Monday, September 19, 2011

Elton, I'd Pay For the Referendum

Tammany Hall; and I even spelled it correctly to look it up on Google!

As Jill has asked, more than once, "William, what's the date on that?" On this particular Ventura County Star, the date is September 18, 2011. May I ask the United States Department of Justice if they can spell "Gerrymandering?" I think they can, and as usual in the world of politics, how the work product of any redistricting "Citizen's Commission" is viewed by the lawperson depends almost entirely on who's ox is being gored.

Me? A "visionary?" Isn't Timmy G. over in my EU trying to restore order in the markets? My family called that, "The blind leading the blind" [or I'd have a behavioral health job by now]. Priorities? A lost 8th Grade I.D. Card. Maybe mom will come for it, and I'll have an opportunity to say, "I'm really Howard's grandson, and I'm running for president" [somehow]. The last mom smiled at me by her white Lexus, as I added, "I probably yell at him like his dad." She loved it, and stop your damn lying about me, please.

Speaking of which, could someone from a normal state of this Union tell me why the vc Deputies want to know how my screenplay is coming, and inquired about what storage media it rests upon? Dorothy, they don't do that in Kansas, or Missouri/Missourah. My neck still hurts from being hit on the head in the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER Computer Lab [04.14.11]. You cannot masturbate in the Lab. No, you cannot, right Professional Standards Commander Sanders?

He's busy? I'm sure an underling can come out and talk to me, Mr. Hughes. Poison Tootsie Pop? "That's over the top!" Purple Tootsie Pop? I slept all weekend. I feel fine. Why wouldn't they let me in that shelter with [FedEx] Terrence? What was the name of the shelter, ca spies? Girls on the floor, looking at me suspiciously North of the new [REDACTED BY GEORGIA'S SECOND COUSIN]. Been there, done that on the "homeless thing," eh? [Memory video under review. Caught again? "He's unconscious!' {Not from the Sheriff's beanbags, you moron!}]

Will I get any w-o-r-k done today? Stay tuned.

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