Monday, September 12, 2011

Now, after saving your little 1776 "experiment" AGAIN, an attempt at humor (NO MAFIA GUN TO YOUR HEAD REGARDING AN OPTIONAL LAUGH)

Lilac & I-270 in Missouri (MO) / Germantown Road & I-270 in Maryland (MD)? Not funny. WWIII, anyone?

When do I get to jump into the fray, long deceased grandparents? [The Chinese talk to their relatives who have died. USA Today reported via those liars at NPR that over half of the USA talks to themselves. I'll talk to you, if you promise not to S-P-Y. Big backgraound checks 'a coming, conducted by ME, mother****er. Why? I AM SICK OF MY 'COMPANY' HERE IN THOUSAND OAKS, CALIFORNIA, A PLACE I CALL "MAFIA TOWN," AND COULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME A "COP CAR" WITH ITS LIGHTS OFF AFTER THE POWER WENT ON THIS MORNING? kinda mafia, eh?

This is the kind of material I read, as I'm insulted by morons:
"Michael T. Darda, Cheif Economist at MKM Partners in Stamford, Conn., warned Thursday that half-hearted forays into the bond market 'will fail, just like they did last year.'
'In each case, the debt crisis got worse instead of better,' he wrote in a note.
The central bank also responded to signs of stress in interbank markets when institutions, wary of each other's exposure to troubled government paper became reluctant to lend to each other. One worrisome sign was a surge in the cost at which European banks borrow dollars in the open foreign exchange market.
Mr. Trichet said that next week the central bank would lend banks as much cash as they wanted for six months at the benchmark rate, assuming banks could provide collateral. A six month term is longer than is customary."
- New York Times, 08.05.2011 {news travels slow in your gulag, Barack}

Ever been president of this here USA?
Ever run for president? If not, you do not share my pain.
I have no idea what I was doing assigning spy letter grades to the Secret Service, when it is really a simple PASS/FAIL system as follows:

Is the President of the United States alive?
Yes = Pass
No = Fail

Is the former president alive?
Yes = Pass
No = Fail

["We" will not get into presidential relatives here this evening. Not today]

Is the candidate for president still alive?
Yes = Pass
No = Fail

Me? Is Governor Perry jealous? Suit smell like a brushfire, sir? I thought the 9/11 "heat" was off, but now, in addition to my '02 "chrome dome" 5400 kids, "Betsy" has two helpers, and as for the one my age jogging with her <gulp> granddaughter, I have no comment. Did I say somethng about a "personal protective device," and many purses got heavier? Get the message? I love that GSAC Billiard Room. Oh my, it's empty tonight. [As I wrote this weeks ago, the Dodgers were up 3-2, and I don't talk that "number code" or "spy talk"]

Hey, the old mafias and .mil so in GITMO types gave me some toothpaste for my Royal bad teeth! COLGATE, AQUAFRESH, & PEPSODENT, manufactured by Church & Dwight, and if you think you are keeping Papa Charlie's handwriting in my book about Ike, you are getting missile attacked by me--maybe sooner than your mafia, agent of a foreign power, or plain old jackal terrorist butt thinks at the present time [7:58 p.m. pst according to my free & fun DELL 755]

We can only hope.

What's the point, Hughes?

Why was Paul Ryan spying on me hot & heavy? Have I not told my MA RTE 110 curious "Frank" enough? Got a question? Just ask! Don't be S-P-Y-I-N-G. Those are words to live or die by, and I told my stoogies we are all gonna get killed based on what I'm seeing lately, and the never elected to anything slogan, if "Boston Water Supply Girl" would get her ass in gear is: "Trust us, we know what we're doing."

I've "moved up," from Curly to Moe. Not bad, eh Howard?

Mike, if you say, "No problem" one more time, I'm calling the "Cocaine & Meth Cartel Protecting Coppers." They love me, not you!

[Rachel! I've written by "confession." Here's my list for the Dollar Tree. Does Palin have problems like this? The airpalne last night was the same model as one in my screenplay? is this a frame-up or a good thing? Does the us have any laws? Oh, you spies know the March, 2009 exchanges:
K.B.: "I have to make sure you're not a terrorist."
W.H: "Do I lok like a terroritst?"
K.B.: "You should visit a Third World nation."
W.H." "I'm already in one."

If Gov. Brown wants to argue, he knows where I am. I'll be calling Congressman Elton tomorrow. The line spies & various illuminatis don't like out of his assistant, in concluding our first howdy was: "I'll be sure to tell him you called."

And, as if I need additional disrespect, no one wants to hear the, "I cussed-out Bill Proxmeier story. The wife thought we'd be tailed {more than usual}. I said, "He's heard it before" [but maybe not out of the mouth of someone from Wisconsin]

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