Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Don't Trust Charlie//KSHE's "Powerhouse" is Wired To...aaazzzzpppffrrrut

He's yelling! He's yelling! We can hear him! I'm a pale, anorexic, OCD robo-spy. My genes are a mess...not Hughes? We can go to jail for this? I'm calling my attorney in West Hollywood. Santa Monica? The one in Palm Springs will help. She hung up? What!?!

The dome to the right? In the "bad old days" of rebels get a Big MO lobotomy 1960's, they really did scream and moan through bars on the windows of the dome building at right. My sisters heard it. Debra "confessed" to working there. She told stories. Her mom down in MS sent me cornbread. Get a clue. Why do I even try? "HUGHES SWEEPS THE SOUTH." DNC, there's still plenty of time to send a, uh, representative, who is not smoking and/or chasing e.t.'s.

Late 1979 > mid-1980. "Why are those guys always out in front of the Kennedy for President headquarters when I go by? Two guys out front...not smoking cigs. Hmm...girl inside looks like the midnight? [CAUGHT AGAIN!] Hmm..tonight that woman is out front with the guys. Pretty hot."
Who? What? Really? The 500 Block Polish Prince deal? My lips are sealed--until I see cold, hard, cash. The president has 745 million dollars on hand, I heard on "Bobby's Legendary GE Radio." I lent Frank 3.0 a U.S. Dollar today. He paid it back promptly! Between that, and Ben-Ben's fifty cent loans, I'm just like grandpa Joe, now. Fed, you know I'm right. Zero interest. [It's a macroeconomic joke, son]

Work/Coffee/Punch/Speech/CleanUp/Snitch/Meeting/Agreement/Write/Learn/Meeting/Thank You Card/AnotherFight/Editorial/Security Check/FBI.....

You, whoever the f--- you are, see the picture? I call it, "Birds on a wire." I could win Colorado? How dense are you, Hughes? Official Bronco sweatshirt--no hood. Three flags? Suspicious-looking vehicle on the left. Me in the middle of the street? Sharp suit, no homeless rags?

FOX NEWS. "He won't cut the hair."
ABC: "He won't cut the hair."
NBC: "He won't cut the hair."
MSNBC: "What hair? We are nuts about Rachel."
CBS: (headphone mike) "He sorta owns the network, but legal's not sure. Be nice, will 'ya?"
CNN: "Let's change the topic, shall we? Paris Hilton was arrested today on suspicion of..."
CBN: "We messed-up and tossed him out, but the border incident was under that dolt Harper."
BBC: "A smashing idea! American politics have been electrified by a suddenly viable third party. He sounds like Ross Perot or Ron Paul on many issues, but the Eastern elite of America knows that this won't detract from strong social policies--some have said he's giving them the dole--but Teresa, isn't that market roaring over just the thought of that kind of infusion of long moribund capital?" Hello? We seem to have lost our link to Teresa in New York."
See the title, ca Cuckoo Birds? Is that why CBK's dad doodled? She did not think flying saucers and/or triangles were coming! I was doing it [not sex, doodling] today before Frankie showed me many things about computers. Then, using what is called an "ANALOGY," I told Mr. Bruce I've been in baseball/hardball batting cages, and 100 mph? snap! Didn't even see the ball, let alone hit the ball. 70 mph? The bat might come off my back to miss. 40 mph? Crack - there's the usual hughesian single, slapped to right center. Did you dropout subversives enjoy that? Was it good for you? IT MEANS WHAT IT SAYS, I SAY WHAT I MEAN. Are you DSM-V nuts? Yes! My new buds are "shielded?" What's the problem? {See product endorsemen tbelow. I drank 12 oz. and no one "Called the cops." Why would they, you wanked-out freak?}

They what? They're in jail? My associates are in jail? Again? Old Spookies, is there anything different here? I HAVE NO MONEY. Help! Someone I trust might need bail money, for cryin' out loud. Did that once, and you have to pay for the story, as with Bill & Hillary Clinton.

"Safety," or Lack Thereof = FIRED!!!

Did you ever work for the government? Don’t lie, delusional SSI spies. The code phrase is “nervous breakdown?” “Put ‘em on Hughes!” mafias have declared, and when will they ever learn, as I said of Dr. Richardson’s crap @5300 Arsenal Street, Saint Louis, MO  63139, “That ain’t gonna work.” And, the crap does not fly out here in california, either.  Ask “Frank,” “Frank” & “Frank.” It’s a new law firm of sorts. Medi-Cal? The [Ventura County] Star? 28 June, 2011? p. 3A? "We" in the health care business call it a "dump." That's far better than being dumped in a dumpster by the Teen [Indoctrination] Center, right mafia? Right! (Bobby was indeed a "Dumpster Diver"). Who told me (William C. Hughes) that? A retired early, due to a bad "ticker." Secret Service agent. Wanna argue on TV, Mitt? Newt? Barack?

I can't hear you! [And, I'm not fake "spy deaf"]

I shall make more sense on health care later, if I'm still alive.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Poor "Multitasker," Good [***er] "It'll cool off." I was talking about the weather, Betsy.

I said Delta IV, and he did not disagree. Big help. I said I launch the Ariane.  Slurp, slurp. May I have a helper? A chum. A pal. A buddy. A guy who is not a piece of doggie-doo [really?] They're all working together, like BORG! A hive of bees? [not my analogy] "Robo-spies? It must be destroyed. Get it? Missourah, the biggest game on the Left Coast is to pretend like you are an "Android," or if you are not, perhaps you'd like to smoke some strong pot and act like you are one, because you've never worked a day in your life due to:
a). Trust Funds
b) Military Service
c). SSI
I'm your president? "a" is sacrosanct, as is, supposedly, PRIVATE PROPERTY; "b" is not work as I understand it; "c" would be immediately suspended.

