-off in public. As the great Danny ee often said [never to me], "I have no use for you."
The Target I Won't Pay My Taxes Nutty Citizens Sovereign Commission Indictment:
1. Look for nutty blanket for patient, get poisoned. Blood running out of nose? BP a bit high? (Like near heart attack, Alberto). I went on WARD H to write in the chart and glare at Dr. R, who is probably yet another lesbo. "Dr. Q?" AWOL.
2. Burbank, Ca? Too many counts. I'm busy, sonny boy.
3. Newbury Park, CA 91320? Talk back to an outdoor security cam and get searched? Only in the Wild Wild West under Arnie Prussian. Microwaved in the hotel? During the "Transition Period." Nutjob, Betsey is looking at YOU. "They" know me, yet even I have a question. If the oh so fired FBI uses "undercovers" to achieve cheap-o, no additional National Security "set-up jobs," in order to justify their gross incompetence (and Direct Deposit)--"Hughes, get to the question!--are these undercovers bums pretending to be FBI, or FBI pretending to be bums? I know all of these guys already? That figures. How's Governor Lynch doing? 

Got Talent? Don't ever go to Hollywood!

Unreal! And the Devil Rays? Got a TV? Got beer? I might drink one. At your place, bitch!

Is Jerry Brown nuts? I'm not. Let's see...judge sez 30K gotta go. Back to their County Jail, when you: a.) Have abolished your mental health system; b). Have too many Taser-happy cops; c). Lawyers make money off your "mess," not me; d). Supposedly term-limited politicians hop back & forth between legislative houses as they get progressively more mafia; e). Want more? I'd better leave, as the LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES WHITE CAR FATTIE has arrived. ACLU is after the Los Angeles County Sheriff? It's about time! Do they care? Only if my script is full of Satanic commands, or from the Planet Zoltar. More, as promised: f). You have no "drug treatment," but you will surely have more meth stills, g). No "Probation Officer?' This was new to me, but I'm from Missouri, where I was the "softie" social worker, uh, arguing with them on behalf of my SMI (Seriously Mentally Ill) clients. Here, they just run wild, with as Mr. Rick said this afternoon, too much "free time" on their hands. Me? Mr. Liberal? Building prisons? Can't shoot you and toss your bodies in a ditch, as I'd like to. In the earlier version of hughesscreenplay #7, unalterably titled II, the old folks, retarded, and mentally ill were to be machine-gunned by the impatient, drug crazed youth of a future USA. Now, I get the feeling you were really going to do that. Let's not talk about what I saw out on the 101. Should I thank you for intentionally wrecking my car? Many cashless in "vc" are on "Car Quests,"Jerry. I'm feeling distinctly (R) today, you fools!]        

What did I tell Frankie's GF last night? Don't obsess on the hair. I'm more conservative than you think. Today I want off on Anita and she bitched me out. However, a man who slept on the beach in 1960, and later worked at MGM a long time gave me a "tip," and it was not a dog.  "She might help?" I asked. YOU CAN'T SLEEP ON THE BEACH AND "GET A BREAK" anymore. Do not come to California. It is a slave colony! (Well, if you want to vote for me, they do have a lot of Electoral Votes). How is the president elected, ding-dong? "I am Dougie, I am brain-jacked." Who started Facebook? Is he in jail yet? Not yet?

Pardon me as I run for president, or governor.

p.s. "Betsy" is not working for SAG scale, if you get what I mean. Joke Line? "Did the other candidates stop bitching, or am I in danger again?"

