Friday, August 12, 2011

What Was I Thinking/Saying?

Spies lie a lot, but one said I'm the fifth face up there? Not funny, this Torture, USA program. I keep telling you, it's like a Ma Bell Area Code overlay. Your neighbors may be getting tortured! As a guy way in the know said, in about 1997, "It's bad out here, man." REAL BAD out west, sir.

A country song I want for a commercial inspired this outburst of TRUTH. Would it kill you to backannounce a bit? I was in that business briefly, too. [We're having a few technical difficulties here. Did Howard really burp the satellite during Nixon's resignation speech? That rascal! No wonder they are scared of me now.]

Recipient: "J.J.": "No, I'm not okay in here. I'm going to throw a billiard ball at the window. It won't break because we've got mental hospital glass in here. Why is that? Uh, huh. Why's that? Bunch of deaf spies around here!"

Recipient" "A.G.": "So, I wrote the character just for her. And, you know what she'll say, don't you? 'Hughes, get outta here, or I'm calling the cops'."

Recipient: "B.M.": "She's what? What's a punky lame-assed bitch? I do not know what that means. Do you like her music? She looks pretty cute up close."

Recipient: "G": "Quick! Name one of his records! How about a song? I don't have time for this. What does he have to do with anything? He was on that American Idol show? How come you don't know his music? Can you make sense? Is that too much to ask?"
hack, hack, hack. put your backs into it, anarchists!
Recipient: "R.C.": "Don't be like that. I'm trying to suck up. Or, maybe I should say "curry favor." One gaffe and I'm gone. You know how it is. Huh? You can't do that! But you work here. Don't make me get all Clinton! Not yet. It's too early in the proceedings."

Recipient: "S. Lobby Area": "What? A bona fide A-Teamer? I know what that meant! So, they're all gone? I kinda figured that. You're going in there? That figures."

Recipient: "Reception Area Anonymity": "What was that? He had 'Commonwealth of Massachusetts' stenciled on his forehead! And, what did he say? I refuse to disclose who he ran off with."

Recipient: "crpd Rabbits": "Oh, I get it! They know I'm on to the escalating argument, so if somebody pulls a gun, I just roll over the wall. CLUNK-CLUNK. Well, this won't stop an assault rifle. Handgun, yes. Hiding inside like Steph and Vickie, eh? Then, when I got right on top of them, the other one marched by with the "Rainbow Bag." I heard her coming. Damn! I'm working for myself out here--without much of a net. Not right!"

Recipient: "B": "Why I was bitching about our first black president? I don't recall. I'll take the Fifth. Why was he looking scary like that? I said, 'Who's replacing him?' and he said, 'You are'. Around the West corner of the building he went. I'll never see that guy again. And, like what's his name, let's all curse-out Hollywood and go West."

Recipient: "D.S": Where's all of your little buddies? Who's that guy? Did you get married? I think I'll watch some more U.K. rioting, if the Goebel modem doesn't blow up."

Yes, I've got 50 cents for coffee, and you are buying your own, motherf___er. I did in fact injure myself setting up the "Puzzle Table," and I am not talking "spy talk." Would it kill you to comp a donut? I don't seem to have any M-O-N-EY. Not at the present time.

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