Ready for the big AIRCRAFT CARRIER SPEECH? Theme: "This ain't workin'. They might toss their hats in the air, because they'd rather have a high-paying civilian job, but these are getting National Socialist scarce. Two minimum wage jobs? Not for me, at any age.

Why is a Chinese news source spinning Obama's day much differently? Why the speed-up on leaks? Those guys [Obama-Biden] cannot rationally be reelected under these economic circumstances. They can? I used to be a Democrat (since McGovern in 72, as I volunteered, couldn't vote), and I wish some wise man or woman would tell me how poll data, also covered in the Post-Dispatch, has them ahead? Did Britany Spears wreck her car today? Kate Perry got new lipstick? It's called "brainwashing," and it is NOT new.

What is sounding like a dog barking on the NY/JFK/ATC Tower? Are those females married? I still care, despite 3 years in California, home to the Manson Gang, Sirhan Sirhan, deranged Orange County ChurchLadies, and...I love it! (I think)

We'll discuss the Secret Service "Body Language Surrender" tomorrow. The whole "gang" will be here! Not dead! None injured! No trash talking! (They are charging me 5 cents if I repeat myself).

"You know the three digit number, sir"

Let's see...if Hughes (that's me, Butthead), could be anywhere in the world besides USPS Zip Code 91362, where would it be? Listen to bad weather JFK Tower, be there. Oh, I can do that? Be quiet! Silence! Kids, it will be just like some people, myself included, feel about air travel i.e. "I'll drive there, after Comm Air," and that means, I'm Jessie Jackson. Call the mental health police, Jill!

Bit 'o rain, Bloomberg? Don't panic. How about the Granite tornado coming? William hollered, "Get in the damn hall! Quit backtalking me, and get in the hall!" [Steph was hung over, due to her drunk Marine, and I got a tornado coming?] Boiling clouds, for real, pressure drop for real, cold, cold, air, for real. "It was where? That's right over....oh Jesus! That government-built crackerbox building will blow right down," I thought.

Who was in the airlock? SLU "HIV/AIDS Boy" Lawrence, who sneered and asked, "Are you scared?" "Get in the damn hall!" I yelled. No incident report. No hard feelings. And, of course, he went up to his room, like a sociopathic, spyin', defiant homosexual, and there was no tornado. WHAT DID HUGHES SAY/WHAT DID THE TOWER SAY:

JANET'S HOMELAND"S TOOL?: We apolgize for the radios. They're going nuts around here.
TOWER MAN: Who's requesting shutdown around here?
AIRBUS DRIVER: American one seventy two.
TOWER MAN: Once you shut 'em down, you don't want to start 'em up.
A CAPTAIN OF INTEREST (by now):  Hey, could you get the power on at my home?
UNIDENTIFIED AVIATOR: I got power in Florida.

At this point, candidate for president Hughes put KSHE on, because Ken_Ken stole my "secret info" yesterday from PBS, Lifetime, and CBS. Mentally ill? Absolutely! Not me, Kenny!!! Before rock commenced, however, I did hear a poignant moment amid chaos as some guy said, "It's been great working with you guys, and I will miss you." Tower Man said, "We'll be here. Give us a call anytime."

I'm not going into air traffic contol towers with a very expensive suit on, and say, "What's that? Oh really. Uh huh, oh I know that. So that's how it works," etc, etc, etc. Are you nuts? I'm not. What did "SuperMario" say about a year ago? "They're just jealous of you." As the rain poured down, I said, "Jealous of what?" What did you say, Mr. Bruce? "Is it raining yet?" I'm getting rained on east of the Mississippi, or somebody is going to get [DELETED BY OLD MAFIAS WHO INCORRECTLY THINK THIS IS FUNNY] Join me after the GSAC closes, to once again holler, "Nuke at the library! Nuke at the library! Hurry! Hurry! Nuke at the library! [Mr. Bruce has a card. He showed it to me, and SS Jogger "Betsy" was tiptoeing through the tulips over there just this morning. I wish this were a movie, kids]
LAMBERT HIGHLIGHTS: in the TWA glory days. How did y'all like moving all that BridgeTON, MO dirt, and the airlines moved away? We're baaack!!! Not today, but soon. TWA did not croak? AA shipped out. Ask Jim {not much} Talent (R) and Kit {not a} Bond movie (R).

1966 - Donald's dad liked to go to the Steak 'n Shake that is still there--I think, so we could see the F-4's. He had a white convertable. It was cool.

1975 - A relative came off an airplane with, uh, some extra peoples. We were sitting on the floor waiting for some actor who would later die of AIDS, if the story was true. The relative asked, "Who was that woman?" She thereafter collected DWI's. I got more heat, like an exasperated, "Why were you sitting on the floor?" Today, I'd turn the tables and ask, "Who were those guys?" I think I did ask that in real-time, and got no answer.

1976-77 - I called my airline & their airline to say, "This is Hughes. They are late. Could you hold the plane?" And, they did. Every time. [Son, 9/11 changed everything. You never heard of it? Did you go to school in California? I thought so]

Me? A "Cop Caller?" HEAVENS, NO!