Admiral Willie

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Things You Don't Know (but you do now, spies)

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Instant Log_In? Okay Here, Not There

My favorite HH photo? Coming down the steps of a DC-3. Looks "bummed out." Why? [Never mind that puss of his is MINE] Not flying the airplane! What did Franny say about driving [mid-SLPRC "psy-op"?] "You have to be in control. You don't trust anyone else to drive." Not when "Augie" led us down a country road in his you-know-what. Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock. "It's the boss' new Impala. Two staff. Two patients. Don't downshift a GM automatic tranny. Don't tap the brakes. Steer. Steer. Steer. Pray. Feel the cheap-o chassis lifting, lifting. Damn we are eating cowpie momentarily, are we not? Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock. Oh these black women are heavy. At least John & Vickie are light. Tick-Tock. Hear tires screech. Not good. Here comes spitting out that barbed wire. Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock. NOW! Just a tap on the brakes. Fishtailing? No! No! Gulp. Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock. Whew! What is tha assh*** trying to do to us?" The Hughes brain is fast, not "bipolar."

Me? Steal? Nice try!

CONSTANT "PSY-OP" SINCE January, 2004. Causation? "I have no idea."
NEXT: "Death Row Is Not Just for Niggers Anymore"
Get the "message," girls?

"The coffee maker is leaking."
"I got a problem with my nose wheels."
"Its stuck. Could you take a look when you go by?"
"I've got passengers who don't speak English. I think they're Japanese."
"Sir, your tail is facing the wrong way."
And in an obvious scare my enemies attempt, someone in the tower yelled:

[As the "Central Coast" radio spot goes, "Is that legal?"]

Steal, steal, steal and I can steal lines, like:

I quit smoking pot.



Cue the LAUGH TRACK! I'm "delusional" and think I'm Norman Lear!
That doesn't get me a "crazy check?" Social Security fraud? What's that?
Is it too early to start on my "Suspend SSI in CA and AK" E.O.?
ca kooks, E.O. does not stand for "Extraterrestrial Organization."

Alright, a Clue and a Line - Not of coke or meth, and I am NOT a "narc"

The line is:
Kick it! Kick that sucker!

hollyscummywood legal disclosures: I am not Bruce Willis. I did not make Armageddon, the movie. As for what I've really got in my name, I await (not anxiously) a real intelligence briefing.

The Clue is:
On RFK, did somebody doctor that old film, al la "alien autopsy" crap and whatnot?

What's that number? I think we've just cast SAVANNAH. I knew it! Talk about hard to get! And now you want to be paid? How much? As I often say to the trees, "Can she act?" Does it matter? St. Loo, I've seen them at close range. That's why it doesn't matter, if 'ya get what I mean.

Three Questions

Did I just not get "set-up" on stealing headphones? What did I tell GSAC staff member Rachel Cowen last night about the set-up artist's jacket? "Not my style." How about some cocaine in the next hand-me-down item? I might use it! Does Mitt? Does Newt? Does the mighty Gov. Perry? Pee in the bottle boys, and then they will yell, "Hughes paid-off the reference lab!" Who warned me of drug set-up nonsense in the Newbury Park "crack hotel?" It was "The Cops," of course! [And, I even got the "message"]

1. Why doesn't model rocket launching, walkie-talkie gutting, shortwave radio building, FM radio pirate radio station managing, movie-making, bugging the parental bedroom bedroom William V remember SOYUZ 11?
2. What went wrong with Soyuz 10?
3. How does my fictional American save the world from a brand spanking new Soyuz III by yelling at spacewalking Russians?

ANSWER "key": [Free Kleenex, Ludens Cough Drops, and Key quieting keychains when I get going, not "rolling." By the way, before I call "911," "Who are you?"]

1. You tell me.
3. The movie line (c)2011 William C. Hughes you are not stealing is:
BOOM! as my murdered momma joked, "Dey got me!" {That works in real life, not just the movies? I'll remember that in a nearby spiral-shaped galaxy not near you. MENTAL NOTE: Don't forget the duct tape. }

crpd note: NO HOT DOGS. I HAVE W-O-R-K TO DO.

Meeting, What Meeting? ca raised, organically processed, dolphin-safe, no furry critters were harmed, but a high on crank biker will kill your ass hot dogs? No?

Not shot in HH's movie studio. Are you nuts? I'm not.

