Monday, August 8, 2011

London Burning/London Calling (not) Hit It, Springsteen! Where was i born?

This New York Daily News poll number just in! 75% of the American people think our/your U.S. economy is either "going downhill" or they are moronically "not sure."
I did not go there. USA's "scummy Navy" does not allow crying, and they frown on masturbating when on the boat. Drinking is okay, however. As I say, per Navy Times of all sources, "Drivin' the boat drunk, eh?!" The rabbits in my crpd park love it! As does the "Fischerman" across the crik. His shotgun blast is a form of approval, I hope. No cops come. Why would they? This is government business, I think. How would I be sure Mr. Brilliant, with, as I also say, "Not a scrap of actual intelligence product." Was that General Patreus in civvies staring at the back door to the Mafia Billiard Room? I only caught a glimpse.
Let's the General trying to catch "M," or did "M" already catch him? I feel a "T.O. Headache" coming on.
How about I get that Medal of Freedom, end up elected President of the United States, have a big demonstration, toss the medal over the White House fence, and then say, to a lot of cameras, "Wait a minute. I guess I'll have to go around and pick it back up." Oh, the irony! The comedy! No tragedy. Not yet, unless what's her name was lying about murdered for sure James. Where did my Phillip K. Dick notes go? They disappeared?  What the hell is this?

Settle down, Tea Party people, but you should know that at this moment I have a room full of "hackers" who can read my mind with a spooky "ObammyDish." They do not want an uncomplimentary photo of the president on this or any other website. <hack, hack, hack> I beat them, so in a few seconds I will make 100% legal fun of the first "person of color" president. That is far better than the "n-word," right? I've lost my middle-class suburban boy manners after eight years of torture & psy-op, fellahs, And, I maintain there is a cadre of old hard-core CIA retirees dining on Prime Rib and saying shit like, "He's catching on, but still so slow!," regarding M&M, which since 1946 meant Murder & Mayhem.

Okay ca kooks, try to say I don't know what I'm talking about on the brain/mind control stuff. What did I study on the side all throughout the 1990's, and wrote a widely read, but not published book about? Neuroscience. Duh. Did you join the Army at 18? Too bad for you, idiot. How about my story of bitching out an approximately 24 year-old CANADIAN MOUNTIE/SECRET SERVICE TYPE GUY in 1977. What plaza was it? Spain, right? Son, they are fanned-out, and I'm looking at the Maple Leafs on the back of their backpacks. Why are their backs to me in a semi-circle around us as I bitched-out the boss? Who are you? Just another idiot going to prison. Who am I? A "mental case?" A liar? Nope. The poor Mountie is looking at a 21 year-old version of me like, "Oh my God, I'm already getting told where to stick it by William V." I did not know all of that. Now that I do, I think my RAF ought to do something about that goddamn n>>>>>>>>>>zzzffffppphhhjpsszzkttowooooo.....Is the Internet still on? Andrea! I'm tattling to the FBI! Yes, I am! Please, don't make me come back in the Eurofighter, which is what I want to do, Jill. Rachel? So ____

Didn't Taryn and the gang love it @Starbucks last night, as I'm BUTA. (Bugged Up The Ass).  So, I pretended like I was trying to return to an aircraft carrier after [lawyers! lawyers! lawyers!] LA, and I could not hit the deck. Solution? Ditch a 200 million dollar aircraft and fish me out of the drink. Don't you know I'd f--- with the Royal Navy until there was a few drops of fuel left, and then screech, screech. "You fucking assholes doubted me?. Off with your heads! This is the goddamn King in this here disappearing airplane! No ale for you morons tonight! Bread and water and all of that shit! You fucking limeys are the worst! I wanna go back to California. It's so bad I did what? It's gone? What are you talking about, sailor? These men need drug tests or something. What the hell is wrong with them?"
Anybody from Goebel in the crowd? I'm always trying to help.

Doesn't he look stupid? Be honest, liberals.
(R) (D) & (P) May I have a dollar? Five? Ten?

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