Right in front of people who have seen me not get much assistance from the County of Ventura, or State of California, under (R) & (D) do not do much Governors, I am a "f---ing this and f---ing that," I am "dirty," he does not want to use the computer I am on with no time limit and no sign-in sheet or library card, where I was indeed punched in the head with no legal recourse on 04.14.2011. [4 = "for," 14 = mom & dad's wedding day, 11 = "My amp goes up to eleven," and so does the BBC video player. {Those MI-6 queers}]

According to this particular straight dude, I am "lazy,"  with many books, screenplays, and published materials, so our gem of a "tough guy" would not even give a FIRST name, therefore, I defended myself verbally, and did not "Call the cops." Maybe he is a frustrated "dirty" cop, so I will now [aw, later] "narc" regarding the deputy on coke and deputy on meth, then get killed by "Fred," who is currently being counseled by "Deborah," or is that "Debra," like the woman who really was rescued by Marines in Saudi Arabia. [So fired FBI, who is "Doug?"--ONE OF MY FAVORITE STALKERS].

Back to MPC Debra [5351 Delmar, in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA], because I am "bipolar," "ADD," and according to the local robo Ken-Ken, a "schizophrenic," I'll tell the story, and figure Deborah will calm down this idiot. {Koval, my plan is to run into the Great Hall of Bingo, and you may all watch me kick his ass, then someone will whip out a slim cell phone and....double standard, "Mark Mafia?" Just a little (oil) bit.} Hey "Andrea Koval," did you see Mark & Rick run away? Scared? Of what? The Congressman, who just might attend our Labor Day weenie roast.

[Unions? A clear-cut Communist conspiracy!] If I live to host it at Ms. Koval's place. She lives in that Town & County van? She does not!!
Back to Debra:
a). Seductive. Short skirt on 3 East? It was permitted by Jackie Smoots. Do you know Jackie? Amazing!
b). Hotmail to Dr. Doug McCoy? How did she do that? Ask Greg Dale, not me. [So hot! I almost wanted some...mail, that is. If I were a plumber, oh the sex I'd have had.....]
c). Psychotic story about a kidnapped baby. Saudi Prince. Held hostage. Rescued by U.S. Marines, blah, blah, blah...
d). Dougie wrote "Psychosis NOS" and some crap on Axis II.
e). Patrick R.? Off work again? Hughes got the case. Did "Fred" {no first name or last name} call me "lazy?" Now, Jane and I are beating his ass if he won't leave peaceably. We have made a behavioral pact to act like adults. [Among ca "tweekers," drunks, & potheads, I must do this].
f). Saudi? She sounded both sane and secure in that <gulp> really short skirt.
g). I "checked out" the story. Got a Ted Soule "Uh oh." FRONT PAGE--Saint Louis Post-Dispatch was her photo, I found, by going to that seditious LIBRARY with the microfiche, not microdot LSD of any color, Mr. President.
h). Ward H/Office 07 came later. That day, as with the GSAC Computer Lab, who was "in the room?" Dr. M; Dr. L; Scott; Jackie; lovely Laura; Patrick came to work? Awesome! I put the copy of the front page on our Conference Room table and said, "Guess what, team? The story is TRUE. Better yet, there was a movie made about this." How long did they all sit there with their jaws hanging open? A long time. Punch line, as I run for president?
"Then, the nurses rented the movie and showed it on the ward."

May I run for president now?

GE #3-5240-C

Me up there? No problem.

Out to dinner with females? Big problem. Mafia, just say I'm gay.

As local mafias gasp and moan, may I use the free & fun DELL 755? Thanks.

The man walked past and said, "Radio," as I was dying [again] on a crpd park bench. KGO? So stinky! KFN? Unspeakable! CBS affiliate in the City of Devils (LAX)? Two minutes behind Starbucks/Microsoft time? In my script called Immaculate, which a billion Roman Catholics want to see today as a movie, it was a three minute "time trick," and the newsman said, "At three minutes after the hour"...[aw crap, the clock's stuck, because the Virgin Mary did another f---ing miracle. How dare she! I am CBK, and I married a nice Jewish fellow]

He's nuts! He's nuts! [Repeat PRN until your psychotropic medicine kicks-in] {What is a movie? We are "Brain-Altered" in Thousand Oaks, all of our youth are on drugs, and--add drool here--we'll send a V------ Movie type director to fool him in the Dollar Tree, and then.....\\saw her headshot in, uh, 1999? 2000? 2001?} What was that AM station from Las Vegas, where the newslady said, basically, that she was being spied upon and followed to the radio station by some creep, but this is now such a part of the fabric of American life, if you are more than the trash truck driver, you rebs do not much care. Joke? I guess legal consequences on the "tailing" depends on her looks.

The U.S. Navy is following trash trucks around? They are the original intel "trash pickers," and blamed the FBI when John Lennon was shot by a little nerd? How rude! Get the facts, when "they" allow Mr. Bruce and I to leave "T.O." I WILL DRIVE, HE WILL WATCH THE FEDERALLY MANDATED RED, WHITE, AND BLUE SIGNS.

Flash forward:

"Are we still going east? Did you see a sign? You sure?"

Where is that poor Kennedy boy? Bottom of the pile, you say?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Flunked-Out of a California High School? Former Rosary High President Hughes Can Help

BACK IN THE MAFIA TIME MACHINE "WE" GO: "Bill Hughes, come to the office. Bill Hughes come to the office."


"Uh, what was our homework assignment?"
- William C. Hughes, 1972-73

{no more images allowed by goo-gle. guess i'll fall in the crik behind GSAC. Been there, done that. No one cared. Not a "bit." All goin' to jail. I think I'll cry--but not.}

First, who was this guy? That's Joe. Not Joe Kennedy! Joe Stalin.

This is a "liberal," regarding who I suddenly wondered, upon reading about Hirohito, how the Japanese built all of those planes & ships while you/we did nothing much.

