Thursday, August 25, 2011

Taking a Walk? "He's Crazy! He's Crazy!" (No, it's perfectly safe, you dimwit)

Little too much smoke there, sir. WhatsamattaU School of Aviation? It's a distinguished college in Geneva. Thirteen votes? Are Donkeys and Elephants scared yet? Why? They have money, I don't.

Rich folks and non-profit Kingpins seem to create jobs for themselves. Given I'm a very likely Daddy Warbucks [is your I.Q. above 70? Good!] for the new millennium, my new "make work" job is as the computer voice on my new [well, taking a page from TWA, slightly used] HUGHES AIRWEST MD-11's. You want me flying? Bring a diaper!

"Wake up, you fool! And pull up, pull up."
"Put away that Penthouse, and pull up, pull up."
"Click away from Motley Fool, and pull up, pull up."
"Stow away the vibrator, girl, and pull up, pull up."
"Stop reading Hughes' blogs, and pull up, pull up." 
"Mormon nutcase in an old B-2 approaching! Dive! Dive! Like Northrup stock. Dive!" 

The stock symbol is "NOC?" Verrry interesting.
See 'ya,

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