Tuesday, August 2, 2011

One's Mafia, One's Secret Service (And What's The Difference?)

REASONABLE, RATIONAL, QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Monetary policy cannot solve every problem"
- Thomas Hoenig


This man was supposedly caught by our valiant, and oh so FIRED en toto Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), when he probably overdrew my People For The Real Deal account by $89 in 2008, right Barack? 1989? Want my Facebook "secret code," spygirls? You can have it. Is that Jew who started Facebook making any money? I'm not. Does Jill's Facebook class require a fee? Got any money? Got a beer? Got a cig? Got a f---ing light? Jackie's lighter cracked under mysterious circumstances. No mystery. Pilgrims, I was on the HWY 23 & Janss cloverleaf, sleeping under a tree full of Tree Rats. Trimming my hair, I was. I said, "If this gets any weirder, they'll break this scissors out of my hand." CRACK. No more scissors. Off to the Dollar Tree. Color kooks, the broken by grav beams one was YELLOW, the new one that still works, despite chopping zucchini with it, is ORANGE.

Be glad you are still alive.
Be glad you eat zucchini once a year.
Be glad this is a one-term sorta black president. How black is he? Who cares?

The photo is from Clinton's 1996 campaign. He won. Hughes sees a man he sees at the Goebel Senior Adult Center in the crowd. As I say too often, "What were/are you doing there/here?" What was he doing there? I do not work for the government, and don't get all "fake CIA" around here, or I may be forced to call the CHP. They won't like it, and we'll all look stupid.


How many Secret Service are around Bill? [Not this Bill, that Bill, as with Clinton. He was once the president, drugboy. He really was. You don't remember? I think your pot is too strong, and I am entitled to my opinion] As for why I recognize the guy on the far right with cool shades and only half a face, we are not discussing that today.

What can candidate Hughes call the FBI's "Operation Dark Market?" "A big BLEEPing set up." Or, is the proper term "entrapment?" I'll have to consult that Kennedy girl. She went to law school. I studied the foundations of the law. Almost the same thing, without three martini lunches, and possibly stiffs in the black Caddy's trunk, until they become malodorous, anyway. High opinion of the legal profession? Not after a six-plus hour deposition. The next one is sixty hours? In a row? Sir, I will sleep on the floor and be glad of it. That old darkie Heinz taught me that.

Rachel, I'm telling on you, if I don't get a notebook. Jim and I don't know or care what the f--- Twitter is. How about that new Samsung computer with Linux and Google Chrome on it. $429? 16 gigs of storage is small? I write books & screenplays, and I'm not a "game kook." Got a non-Microsoft word processor on that thang? I'm there. Does somebody from the real government spy on computer game kooks? I almost support this, from what I've seen in and near KookLAland. Why was Faye watching me? Never mind. As for why the notebook looks like my Secret Service girl's bag, I'm not expounding on it. Did I give something away?

Gun! Gun in the Billiard Room! Get down!

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