Tuesday, September 13, 2011

May I Boast? (just a little)

I was told it was mildly inappropriate to toot one's own horn, but can you please cut me some slack? This here is where the lazy assed, drug crazed, sex obsessed, Hollyscummy people live, so do not tell me I did not see them, and if I saw more of your Disney filth on a screen, I'd say, "Aren't you so and so," and they'd surely "Call the cops," not talk over a MOVIE DEAL. What is wrong with them? First I called it "Brain-Jacked." In search for a more clinical term, I chose "Brain Altered." Now, just this evening, a look-alike of nutty shrink E. Fuller Torrey in the Goebel Billiard Room surely means an automobile might take me to Missourah/Missouree, because that girl came in again who calls me "Mister President,"  and she's not talking about the Elks Club.

It's not the terminology, it's how she says it, as if a "done deal." And don't all political wonks know her age bracket finds something better to do on election day? They do, so Frank, Frank, & Frank, LTD had raised the issue of the deceased casting votes, and given I'm always wired, I made mention of Chitown cemeteries who will make it to the Polling Place alive, and I know who would think that 1960 joke was funny, when you did not, because your are psychotic in a new way I'm tired of researching. It's like the asylum of old, when there were no medications. Let us just call it "nuts," and be spy "done" with them, though to reiterate for the umpteenth time, I DO NOT SPY ON PEOPLE. I markedly do not care, which is the basis of our supposed liberty.
Now, little punks are going to play games, "we" are changing the FONT, like the rotten, murdering .gov NTSB of old, a riot will ensue, and Jill Jensen & Rachel Cowen are going to the County fucking Jail. Right girls? Right! Deputy Dawg, who is running for president around here? Did you all know there is an "Above Secret Service" protective outfit, and they are running around 1000 Oaks? You aren't going to jail over decades of murder & terrorism under cover of squeaky-clean conservatism? Oh yes you are!!! Why is such a detail needed? Ever work with the Secret Service, and not suffer from delusions? You did? Bye. Shut up, or your ass is being hauled out of the GSAC in handcuffs tonight. I'm "nuts?" No, because I'd rather not have that crap in my life, but you had to buy nukes and tried to light them up on September 11, 2011. ONE WORD? Caught!
To return to my planned boasting, how about that Tower Radio Traffic? Turned it on one evening, and an airplane jockey simply said, "Jaaaaack." Jack who? I thought Lloyd Benston covered that with Dan Quayle [that's a political joke, son] Better yet was, "Bugsy, we love it." [That was an old nickname of mine]

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