And this guy? Want the quote now, brain-jacked automatons wandering out back of the GSAC? Monday is the worst day here. Good thing I volunteer. What are you doing, besides drinking, smoking pot, using meth, crack, whatever. I distinctly don't care. On "park politics," please don't call him "Beavis," and don't call me "schizophrenic," when I used to lock you crazies & drunks up. Don't believe me? I do not have a photo, at least not one I can produce at the Baylor U. "present time." Not at this time.

I almost attended WESTMINSTER COLLEGE in Fulton, Missouri. Hey methhead, I wonder why? Drunk? I quit in March of 1989. I was never an alcoholic. And, unless you behave really stupidly, I am not "Calling the cops." 

“…standing beside them were a few mothers, their faces scarred with keloids, who held children in more or less serious stages of disfigurement. While the cameras clicked and turned and the crowd pushed in more and excitedly, the emperor listened, hat in hand [my emphasis], to a short explanation of what had happened to this group. He murmured a few ‘Is that so’s’ and made as though to speak into a microphone that was being held out toward him.  Then his lip trembled and with a short bow, he turned his back to the car. At this point, the crowd went berserk. Shouting banzais at the top of their voices, the people rushed forward…Household officials and the police were jostled and trampled on before he got back to his car. None of the crowd touched the emperor, but many seemed happy just to touch the body of his car”
-         Herbert P Bix, Hirohito, And The Making of Modern Japan, p. 629.
Was I drinking alcohol this past weekend? No.
Smoking pot? No.
Using meth? No.
Cocaine? No.
Does WGBH want money?
You stupid Beantown liberals may have some.
As soon as Baker Hughes surrenders.
2929 Allen parkway, Suite 2100.
Right off I-610.
As for Hughes Network, LLC, that’s off I-270.
Lilac & I-270? Bad joke!
I did not help, in what room?
“Black Lilac”
Set-up a card table?
Table of “cards?”

Ready? Idiots? Morons? Drunks? Potheads? Sex Addicts? Anorexics?

“I am William the Fifth, Sovereign of the United Kingdom, and I will take no questions today.” Don’t crush any cops, please.

[So that's why the girl on VELASCO PLACE in AUSTIN, TEXAS would not touch me. Nice clue, Bush.]

Dry Spell's Over! Want Some "Weed?"

I am neither a "narc," nor "dealer." How much longer do I have to live [be held political prisoner] in 1000 Oaks, CA 91362? Not long unless someone answers my question: Who's driving?
Concord, New Hampshire.

From the Diary "they" love to hate:
{This past weekend, I read the diary of some guy next to the Emporer of Japan during WWII.
Why, Hughes?

11:57 a.m.
"SNEAKY FREAKY" marches toward the GRANT R. BRIMHALL LIBRARY after I reviewed how JFK spoke a little German, Reagan strongly suggested the Berlin Wall come down--and it did--but William V thinks in terms of BOOM--BOOM--BOOM.
NAZI TPM (Total Physiological Monitoring)
NAZI MIND READING (Read a license plate from space in 1971? And, "they" can't (easily) read your mind from space? Mr. Bruce said in the 1960's, too! (On the optical space-based S-P-Y-I-N-G). Ah yes, Hughes gets old news, right Gen. Patreus? Right!

(more later, if I'm still alive)

e-mail? What e-mail?

Fire it up! Not a "joint," the Saint Louis Blues theme song? Not yet? After this blog piece? Welcome to the GSAC, or as I've nicknamed it, because I am not a schizophrenic, Ken_Ken, "Mafia Center." Yep, I'm your next damn president if some drunk, or "tweeker," or whore would pulleeze drive me to the State of New Hampshire. I've got the $1,000 filing fee. Right CBK? Right! Y'all don't like liberals out here! I thought ca was "liberal." What is a liberal? What is reality? [that's a Firesign Theatre/Moline Acres joke, son. Moline Acres is in the Saint Louis, Missouri area, son].

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Torture Town Toot

Why no big T.O. "snitch-a-thon" on suspected Kennedy stalkers?

Delusional Obsessive Compulsive GSAC Computer Lab Regulars
Lutheran SS Food
Free sickening cologne from a church

What's the rush?

"We" will catch plenty more prior to November, 2012.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Handel//Handle//Handl On the H-Rack

Must be a sudden "T.O." allergy that has my left eye watering like "crazy." "NATE" has an orange Mohawk and piercings. Why not bother him, instead of your next president? Man, are you idiots ever in deep doo-doo.

"Cancel takeoff clearance! Frontier 612!

- Can't get the frequency; SFO has "disappeared," kinda like that little plane out of San Diego, and the guy with the camera just happened to be there? O'Hare, too? The docudrama was done with one of my clones flying the damn DC-10? I was at work, right Gayle? 1980 baby! So in jail, they are! Cosmic? Sure, mentally ill son of a rich bitch, I'm a "remote viewer." I'm a "time traveler." No, but I was there: "Tick-tock. Big noise. We all could not find the plane. Tick-tock. I don't think this is good. I think--aw, shit!--the little plane hit my plane. Let's see. Tick-tock. No way. Won't work. Tick-tock. Bad. This is real bad. Try this. Tick tock. Try that. Tick-tock. Think about somebody you like/love, and say, "Brace yourselves."

FBI? All gone
CIA? All gone.
DEA? All gone.
NSA? Dark. How long?
PENTAGON? Dark. How long?
FAA? Ass kicking.
NTSB? May I kill them all, Mr. Chief Justice? No?
FDA? Beat senseless.
EDUCATION DEPT. Reformed, Mr./Mrs. Kook Christian.
EPA? Not gone. Bigger. Better. Putting LLC Nazis in jail.
NASA? "This is the president. Lock the doors."
JPL? "We're going to another sustainable planet before I die. Get to work!" [Sound familiar ass.assins? I have no control over crpd bad attitudes. None whatsoever. Did he come around when I was going to possibly knock you-know-who on her ass? Is that a crime? No. Not with May in the 02/09 Westlake church! By the coffee pot? Too cool!]

