Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Let Us Review

Reuters, where did the plane crash go? Can't find it anywhere else. Was there not a scorching hot Chinese babe with a British accent in front of me at your Saint Louis, Missouri office? The security guard saw it, and they were not "Brain Altered," as with your California robos. RoboCop? USA, it's a real concept. RoboSpies? You don't want them on you. No, you don't. Right Bush, George W.? Right, GOP candidates for president? Ready for the H-Thumder? "He's nuts, and I'm not!!!!!" Who am I going to be talking about? The current President of the United States.

Rude? Yes. Richly deserved? Yes. I'm doing the heavy lifting for that rowdy, gun-toting "Tea Party," when I do not subscribe to that crap? The first Ariane V blew up on 06.04.96? The first successful launch was on 10.30.97? Somebody is in a heap 'o trouble, not me. BTW, Google Googly Goo, what's "missing" from the StooopidSat007 image of Ventura, CA? Eagleton Federal Courthouse elevator? The secretaries giggled. Truman Presidential Library? They grinned. On the Ventura beach? Just he & I, and he looked distressed, not me. (I did later, due to all of the cameras, cameras, cameras, trying to catch me in the intersection). Shorten the yellow lights? I don't talk that "spy talk," however...never mind). Who is driving to New Hampshire?

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