Wednesday, August 24, 2011


“To grow more, you have to tax less, spend more, and regulate less.”
-          Gov. John Kasich
TAX/SPEND/REGULATE. America and United Kingdom, what else does government do? Or, perhaps this Royal candidate for president should clarify by asking, “What else do governments do that the people consented to?” Consent of the governed. Seems William IV was keen on certain citizens having some rights and <gasp> voting. He was nuts, wasn’t he? And, it’s surely a “coincidence” I have so much trouble shaving with what I call a “prison razor” due to his kingly jaw on me. [The razors are a buck at Dollar Tree—orange or gray].
No, phonetically impaired spies, I am not talking about the movie with the mechanical shark. Did I just talk to some women from Belgium, who I’ve chatted with before, who speak French on the back of the Goebel Mafia Senior Center (GSMC)? I did. “H-U.N.” topics? The immovable, and at times unreasonable French trade unionists, August in Paris, obnoxious Japanese & Americans there in 1977 (including me), and a few brave Canadian young men who were [RECACTED TO PREVENT GAY MOUNTIE DISCLOSURES ] me.
This was the very day after Jill alleged I was “crabby,” both Jill & Rachel threatened to sleep with Bruce and I in the wilds of Conejo Valley, and I was repeatedly told, “Shut up!” when I had said nothing by some fat bitch who is here right now [6:36 p.m. pdt], and if she mouths-off again, she’s “Goin’ to jail.” Who is running for president around here? And as the great Jimmy Piersall, former very weird MLB pitcher and Chicago radio voice said of his civil commitment for Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD), “I’ve got the papers to prove it!” (In my case, from the U.S. Federal Election Commission (FEC), you pathetic, Brain Altered twit. When robo-spies are on you like white on rice, do not dare say “I didn’t say anything” when you did not, or that really, as I like to see, “Stirs them up.” Did that movie man say, “Shaken not stirred?” Not with Admiral Willie. F--- ‘em if they can’t take a joke. Did William IV leave them to hungry sharks in the Caribbean? No wonder I’ve got money in Georgetown, Cayman Islands, and Nassau.
Lousy c---s, you can’t have any. Not a Pound or Dollar for Mafia. Lights out at the Pentagon if I win. Don’t you want to see the Getty Image? THEM: Full dress uniform required. HUGHES: President’s Seal Ballcap, orange t-shirt, jeans, tennies, and I’ll compromise with a big, bushy ponytail. “Alright gentlemen, where in the f--- did all the money go? Medicare Part D is mighty expensive, you drunken a—holes!”
“They” really don’t want that, because yesterday, the computer addicted just yelled louder when I tried to reason with them. Later, to MARK WILLIAMS and JILL JENSEN, I said, I led my high school student government, and I led my college student government, so I know sometimes you have to apologize for the actions of others.” [Like dead innocent Pakistanis. Barack, I can’t hear you!].  Mark & Jill ignored me, but later I got some free Lemonaide, two hamburger patties, and a hot dog, with no bread.
Was the Oroweat truck parked in the lot of the America’s Best Value Motel for months in late 2008? “Shame on you for smoking!” I hollered from Room 228, not understanding the sacred traditions of Hammerin’ Hank’s “Let’s have a smoke.”Yes, to mafia(s), “bread” means MONEY, when what they are going to get is a Predator or Reaper drone over their automobiles. This is the :Real Deal”:
For example, MAG WHEELS on the City of Thousand Oaks pickup truck? [CA 1018842]. Jog through LAX, and see for yourself.

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