Friday, September 16, 2011

Help! They're Turning Me Into a Spy, Not a Fly

S.O.S. in "The Loo." As in "T.O.", no admission fees are charged.

No "joggers," and I got knocked off right after posting. I guess the RoboSpy mind readers know I'm going to tell CBK and the Democrats to go to hell. They can take it. They have lots of money, whereas the "Frank" with no last name took back a dollar that would have made an even $60 for my Federal Election Commission form. Ain't life a bitch? WeatherControl Inc. on Ventura Beach, "Is it raining [on my Ralph's cart] yet?"

As an aside, I got angry this a.m. and threatened some fellow bums with bodily harm after I was assaulted and battered in the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER last evening. No one cares. After taking care of that matter myself, I told "JOHN ESSON" in a well--projected tone of voice, not "yelling," that no one else in the building can be assaulted without the rapid appearance of Black & White cars, except me, William C. Hughes. John's "wife," "WENDY," has been spying on me longer than "ANDREA KOVAL" has been the "Recreational Supervisor."

Jill, remember the time, about two years ago Wendy was dressed a bit shabbily and on the front porch? The allegation? I was, "talking to myself." Not that night, but I do it a lot. America, ever been homeless? You're all gonna be if you reelect that black demon. I read The Economist, Air & Space, Aviation Week, and NASA Tech Notes, I understand what they are presenting, and I am not qualified to get into politics? I am "nuts?" What's the line(s) from Ask Not, or is it II/ I don't see my own scripts much.

Are you trying to overthrow the United States Government?

No, you are.

Come to think of it, didn't I just meet someone who said their name was/is "Brett?" Sorry son, I already forgot you, and since the .gov's do know what you are doing, you should thank me for that. As for hughesscreenplay#9, for my legal don't need no lawyer protection, and your desire to steal, steal, steal intellectual property, here's what's up in the no time for popcorn & Goobers screenplay:
- A raging drunk is going to shoot-up a senior center.
- Columbine II will be even bloodier, right Quentin?
- At the police station, as is the case too often in Afghanistan, all officers will be down.
- When the fireman comes in his YELLOW firetrucks, the media gathers, the parents are grieving at the school...BOOM!  Big bomb in the dirty fireman's truck! It'll further ruin any sappy tragedy, and USA IS GOING THAT ROUTE FASTER THAN YOU KNOW, BECAUSE YOU ARE IDIOTS, AND I AM MISTER HUGHES, TRYING TO WRITE A GODDAMN SCREENPLAY, if you would kindly not unplug the computer or hit me on the head. LAWLESS...can you spell it? Do you get it?

CODE WORD: "anarchy."

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