"We" shall get to this craziness later. Aren't "they" going for Howard's response of, "Sorry, I don't have time." Oh sorry-assed pothead and/or well-compensated tweeker fool! I'll make time.

8:28 a.m.

…3 Paranormal events in a “cascade,” and we’re not talking about dishwashing detergent. 1) Cart stuck in a bad place with garment bag & work bag entwined + under wheels. Highly unlikely probabilities on that—much like SOYUZ 11 forgetting to shut the door. I got the evil joke. What did Apollo 11 do, Howard? 2). 25 cents fell from heaven. No, not mine—they are all covered in a “Since 1947” substance. 3). Hole in the coffee cup? I got the last few ounces. Ready, debunkers? NOT “COINCIDENCE”

8:42 a.m.
Let us add #4. 4). The vitamin pill hits the floor (when housed), or concrete (when homeless), no rolling around, and it’s just “gone”—like some of your big horse’s asses are going to prison. Enjoy your card games, dancing, or stupid meeting, because they’re not coming to take you away today—or maybe they are.

[More later, after “Computer Class.” I was taught all I could stomach in 1992. How about you?]

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

May I Also Make a Possibly Unfounded Allegation?

Framed, but not me, rotten-to-the-core United States Intelligence Community. You make mafia look good!

Peach & silver? Looking "bummed out?" Hughes feels your pain.

I need this Negro around, not the POTUS.

From the bitch, bitch, bitch dept.

911 during the Goebel Senior Adult Center, LLC Commission meeting? Maybe. Is the "Big Crusty Rodent " going to be there with his flipcharts? Never worked for the FAA one day, and I caught that big mafia turd with one question. What a ding dong. Hey, let's all masturbate in the Computer Lab, and Jill can watch! Or puke.

I'm a "government snitch?" Not to the Sheriff. Only the Feds. You did not know that? What do you think I'm doing here, besides writing books & screenplays? Spy? No way!

Yes, it's a .gov address. Not their highest priority, I'm sure. Does the Homeland limo park in front of your bagel shop? Jealous? Why?

Internet off again at GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER? A "selective outage," and later, all eight DELL 755's had no access to the outside world the afternoon of 09.27.2011. I got dial-up in 1997. It was slow, but worked. I've been told this is due to TIME WARNER. And, I saw PETER KUHNE in the Goebel Computer Lab looking suspicious just before the outage. He told me he's an IT "consultant."
It's not the hassle, it's the timing. I had just written a NASA-related screenplay scene, and was about to save it on MSN's server. External drive? I'm going to give the damn thing back as "lost and found." Who lost it? Not me. Goebel Printer? Messed-up again.
Someone, actually several people, want to read my 9th screenplay. Can't print it here? Got any money? My FEC filing is slim at $60, as I continue to run for president with no money, and no housing. Why am I running? "I need a job." How would I benefit? "No housing, White HOUSE. Problem solved!" They don't want me on TV saying that. Who are "they?" Isn't that your job, not mine, to find out?

To The "Good Stuff," Dee

Andrea 1.0 DNA? Awesome! Did she finish her POL SCI PhD yet? I could use some help out here.
This one?

Or that one? What do you think, fellahs?

Departures - 24 ad pages precede the masthead.

p. 5 - Don't want that expensive timepiece.
p. 9-10 - Zebras are still meeting in the booth over that JOLIE person smoking @MOTEL 6 in the desert and staring at me. Angela, I don't think your body-double was you, due to: a). She was a bit shorter; b). You have big hands. How did you like Cambodia? How's Brad doing?
p. 11-12 - Carolyn Herrera model, I've seen you someplace.
p. 14 - I don't like that ZEGNA 3-piece suit. Sorry.
[A cry arose within the GSAC just a moment ago {3:13 p.m. pdt} "I'm in hell! I'm in hell!" Sheriff of this here county, it was not me, but the screenplay is almost "done"]
p. 15-16 - "Scenes of a Woman" No comment.
p. 17-18 - Check out DEVI KROELL'S sturdy zippers!
p. 19 -20 - PIAZZA SEMPIONE? What are they selling?
p. 21-22 - Oscar has made a left.
p. 23-24 - Fish? Asian? Colorful colanders? Conrad who?
On the locations, could you be more specific? And don't fly so low in my 7-X, or any airplane over the Hilton Garden Inn when I'm back at the same hotel>>>Dulles side, please. 