"Don't "they" hear me yell when I risked my life by getting in Mr. Bruce's face and shouting, "Roswell is a tourist trap! The whole f___ing mess is to make money!" And, that other man I will never see again until he's a face in the crowd, and I give my super-secret "What the f___ is he doing here?" sign. You robo-harpies & robo-creature/spies know all about it, due to "Total Physiological Monitoring" and the National Socialist "TOTAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM."

W: "That son of a bitch Obama. Who's gonna get in there next?"
B: "You are."
And, ladies and gentlemen, around the WEST corner of the building they go, and where they are headed, I do not know.
Oh, "we" are "BRAIN-JACKED//LOCKED-DOWN," and like it? i.e. "I am voting for the president next year. He's doing a fine job."

Ready? It's "EU Style"
BIG BILLBOARDS: JOE'S FACE/HOWARD'S FACE. It only says, "Ambassador" & "Aviator," plus the inevitable damn website address.
It only says, "Slimed," & "Fired," plus "Questions?" Did I mention the damn website's FAQ's?
It only says, "Trust us. We know what we're doing."
What's that line from a Redford movie I rally liked long ago? "Now what do we do?"Don't be frightened of the EBS tone. It will only be a test (maybe). 

Let's talk trash, shall "we?" Let's talk about mental illness without knowing the first damn thing. Let's read Hughes' mind under the "Cuckoo Dish" and talk about Tripoli, where evil A-rabs shoot people in the head. What is my bunkmate's nickname? "Tripod." No, sailor, I did not say "Tricare," but the old spookies are trying to brief me on it, if ca robo-kook spies would get out of my perceptual field.

I said, "It's not for a camera, is it?" He shut up. [Do Newt & Mitt have to put up with this s---?] I won't be silenced, except by the usual Lincoln/McKinley/Kennedy crap. Running for president as a telepath? Not yet, Germantown Road. Then, as we hinted long ago, I basically asked, "Where's your firearm(s)? In the stolen [cops won't help--not without$$$] car. LA & VC County, California? A Midwesterner would not believe it, and neither do I. Are you running for president, sir? Answer the question, before I (don't) call 911!

Scared? I went to sleep near this dude in the safest possible well-disclosed California location. Reagan said it, not me: "I'm paying for this microphone!" and now, it is a case of,  "I'm paying for this park!"

Back to KGO Bill, the lady who dropped her baby off off a 4th floor of a parking garage, if the story is true, has significance because:

1). She was/is Seriously Mentally Ill (SMI), and Ronald Reagan closed-down your mental health system (1st or 2nd term--I'm from Missouri, pal, and I don't play "games").
2). She was in the hospital for mental health issues--or not, doesn't matter--and they missed it, "it" being her psychosis.
3). Let's get all "California Spy-crazy" and allege there was nothing wrong? I'm "nuts?" Give it a rest! [Secret Service is already coming to GSAC; 911 is for "imminent danger" when you are me, but you "people" call for a cat in the tree, or a homeless man's "B.O.," which I try, against great odds, to not have. {Did she say, "Wash the clothes?" Have I mentioned I'm William V, Chief of State of the U.K. lately? (I JUST DID, JACKASS/STUPID BITCH).
4). THEY MISSED THE OBVIOUS NEED FOR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES, because she was reportedly disturbed by the child's birth defect, which is why he was wearing a helmet. Got a cig
6). Fire-up the usual chorus! "Hughes is crazy!" No, but I'd like to hear about some efficacious treatment for the baby-tosser, not more about Mumar's sons. Who cares about that crap? BP-BP-&BP. Who am I? Who runs BRITISH PETROLEUM? They'd better pick an island vacation spot not under USA or UK. Remember the woman who was vilified in Texas for being schizophrenic, Bible-Thumper hubby drove her to drown the kids, and she was the "problem?" I nearly went "postal" over that one, and I was not homeless and about to blow. SSI nutcases, I am not talking California "unisexual," which I hereby allege includes sex with wandering coyotes.
7). Leave it to the "other Bill" to blame their legal/illegal status, decry the "Brown Hoard," its deleterious effects on ORANGE County--EBS Tone ready?--and effectively hate his way into another sale on a 30 second spot.

Does it surprise them to know some people named FORD, HEINZ, BUSCH, COORS, WALTON and HILTON might like me? To again quote Kenny Ken-Ken, "They don't get it."

see 'ya.

Today's Satellite Joke

Hey Morgan, what did "sprinkles mean?" Have they pistol-whipped Lipson yet? Not yet?

Today's Irene Joke

Excuse my political genius dementia, but I forgot the joke I had prepared. With Saddam, it was the statue. In cali.fornia, "we" may well rip down the "Cuckoo-Dish." Did I just threaten to post two Ventura County Deputies at the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER Computer Lab door?  Yes. Did the "Recreation Supervisor" or Director have a problem with that promise, not a "threat?" No. Why so guilty? Getting a "cut" of the CRPD meth still cash? May I read my DEA e-mail? Why bother, when you were, per procedure, caught before I hit town. Ask one of "The Great Ones" among the homeless you scorn. They know, as does the Department of Homeland Security, that I am correct.

