Wednesday, September 7, 2011

No Joy in Mudville

Sometimes, in the land of Total Physiological Monitoring (TPM) and Mind Reading, I'd like to, as Sir Paul's old song went, "Let it be," however, the nature of this "outer limits"/"twilight zone" world war III must be addressed, even if only on "the little blog that knows Hughes/William V is correct, and let us forget the "king shit."



I'm campaigning tomorrow at your little 20th BBQ. Don't "Call the cops," unless YOU have bail money. "Fish" did not have his bail revoked. Ha, ha! Stick with the real one!

Ready for some truth, DSM-V mental cases? From most to least intrusive & illegal, read it and weep:
1. WORKING THE MIND CONTROL DISH: Forget your keys? Second to last red pen? Someone knows how to use the human brain wirelessly, to influence your thinking and behavior.
2. READING YOUR MIND: Good news? It is only a "snapshot," not deep images of, for example, "Willie," the family parakeet who saved my life in the crib. Something about turning blue. Breathing--it's a necessity, mafia(s). Look for drones and BOOM-BOOM, right here in the USA, you rotten terrorists. Bad news? "They" know what you are going to do before you do it. I'm "crazy?" Grandpa Howard had a satellite up before Sputnik. You did not know that? Who told me? Mr. Hyland, and a  local spook, at our favorite McDonald's. Where "the guys" hang out, according to Las Roblas security guards.
3. BUGS, BUGS, BUGS & ITTY BITTY CAMERAS EVERYWHERE: The kind in the liquor store and Ralph's/Schnucks? Way to big! Look it up on Google. They are as small as a spec of dust. Why are TV cameras still large? So someone has a job behind one.
4. COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS GONE BAD: My HP computer is very famous. Blackberry? Android? Apple Pod? No thanks. The video is coming soon, Gio. "Are you media? Get that thing out of here! Get that idiot out of here. Her! Right over there! Arrest that b****!"
5. HACKING: "They" are in your home phone, cell phone, desktop, laptop, cloud computer, everything. Who? The .gov's, the "private" sector, a kid with pimples down the street, or maybe some guy in a car near your castle. [Is Michelle getting an ambulance ride, Koval? Maybe? Worst case of OCD to the point of florid psychosis I've ever seen. 5150 time, "Michelle"] BETTER KNOCK IT OFF, as I hereby request "permission" to note I like Mitt in the upcoming Simi Valley GOP dust-up. If you come in here, I'll recognize you, and make more "perfect" sense. Just look at me as a more liberal "Hermanator."

6. TRADITIONAL HUMAN ASSET S-P-Y-I-N-G: My "troops" do not tell me much of anything, but now, more than one of them, in response to the innocent question, "What's going on?" they reply, "s-p-y-i-n-g." I do not "control" or "direct" them, but on the other Harry S. hand, I did say, "God God, it's like herding dumb dogs!"

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