Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Reading from the Disciple William

The "Lunatic Fringe" has gathered for real, as I desperately look for ways to not run for president. They gave me the Wilkinson Sword double-edged razors about six or seven years before I needed to shave, but I very much later got the message at age 51.
Hey, it was Dan Moreno's birthday today, per those liars at NPR. Orange Cone or Gate for the 2004 Dolphin Coach? Me? Nearly murdered for listening to Onion Horton? Can he ever rant long & loud about those illegal .gov domestic spyin' programs from the 1960's! It's worse now under a black president? What went wrong? Lizzie Brown stared at me when I was going to get a radio show @WGNU. Her pic was in the New York Times, not mine. That was not the only reason I backed out. Were you ever fooled by spies far better at your stupid game than you! Billy Bob Clinton knew all about it? Almost hit my car with VC-25A! Not right! What if someone had a SAM missile, like [REDACTED BY GIO'S PUBLIC DEFENDER]  

Hey RoboKooks, I did not plan on licking the spoon when she approached, but wasn't it the great Frankie Z. who mentioned something about licking decals off? {Frank was not from California, Hughes! You are crazy!} Can we National I.D. Card everyone else in the GSAC lab and arrest them? Oh, they already know I'm trying to manage a political campaign and not be the schmuck. I get an awful lot accomplished talking to the "bugs" in my "crowns." Get the since 1978 bad joke? No blackmail, nonetheless. NONE. Right? Just ask the "Other William," and I'm not talking about the guy in the OCD T.O. camper.

St. Louis people, this ain't Sauget, Illinois, if you comprehend what I mean. And, I  richly wish I could be back working at the chemical plant there about now. Benzene? No problem, as the POTUS Negro can't do jack right, therefore, the unemployment rate is structurally high, and the "stimuli," in addition to Soldier Boy's cocaine imports, is basically just printing more money. (Did Senator McCain say he did not understand economics, and was the GOP nominee?) Want that Retirement/Disability/SSI deposit? Maybe too late. Like Howard, it could well be, "Sorry, I've got to investigate a rocket that blew-up, and the new one is going to...[DELETED BY GLASCOW VILLAGE COMMITTEE PERSONS] " I've kept in touch with the EU Central Bank and Eurozone v. European Union goings on as best I can, surrounded by USA's most skilled nuts & mafia. It is, my opinion, as I tend to, according to the publishers of Aviation Week in 1986, "Cut through the bullshit" by here remarking that Europe had better study Federalism, and the United States Parliamentary procedure, or the "Free World" is doomed. [SAVE THIS ON A FLASH/THUMB/MEMORY STICK DRIVE, or better yet, make me happy and print the fucking thing out before some mafia asshole kills us all] That's right kooks, like the Bible & Koran (but definitely not) to "The Journal They Love to Hate":

2:55 p.m.

Oh my lord! Heinz was here! Looking--Social Work term--"disheveled." Not as talkative. My wisecrack was, "Watch out! You're black! Homeless or black? They'll "Call the cops." My bottom line? "SAME OLD, SAME OLD." I'm trying to be CBK's campaign manager today, and the old spies will be dining up & down T.O. Blvd. + mafias saying, "He's not getting off like that!" Aw, c'mon, DIRTIEST CAMPAIGN MANAGER EVER! He kicks the tires on the airplane! He yells at the flight crew! He curses-out the media! He's got a damn ponytail on the Sunday morning talking head shows! And, they'll say he's ruthless! He's an old-line, nasty, vote-sucking, Poll Judge greasing, Hollywood girl producing, not son of a bitch, but Howard's grandson. Assassin? Surely you jest? Hughes is in the middle of the pile--only because I didn't see him/her first. Mental Note: Catch the next one quicker.

Maybe I've finally got the ending to this real-life movie. The Bacall walk was a clue, but movie trivia buffs, it's in Key Largo, not Casablanca, which features Ingrid Bergman. I was talking to some old guy, not paying any attention to B______ S_____ and K___ P____. Too late to be "spy nice." TORTURE IS TORTURE, and as the rock anthem I like goes, it's "Too late." We shall not discuss why the United Kingdom stockpiled certain items. Not tonight. What put a hole in the Pentagon? Reverse the 9/11/2001 NY & D.C. death tolls, and maybe a slimy worm is still alive on this planet. Can you spell "coup?" What a cool customer, that B. J. Clinton.Could it be the Governor's airplane, like in the movie? He says, "Wow, so your really are Howard's  grandson, and in about 1837, they...." Then, I say, "Did you really f--- Linda Ronstadt back when she had just recorded her first solo album?" "Yes, I did, William." And, all of Hollywood has forgotten the, "Louis, I think is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."

What's that name, girls? Saint Louis? Missouri? Missourah? They fought "Writer Wars" over that script! Drama! Drama! Give us pages! Hurry! May I work on hughesscreenplay#9? Not when the lead to Immaculate is right in front of me, and I "Don't get it?" "Brain-jacked," or "Brain Altered," it's real. Harmless EM? Don' t think so. Nighty Nite. 

CAR COLORS DO NOT HELP. SHIRT COLORS DO NOT HELP. CUTE SAYINGS ON YOUR SHIRT DO NOT HELP. KICKING DOES NOT HELP. RUBBING PARTS OF YOUR BODY DOES NOT HELP. STRANGE NOISES DO NOT HELP. BLOCKING MY WAY DOES NOT HELP (and "Betsy" saw 'ya trying). MY TALKING DOES NOT HELP. MY SILENCE DOES NOT HELP (unless the U.S. political process is now telepathic). Yes I am wearing Rachel's black headphones, not Margaret's white ones. Rachel! "GameBoy" is scratching his crotch again! Snitch, snitch, snitch, and they've never worked a day in their lives. It's infuriating!!! ca Kooks, the headphone "switch-out" is because they fit better and sound better. Man, they're loco out here! 

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