We continue, as Doug (never a last name) continues his Brain-Jacked laughing. I've warned him how many times under the Californi Civil Code to keep his distance? Who's running for president around here? Baker Hughes (BHI), I'm waiting. Wanna get n-worded?
It's just not illegal, Mr./Ms. DSM-V psychotic.
I'm wrong? Ask the Secret Service* joggers. They won't address the issue, and it is surely a good sign that my MI-5 Teen Center girl is now knocking automatons out of the mayor's way. That's in London, U.K., son. She'll be back.
So will the Home Secretary.
By the coffee pot where?
The church on WATERGATE, of course.

*16 months ahead of the General Election? I feel sooooo important (but not really). 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Taking a Walk? "He's Crazy! He's Crazy!" (No, it's perfectly safe, you dimwit)

Little too much smoke there, sir. WhatsamattaU School of Aviation? It's a distinguished college in Geneva. Thirteen votes? Are Donkeys and Elephants scared yet? Why? They have money, I don't.

Rich folks and non-profit Kingpins seem to create jobs for themselves. Given I'm a very likely Daddy Warbucks [is your I.Q. above 70? Good!] for the new millennium, my new "make work" job is as the computer voice on my new [well, taking a page from TWA, slightly used] HUGHES AIRWEST MD-11's. You want me flying? Bring a diaper!

"Wake up, you fool! And pull up, pull up."
"Put away that Penthouse, and pull up, pull up."
"Click away from Motley Fool, and pull up, pull up."
"Stow away the vibrator, girl, and pull up, pull up."
"Stop reading Hughes' blogs, and pull up, pull up." 
"Mormon nutcase in an old B-2 approaching! Dive! Dive! Like Northrup stock. Dive!" 

The stock symbol is "NOC?" Verrry interesting.
See 'ya,

CBK Catholic Quote Marks

Let us agree to fight fair. I'm a "quick study," if 'ya get what I mean.

"Every time I look up, the police are over here. They think everybody is suspects. It's all day, every day."
- Doriann Johnson, Palmdale, CA

"Could we not have any allegation against William today?"
- William Hughes, Stalag 1000 Oaks, CA

"That's a good idea."
- Andrea Koval, Simi Valley, CA

"I don't see them pull any Caucasians over with Mohawks and hoop earrings."
- Norris Carter, Los Angeles, CA

"I sold my [Northrup Grumman] stock about three years ago."
- The Northrup/Litton Mutt Walkin' Man

"I already know him [Mr. Bruce]."
- "Darrel the Great Darrel"

"We intend to peel the onion to its core."
- Tom Perez, Assistant U.S. Attorney

"William, you can find that stuff on a website."
- Rachel Cowen, Ventura, CA

"Bill, if I gave you a kick in the pants, would you fly something?"
- Toni Ramslem, 1000 Oaks, CA

"You'll never make president. You're not quick enough."
- "Ryan"/"Brian"/Bryan?/a.k.a. "Beavis"

"That's right."
- Yao, [A new Chinese pal, re: my analysis on China-Vietnam]

- G-man, re: my question. "What's goin' on?"

"I review your blogs occasionally."
- A. Koval

"Thanks, William."
- J. Gibson

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


“To grow more, you have to tax less, spend more, and regulate less.”
-          Gov. John Kasich
TAX/SPEND/REGULATE. America and United Kingdom, what else does government do? Or, perhaps this Royal candidate for president should clarify by asking, “What else do governments do that the people consented to?” Consent of the governed. Seems William IV was keen on certain citizens having some rights and <gasp> voting. He was nuts, wasn’t he? And, it’s surely a “coincidence” I have so much trouble shaving with what I call a “prison razor” due to his kingly jaw on me. [The razors are a buck at Dollar Tree—orange or gray].
No, phonetically impaired spies, I am not talking about the movie with the mechanical shark. Did I just talk to some women from Belgium, who I’ve chatted with before, who speak French on the back of the Goebel Mafia Senior Center (GSMC)? I did. “H-U.N.” topics? The immovable, and at times unreasonable French trade unionists, August in Paris, obnoxious Japanese & Americans there in 1977 (including me), and a few brave Canadian young men who were [RECACTED TO PREVENT GAY MOUNTIE DISCLOSURES ] me.
This was the very day after Jill alleged I was “crabby,” both Jill & Rachel threatened to sleep with Bruce and I in the wilds of Conejo Valley, and I was repeatedly told, “Shut up!” when I had said nothing by some fat bitch who is here right now [6:36 p.m. pdt], and if she mouths-off again, she’s “Goin’ to jail.” Who is running for president around here? And as the great Jimmy Piersall, former very weird MLB pitcher and Chicago radio voice said of his civil commitment for Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD), “I’ve got the papers to prove it!” (In my case, from the U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC), you pathetic, Brain Altered twit. When robo-spies are on you like white on rice, do not dare say “I didn’t say anything” when you did not, or that really, as I like to see, “Stirs them up.” Did that movie man say, “Shaken not stirred?” Not with Admiral Willie. F--- ‘em if they can’t take a joke. Did William IV leave them to hungry sharks in the Caribbean? No wonder I’ve got money in Georgetown, Cayman Islands, and Nassau.
Lousy c---s, you can’t have any. Not a Pound or Dollar for Mafia. Lights out at the Pentagon if I win. Don’t you want to see the Getty Image? THEM: Full dress uniform required. HUGHES: President’s Seal Ballcap, orange t-shirt, jeans, tennies, and I’ll compromise with a big, bushy ponytail. “Alright gentlemen, where in the f--- did all the money go? Medicare Part D is mighty expensive, you drunken a—holes!”
“They” really don’t want that, because yesterday, the computer addicted just yelled louder when I tried to reason with them. Later, to MARK WILLIAMS and JILL JENSEN, I said, I led my high school student government, and I led my college student government, so I know sometimes you have to apologize for the actions of others.” [Like dead innocent Pakistanis. Barack, I can’t hear you!].  Mark & Jill ignored me, but later I got some free Lemonaide, two hamburger patties, and a hot dog, with no bread.
Was the Oroweat truck parked in the lot of the America’s Best Value Motel for months in late 2008? “Shame on you for smoking!” I hollered from Room 228, not understanding the sacred traditions of Hammerin’ Hank’s “Let’s have a smoke.”Yes, to mafia(s), “bread” means MONEY, when what they are going to get is a Predator or Reaper drone over their automobiles. This is the :Real Deal”:
For example, MAG WHEELS on the City of Thousand Oaks pickup truck? [CA 1018842]. Jog through LAX, and see for yourself.

