Tuesday, August 2, 2011

"Crankiness?" Google Trust Fund Babies, Blogging Is Not Our New Legal System, or BOOM, Where'd Mountain View go?

May I start an airline with my oil money? Thanks. Got aerospace, too. In the USA & EU. Got mafia? NO. Well, depends upon how you define "got." Did you say mafia is riding upon U.S. 101 during the Hughes Administration? Terrorists, you say? On go the screens, and not a single nail will go in the wall, as with many spying landlords. "You are sure?" I will ask. "Positive?" And, I think they will say, "Yes, sir."
"Call the CHP, and get that crap off the freeway."
Mobby Man, it's your car, blown-up and burning.
Can you spell "terrorist?"

I shall try to maintain my good humor, Blumenthal:

Oh, it's only Mark. I thought someone was trying to sneak up behind me. 

Yeah, I'm an idiot.

"Huckleberry Hound" wants to know what's going on around here. And, the guys slumming since '79 said, "You aren't gonna tell on us, are you?" I said, "No, why would I care you're out here drinking Heineken?" Luggage? By 5, or it goes to the Sal Army? Or, was it Goodwill?

Nah, you truly don't get it. 50,000 watts or so on stage left and stage right. "Do you want ayatollahs in America? No, you don't!" blah, blah, blah
Here comes the dispassionate political reviews:
"Gosh by golly, he moves around."
"He jumps."
"He hollers."
"He taunts his perceived enemies." [Like worldwide mafia(s)].
"He dared 'Seal Team 6' to shoot his ass? Over the top!"
We hate it!
We love it!
We don't care about it.

One thing I know, boys, is many are going to prison from Ventura County over badass corruption, since 1974? 1964? 1954? Back further? Of course!

I'm crazy? The Hughes brain was at work. Where did I first meet that guy? ZAP! North Federal Highway & East Commercial, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 2004. What month? Scumbuckets, even I am not that good at whatever you little shits are up to, because I don't do all that.

Running. Winning. Yes, my ancestors, we Royals, and the folks we tossed, called it the "United States of America," and every four years, you need a president. Big deal. "Need a job, man." Homeless? "Need housing, as with White House." Am I confusing you, son?

Deaf? Crazy? "Tweeking?" Too bad for you.
I'll make you that way, tonight.
Vacation? I did not start that round of wisecracking.

She must be joining the Mafia!

I think she already belongs to that organization.

As for the spy-ambiguous "other one," Hughes sez, "How 'bout that arch?" D.C., too? Wow! Aren't we getting busy!

We're all "nuts," Nazi-boy?
Try the airport tower in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
It's call letters are KSMP.
What was that, sir?

"Take a breather and a Valium, and you'll be good to go."
[They're flying the plane, not drug-free me]

Before TSA molestation, I sat:
In the back on the DC-9 & Boeing 727
(Engine noise is good. My help in the back row complained--a lot).
At the wing on the 707 & 737.
(Engines are good. Don't fall off, please, like when I drove by O'Hare in 1979. U.S. Soldier/Sailor Boy, they ran the by today's standards primitive simulator, and he should have gotten out of that. I knew it before I read it, because I am The Aviator's grandson, and you are not, you little spying puke).

I don't think I'm dying, but that said, get it right in the movie.

Hughes walks out of the shadows smoking a cigarette. He approaches the Time Warner video truck.

Hi. I'm Howard Hughes' grandson, and I've been trying to buy you guys.

We're just TV people.

We're trying to make sure no one gets hurt.

Oh yeah?

Hughes peers into the truck and sees all of the gear is off.

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