Tuesday, August 30, 2011

GE #3-5240-C

Me up there? No problem.

Out to dinner with females? Big problem. Mafia, just say I'm gay.

As local mafias gasp and moan, may I use the free & fun DELL 755? Thanks.

The man walked past and said, "Radio," as I was dying [again] on a crpd park bench. KGO? So stinky! KFN? Unspeakable! CBS affiliate in the City of Devils (LAX)? Two minutes behind Starbucks/Microsoft time? In my script called Immaculate, which a billion Roman Catholics want to see today as a movie, it was a three minute "time trick," and the newsman said, "At three minutes after the hour"...[aw crap, the clock's stuck, because the Virgin Mary did another f---ing miracle. How dare she! I am CBK, and I married a nice Jewish fellow]

He's nuts! He's nuts! [Repeat PRN until your psychotropic medicine kicks-in] {What is a movie? We are "Brain-Altered" in Thousand Oaks, all of our youth are on drugs, and--add drool here--we'll send a V------ Movie type director to fool him in the Dollar Tree, and then.....\\saw her headshot in, uh, 1999? 2000? 2001?} What was that AM station from Las Vegas, where the newslady said, basically, that she was being spied upon and followed to the radio station by some creep, but this is now such a part of the fabric of American life, if you are more than the trash truck driver, you rebs do not much care. Joke? I guess legal consequences on the "tailing" depends on her looks.

The U.S. Navy is following trash trucks around? They are the original intel "trash pickers," and blamed the FBI when John Lennon was shot by a little nerd? How rude! Get the facts, when "they" allow Mr. Bruce and I to leave "T.O." I WILL DRIVE, HE WILL WATCH THE FEDERALLY MANDATED RED, WHITE, AND BLUE SIGNS.

Flash forward:

"Are we still going east? Did you see a sign? You sure?"

Where is that poor Kennedy boy? Bottom of the pile, you say?

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