Old California Homeless Questions: Is it wet yet? Broken yet? Stolen yet? Did rodents eat it yet? Is it raining yet?

777 American Express Way, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33337-0002

Blood pressure spiking at Hampton & Chippewa, Saint Louis, MO? Got a kidney infection, 102 temperature in the Burbank, CA Target, and a bunch of drug thugs staring at you? Illegal "cop stop" at the Newbury Park, CA store? How about a $30.55 shave the sales tax to get kooky numbers receipt? Today, I wish I had $30 to spend. How about a Ford Focus? Fiesta? Mazda 3? Fiat? [First, how about we "get real" on billions & billions of "Fiat Money," and I am not nuts enough to advocate for the closure of the Federal Reserve, like Ron Paul.]
Departures? It's a glossy magazine? Anybody affiliated with it have a real name?
*That one is not on the masthead. That would be my fake CA Driver's License if I were a spy out here. "Wil Scrough," not pronnounced as "will screw," but you might, because it's [not] a free country.

To the more probable, but "spy message" names, with explanations:
GREEN = Green Street in NH. And, it was Jack Nicholson, not a body-double.
GOODMAN = Yes, John Goodman is from Saint Louis, and I did in fact tell a spy I should take a script over to his restaurant. No "do-over," as that was 2006, and this is 2011.
SILVER = "No comment," as we want to keep all souls aboard alive.
KELLY = "No comment" on my trips to Austin, TX. Could I get a driver's license from Velasco Place? Do they check it out? Worth a try, Perry, you big, boorish jerk!
BLAND: We both smoked Camel straights. Here in fu-fu so gay CA, they are "shorts." I don't have the shorts. I own about a sixth of the world's wealth. A fifth? Yet another "Five Clue." [and no mafia, I'm not talking to you. Not today. Not ever]
POLLACK = A Saint Louis movie reviewer. Deceased? I would not know as a political prisoner in KookLAland.
WHITNEY = Mountain in California, and the name of my do-nothing housing caseworker at the Ventura County Human Service Agency (HSA). We'll get to "ISELLA" and her simulated sex acts in C-O-U-R-T. Right in the "welfare" waiting room, GOP! They're nuts!
ROSEBOROUGH: Roseborough Monument Co. On West Florissant by granny's old place. Go see my brother Michael's grave nearby, if you dare. Secret Service just might be watching the cemetary, however. Grave-robbers & whatnot. Get it, Ken-Ken? William = the "V-thing;" Charles = Daddy's name; Michael = Stillborn older bro, just like a Kennedy; Hughes = Howard Jr. & Howard Sr.
Name Trivia
When grandpa flew for TWA, he was "Charles Howard" [look it up, kooks!].
When I moaned to the Ithaca Times, I was "Hugh Billings." Get it? We both independently reversed our names, only "Charles" is my dad's name. In my case, the Bush 41 Russians went nuts! They took my picture and put it in the paper! (more than once). microfiche! microfiche! microfiche!
WILLIAMS = Mark? Dan? The CA town I was almost murdered in more than once [Kids, the "Polar Bear Bar Story" alone wins all of the TX Electoral votes. Grandpa mafia, may I leave town now? My Political Science professor? Can you ever give it a rest?

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Work in Progress

"We" continue @2:10 p.m. on 09.27.11 again? "Close" to what, ma'am? 

Ms. Koval –

Given that most of the area “homeless” appear to have sufficient income to be housed, or live in a dry vehicle, I have determined I may be the only truly homeless person in town, and indeed Howard’s grandson. What political office am I running for? Today, I don’t know.