We're Baaack!

The pic was changed thanks to 120.55, the SF Tower, where I just heard, "Make a right up there at uniform. It's kinda like Area 51." In high school, Art said, "Hughes! By a landslide." In college, some chick who was in charge said, "You won by a lot." Could you all cool the "drama?" Mr. Bruce and I are mighty bored.

New HUGHES AIRWEST COLORS: It was inspired by a Tootsie Pop bestowed upon me. Dark purple, light purple, and white. Is okay with all of the mentally ill ca homeless? Thanks for not killing me.

HUGHES GROCERS is back, too! Mr. Schnuck will give me some free advice, much like the Hilton-Hughes thing on the casino hotels. Spies, I did not say anything about the great Paris Hilton, or Doug might kill me. Royal Blue Bentley-Pink Bentley? Must be nice. May I invent a crappy TV show? Sorry, gotta get to NH, and no one seems to be driving, but the Secret Service enjoys jogging around the park. Did I get nasty and they sent two girls? It's just a way to say, "We hear you," sucker!

TODAY'S SOLO SECRET SERVICE GIRL NON-VERBAL MESSAGE: "THE LEFT IS STILL TRYING TO BREAK YOUR NECK." As the Google spies say, "Tell me something I don't already know." Ugly, as I subscribed to The Nation. Did they see me reading National Review in the library? Of course they did! I had a "stare-down" with William F. Buckley one night in 1985. Or was it 1986? He got paid more than me that night. These are the facts.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why? Because You Are "Brain Altered" Campaigning for President, I will call it, "Brain-Jacked--Locked-Down!" (Loudly, like Howard Dean in 2004)

Looks like a satellite. And by the way, where are mine, BOEING? 

Could someone tell me why a lamp is left on in the GOEBEL SENIOR ADULT CENTER TV Room often that looks a lot like the one we (Bill, Beth, Janet) huddled around after MARGARET MARY HUGHES tried to murder CHARLES EDWARD HUGHES?
I said, "Mom why are you boiling water this late?" "I'm making spaghetti!" she hollered. I went to my room as told. I knew what she was doing. I heard the scream. I peeled off my father's clothes, and YOU ARE ALL GOING TO PRISON FOR A VERY LONG TIME.
Gee, why did mom fight me for the phone? Why did the ambulance get "lost?" Why were the Bellefontaine Neighbors, Missouri cops so slow? Why did Charles not die? We're hardy, not "vampires."

How about (Navy) grandma "Goldie?" She looked at me and said, "Billy, I am going to die." I said, "Aw, grandma, don't die." I looked NORTH, out a dirty window of the old Depaul Hospital, in Saint Louis Missouri, and thought, "Why is a hospital window so dirty, and why is grandma dying?" SHE WAS MURDERED BY neo-NAZIS. Wanna fight about it? I've got (100% legal) nukes.* Where did Charles Hughes tell me she had died, or rather, been murdered. A GERMAN neighborhood.
Ready to "Call the cops?" No, I'm calling a boring Secret Service meeting at the same Goebel table as the fake ones, and who is being arrested over that stupid stunt? I await, to borrow a U.S. Supreme Court word, a "scintilla" of justice. IMPOSTOR AGENT NAMES = "VALENTINE">>Pamela Blum's 2001 9/11 coming Valentine & "CLARK" is the street where the main POLICE STATION is located in my home town. Not amusing at all. Did I mention I'll use nuclear weapons within the USA as your president, if necessary? What say ye, Newt? Mitt? It's that bad, gentlemen.

*Have I threatened the USA or the President of the U.S. lately? As "Vera" [never a last name] said, "You don't have a way to hurt anybody." Don't believe her? Ask the Secret Service. They won't tell you a damn thing.

"Mister Hughes will now exit the building." [after a 5 min. quickie conference with Jill]

Let's Go Crazy! (No, you're not!)

That's Harry Truman's version of Air Force One. Who invented the Boeing 747 as a "Let's Have a Nuclear War" command post? Grandpa? No wonder they are scared of me lately, with good reason.

VC-118. Have I done anything wrong in the past few minutes, according to the Goebel Senior Adult Center staff? I directed two Chinese ladies back to the Computer Lab. They were here on the wrong night. I told Rachel I am William V, and she said I threatened her. If Mr. Bruce and I are still alive in the morning, I will [REDACTED BY THE ALL-MUSLIM, ALL COMMUNIST, ALL NIGGAH U.S. ARMYl
I'm working for the Army, like grandma? No stranger thing has ever happened on Earth, but then again, I did get along well with the Army truck drivers I supervised in 1985. They called me "Hannibal." What has changed, except I know I'm HH's grandson? Last "Army Code," was "Aw, f--- it!" and that I can understand without going to Harvard or MIT. Why not accuse me of working for the Russian army as well? Why would I care when I essentially own the freakin' world, and you people out here in Cal.i.fornia were waiting for me how long? Since 1991, when I was eating too much Chinese with Barb, or 1971, when another Bill said, "They can read your license plate from space," or maybe it was 1964, when my Catholic nuns did the little "quote marks" with their fingers, like Caroline Kennedy on Letterman.