Herman Cain won a Florida “Straw Poll,” and I can’t whip the president’s butt in a future Florida debate? Oh yes I can, and where is the joke? Someone stole my speech & debate ribbons long ago, and I am not speculating on the identity of extra adults who were “in the room.”

For the local park politics update, I’d like to complain that “TOWEL ON HEAD BOY” and “DANCER BOY” sat out back for hours after the Goebel closed on Friday, September 23rd, 2011 playing with a laptop on your Wi-Fi. It may interest you to know I saved a photo of a guy who looks just like our dancer at the scene of a political assassination. [More later. Time for computer class—I looked at the wrong day on the schedule].
What's the problem @GSAC? Four STALKERS in & out of the building, and yet another "Carnival Con" trick resulted in a pencil gone bye-bye to a multi-state stalker, NOT my nearly completed ninth screenplay. Therefore, oh so fired FBI, I'll take my sweet ass time about downloading the "White Paper" you have noted in my g-mailbox. What heinous crime will Kenny & fat GF allege with my DNA?

America, why so many tattoos and gifted to Hughes DNA in California? Ask a biker; I'm told they are about to have some type of war I did not start, however, "we" can start the bidding war on #9 any old time, right Deputy Johnson?


Saturday, September 24, 2011

WGA? What's That? Who Are You?

Big Men on Campus. Not for long.

Oh, they're nuts! I can't help them. Get me outta here!
It would only be a movie, and the credit says "C____ K_____ "as hereself."
It's my idea of a joke! God help me!


As old off the shelf from God knows where radios CRACKLE, and Bob is heard yelling in the background, Seth tosses down a gray slate-like device.

Is it that bad?

Yes, sir.

BOB (O.S.)
What the fuck is wrong with you? I ought to slap you silly!


Let’s go.



Seth and a motley entourage are progressing away down the hall. The new, improved FOOTBALL is being carried beside him. He whips the wheelchair around and speaks to seemingly no one.

Get down in that East Wing bunker where Cheney’s ass sat...and hold the fort, will ‘ya?

Yes, sir.

Have they all gone nuts? Not yet? More tonight, and as “Lenea” yelled, “They can see through your eyes!” [Girl I figured the little 911 St. Rita Ave. cameras weren’t that good in 2006]

"Thanks for your help! The check's in the mail! Could you clear these damn stalkers out of here?

Screenplay Interruptus

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "It's hard to be a good guy."
YESTERDAY'S QUOTE: "We're all here."
REP. VAN HOLLEN'S QUOTE I ALLEGED HAD "DISAPPEARED": "It's time for this committee to get real" [My emphasis].
ROMNEY, MITT'S QUOTE: "This cannot be sustained."

Hey Romey, I say that all of the time! And, what the f*** are you really talking about, sir? Can all of you cut the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] double-talk out? Much like the unwritten American rule of, "Never say 'CIA' in polite company" rule,* I've been calling it "torment," instead of "torture." Wait until the live TV camera(s) arrive(s)! Andrea, I am inviting your, not my, Congressperson, Commander Sander, Jerry Brown, the Ventura County Star, Los Angeles Times, and my very special {not} friends folk at ABC 7 [observed during my "crack hotel phase" to staff the hottest weather girls on the tube, or flat screen invented by my, not your, HUGHES AIRCRAFT COMPANY].

* I say "Central Intelligence Agency." Takes longer, but carries less chance of idiots falsely alleging "mental disorder."

Friday, September 23, 2011

A-Z, Time t.o. Go To MO...& NH via IA

Samoans! Malaysians! Cue Ball Heads & Fu Manchus! Now, the "Kill McMurphy Injun?" Gimmie a break! NO BLACKMAIL--NO CRIMES--NO SPYING!!! 
Fun facts about William V:

Total president PAC $ for this quarter: $60
Persons in California I Trust: None
Destination in Missouri: WMMHC [Not “secret code,” Kenny. I was the boss for a day there]
Age: 56
Eyes: Brown
Name of Girlfriend: None
Favorite Rock Band: Not The Beatles no more. I’m thinking on it.
Favorite Movies: Network, Nashville, Apocalypse Now, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Casablanca, Alien, Dr. Strangelove, Fail Safe, [am I HH’s grandson yet? Not yet?]
Personal Preferences: Write a screenplay scene now, and don’t grab the Chinese whore’s ass who is to my right at this moment:


The Jeep comes to a stop in a light cloud of dust. A bar has been spotted. Cinderblock building, pocked with bullet holes and even a mortar round or two--the beckoning sign is simply a neon martini glass.

Look good?

Looks too good. Like everything around here.



They enter the bar.



The décor is skulls & native garb, as if many have died for merely ordering a drink. Our boys sit at the bar. The BARTENDER, not oddly, looks European.


Scotch. Not picky.

Local beer. I’ll risk it.

Right away.

Write-write, read-read. "No problem."

“Solid and Liquid Waste Drying Bag,” by Hogan, Fisher, & Ames Research Center. It's about NASA shit.

One of the many reasons "they" don't ever want me president:
"Good morning, this is NASA."
"This is the president. Lock the doors."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

D.O.J. The Gang's All Here!

Oh, the drama! Hughes writing screenplay at five a.m.? Surely he's "bipolar." Nope. Gotta get a [not drug] deal and get out of "T.O."--a community that makes mental hospital patient life look desirable. [More later after I'm not murdered during Facebook Class @GSAC, because "they" like my screenplay a bit too much, and I was allowed back on Facebook. Friends? They are in a basement in Langley, VA. They're not? Really?]

I say close the damn "Tessla Park"
"Please describe your working conditions for your ninth screenplay, Mister Hughes."
"The computer was so hacked, I'd press a key for a particular letter, and another would appear. The machines would slow down appreciably for that type of sometimes government intrusion I believe to have certainly been illegal."
"Tell us more about the physical environment, Mister Hughes."
"The room had no ventilation, except when they'd blast cold air on you to indicate disapproval. The nuttiest of the chronic homeless would complain bitterly someone was 'stinky,' when I came to believe this was some type of 'Mafia talk' about your willingness to know about things illegal. I would not be the one to provide a full report, because I ignored it, and I do not break the law or spy."
"Did the Goebel staff try to address these issues?"
"I think they tried, but it looked to me like SIEMENS AG was in control of the building. That's a big German company"
"Mister Hughes, how did you come upon this information?"
"From a guy in a Siemens truck parked in front of the West end of Goebel."
"You may step down, Mister Hughes."

Oh yes!

[back to crashing the 777 on Word 2007]

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

USA's Sociopath Elite? Unbelievable! (but true)

This made it to the blogspot blog? Wow! I have to come all the way across the nation again and kick Brown's ass as a more liberal than Arnie Republican? Help! I win NH? I win, period, fruitcake!!! What's that catchy slogan? I live it. And who are you, shithead? First and last names, before I join the local mantra and, "Call the cops." They're social workers! They're miracle workers!



Cincinnati Pops? Explosion? Call out the Homeland battle wagons! Oh, Janet!

Who? What's her name?

Is that Kevin Spacey, or someone who looks like him?

Reading my mind again? Damn! How can I write a screenplay under these "horrible" conditions? I should have taken the six month $1,500 option, and got the hell out of town!

ATTENTION DEINSTITUTIONALIZED MENTALLY ILL RUNNING ABOUT THE crpd PARK: It is only a screenplay. The fully loaded with aviation fuel 777 that is going to ram into the terminal is not a plot, plan, or conspiracy. Believe it or not, there is a real government that knows it is not. Yep, they really do. First, a guy pees on the flight deck door. He gets arrested. Then, a smoke bomb in the lavatory? Better go around and get on back to Chicago, and.....

Do I have any privacy? None? May I have a literary agent? Not a secret agent.