More "coincidence?" If I pull up that U-tube after a day like today, the SWAT Team might have to get busy.
I am listening to KWMU.
Has WGBH been bombed yet? Not yet?
May I listen to KSHE in Saint Louis, Missouri?

Excuse me, I have to get back to my e-mail. I will share a bit, ca "Key Rattlers" & (defaced) "Coin Bangers." Why do the following persons have clones?


Here is a future quote for Jill & Rachel, who have heard through illegal bugging devices I will take them to court over their verbal contracts to work for me at twice a starting teacher's salary. My candidacy is far from a joke girls, and Air Force One did indeed almost hit my poor little Mazda 323 on I-170 in Missouri. [They are supposed to close the Interstate]. As for my I-64 highway inspection before I could have tossed a rock at "Dubyah," you have to pay for the story by bringing bread for the burger & hot dog Jill gave me after the blitzkrieg barbecue today. Who was in Bush's "Refrigeration Truck" blabbing on his cell phone? Did you know that whole close encounter started with the Secret Service helicopter buzzing 911 St. Rita? Get it right in the movie if they murder my ass! Later in life, a "Point Blank Bird-Flip" at Bush because he parked too close to my "missing" Nissan 240SX? I told you, that's Kenny's Chicken Salad smeared on the window, and I thought it was the Department of Homeland Security in the limo. Get a clue, as they like me, too. (Maybe a lot). Their girls were nice, and like cops, they told me where they worked.)

"We" Can Only Hope

With the kind of scum I see running about not-so-safe THOUSAND OAKS, CALIFORNIA, I sure hope Mr. Bruce left me a bomb in his backpack. Remote control detonation from the County Jail? Beeuuutiful! Or, Hughes will say, "I'm no nuclear terror St. Patrick. Could you bring them all back?"

Set-up: Rick, the Administrative Clerk, had returned to the GSAC.
"Rick, I wondered if you were abducted, or on vacation."
For the record, he laughed (a little).

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011 @ 3:45 p.m. in Thousand Oaks, CA USA (I think it's not Mexico. Not yet)

What is this? In Concord, NH (November, 2007), the "cable guy" said, "Your code is WATER," just like a spy movie. I was not amused. Then, the Verizon Man showed up, and..... First $20 in 2009 "T.O."? Not who you think! It was an LA fireman. Why was his photo in the newspaper? I have no idea. Hey, so f___ing fired Secret Service, is the guy to my right gay? Sure he is. Where's "Jane?" She's not a lesbian, however, she's on some sort of "mission" that [WAS REDACTED BY SARKOZY'S FLUNKIES] .
I am never taking a damn Yoga class, yet Heidi Klum did, and...So hot! At age 37? Not too old for me, right?
Real-time spookies, pardon the delay. I thought my People Magazine clippings "disappeared." HughesIsNotPerfectCorrection: Ms. Klum is 38.
WTC pics on p. 64? Provocation, provocation, provocation.
Roseanne has a new TV show. John Goodman is from Saint Louis. So am I.
President Obama does actual, empirically measurable work in the Treaty Room? So will I. Thanks, you lousy, low-down, piece of (&^$&)+(*
How old is Cindy Crawford? Who cares? Nice "Clothing Hint."
"GLORIA FRANK" guarding WTC ruins? Not funny. EBS tone ready?
Tom Cruise with that hat on, like [    ]. Wow! This ain't Kirksville, Missouri!
Is Christina Applegate married? Boyfriend? Tell the truth!
Who's that behind Jolie? Whew! They had it all wrong, didn't they?
Jennifer Garner looks highly normal as a not glamorous soccer mom. Please, no more glorification of spying on TV or in the movies, or I'll...wait a minute. Is Ms. Dunaway's agent waiting in the GSAC Social Lobby Area? Not yet?
Am I writing Rainbow II? I just can't help myself. Got anything better to do, like run for president?

How Was That Big Drunken MA Clambake? (with VC-25A parked down the road). Me? I hung out with USA's Homeless/Helpless

Did I not tell you drunken sailors we/you are OUT OF MONEY. Don't believe Hughes. Ask that black guy. I forgot his name. Now they want credit cards only for Navy? We shall see about that, Ryan.

Annapolis just doesn't get it. "Instant Savings" on the first day of any Hughes Administration. Welcome to the "Unified Service Adademy." Saves money. Just as safe, you shall be. No destructive rivalry between branches of "The Service?" Ever read a book, son? Not a romace novel, girls. I worked for the government. I really did. Call a judge in Missourah and ask.

Ready girls?

Our cell phone does not work!
We don't know the court's phone number!
Or the correct area code! (314)
We love Big Government!
We want Big, Big, Government!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Real Life Teleplay II

Jill opens the cabinet.

Listen you two, this e-mail is to the Department of Justice. If you won't let me send it, you're breaking a law.

Jill stares down at her shoes.

Four thirty?

Time Warner Man turns beet red.


One minute later, Hughes clicks "Send."

There. I'm outta here.

Jill exits the Lab.

I've got the cart!

As Hughes departs, a final "zinger."

Who took Mike's sunglasses? That really pisses me off.

What cart is she talking about?
Ralph was not my uncle.
My great-uncle was not a United States Supreme Court Chief Justice.
Howard who?
Ready "T.O.?" Two female Secret Service Agents. One under each armpit. They start carrying me away. I ask, "Where are we going?" The answer? "Wherever you want, when you get some of your own damn money!"